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Shirking Responsibility

strwbryk's picture

Hello, new to the page and looking for some parenting help.  I am a 38 year old stepmom to a 10 year old boy.  I have no biological children of my own.  In order for our stepson to earn fun things he has to do chores or some form of a learning activity.  Usually this is no big deal and he is very easy going about it with the occasional complaint or whining.  A standard daily activity is to read two chapters out of a book.  He started the Harry Potter series last year in August and already got through all the books.  We did a movie marathon of all the movies as he finished the books and were supposed to take him to Universal Studios as a reward if he finished them all prior to a planned trip to California however COVID happened and it was cancelled.  He’s currently reading the Percy Jackson series and we watched the first two movies after he finished each book.

My husband and I will speak in broken Spanish in front of him when we don't want him to know what we're saying and he doesn't like this so he started online Spanish lessons as well.  He asked if he could read one chapter of his book and do one unit of Spanish instead of reading two chapters in his book and we said that is a good idea.  It was his idea and it had been going well.  My husband and I also started taking Russian lessons online so that we'd have a new language to use if we wanted to discuss something without him knowing what we're saying as well as show him that it's great to keep learning throughout life.  

In the past few weeks he has started putting up a fight about the reading and Spanish more and more, even before school started.  And for reference, he has been reading since summer 2019 and through the school year so this is not something new to him since COVID hit.  He will ask if he can play video games and in response I'll ask if he did his reading or Spanish yet, knowing that he has not.  He confirms he did not do it so I tell him he needs to get those done in order to earn video game time.  To read one chapter and do one unit of Spanish is less than 30 minutes depending on how focused he is on it.  He will completely shut down now when he knows he has to get these done.  Barely answers in one word answers, eventually says he just wants to go back to grandma's where his mother is currently living or tries to go to his room to get out of it.  He will also try the "I don't have to do that at grandma's" and lately it has turned into him calling me mean.  

His father will also reinforce this issue and has kept his son out of kung fu here and there as a punishment for not owning his responsibilities.  Kung Fu has been explained as a "get to do" not a "have to do".  School is a have to do and we liken it to him as his job.  We've been working on adding chores to his responsibilities and learning is also one of those responsibilities even if it is outside of school.  He's had play time removed, toys put away to be played with another time and/or play time with friends canceled if he doesn't get his reading or Spanish done.  He keeps bringing it back to I'm mean because I make him do this and he doesn't have to do it at grandma's house.  He tries to say I yell at him (I don't, I talk through why this behavior will not work as he gets older) or that I am mean because I take away his toys.  I asked him when I take away his toys, and he said it's when he doesn't do his reading.  When I asked why that's mean or different than when grandma takes away his cell phone I'm told that she will give it back.  He has said before that grandma will threaten to take away his phone but she doesn’t really do it.

His grandparents on his mom’s side have two adult daughters that live with them and they are enablers through and through.  His mother got evicted from her townhouse when we bought our house together.  His aunt has always lived with grandma and grandpa and paid to have "her" bathroom remodeled.  As far as I know neither adult daughter contributes to household expenses and when he is over there grandma is more of a mother than his biological mother.  Grandma will take him to his kung fu lessons, was actively taking him to/from school and helping with homework.  Grandma cooks and if mom has to get food for him it is drive through at McDonalds.  Mom's version of responsibility is saying it is someone else's problem.  Before she was evicted, she had over $3,000 coming in each month between child support from two dads and alimony and she still got evicted because of non-payment.  She tried to claim the landlord had it out for her, yet mysteriously she wasn't paying her rent.  No drug or alcohol issues that we know of and we’ll never know where the money went.  When my husband got a new car his ex was jealous so within a month she got a new vehicle.  She did not budget well and ended up having no money for rent so her mom covered it for her.

In the past month mom went to Florida for two weeks to visit her old/current boyfriend.  We heard three different dates of when she'd be back, and it broke her son's heart each time she didn't get home when he expected.  She claimed she never told him the other two dates yet her mother was preparing to go to the airport and bring him with to pick mom up when she arrived.  When she finally did get home on a Wednesday evening he said he wanted to spend a whole week with her.  By Friday morning was texting his dad asking him to come pick up their son on Saturday morning when he got off his work shift.  His son called him on Friday and asked him to come get him too.  Less than three full days with his mom and he was bored.

We have taken my stepson on numerous vacations and family trips.  He's done a European road trip with us, traveled around the US and doesn't really want for anything.  He has never been a greedy child nor has he gone in a store with the "I want" mentality demanding that we buy XYZ for him.  He is a very friendly boy and makes friends wherever we go.  Chores are not new to him and he has been asking to learn about earning money and spending money for a while now.  He does well in school and doesn't typically have issues with homework or getting it done.  He has seen me work through a graduate program and his dad work through an online associate’s degree to eventually go for a bachelor’s degree.  Continuing education is celebrated in our house.

Sorry for the long post.  Tried to give as much context to our situation to allow for a decent review.  Any suggestions would be appreciated!  

ESMOD's picture

It may be a bit of Covid restlessness that is causing this.  It sounds like to an extent, that you have him very structured with very firm expectations.  It isn't horrible.. but as he is getting older.. he may press back on those boundaries... if you want to hold firm, he will need to learn that since he had a part in choosing these that he needs to follow through at least to Xpoint.  

I see nothing wrong with him getting a vacation from this.. you don't want to turn it into being a "chore" to learn and read.. it's supposed to be fun.. and if it turns into too much of a grind you may kill his desire.

I think you need to figure out how to have private conversations away from him vs using a different language.. he is old enough to understand you are trying to hide something from him.. it's actually kind of rude to do that.. even though I understand not all convo is meant for small ears... I would go to a private place vs speaking in front of him.

advice.only2's picture

So Kung Fu is a get to do, but him choosing to take Spanish on his own initiative has become a has to do? No I don't agree with that.
He's 10 and these are the years they start challenging rules and boundaries more because they are starting that transition from child to pre-teen then teenager. It's a rough transition honestly.
I would offer up other options to reading, maybe taking a virtual tour of an art exhibit or a museum, going for a hike or riding his bike. Reading is great, but when you start forcing them to do it and it becomes a chore they lose the passion and love for reading as a hobby.

strwbryk's picture

Hi All,

Thanks for your input so far!  Wanted to clarify some points.  Our home is not the only area where Spanish is spoken.  We live in an area where there is a large, native Spanish speaking community.  He hears it at Kung Fu and school as well and has asked about learning it for those reasons as well as hearing us speak it.  This is not something that is forced on him and he can opt out of it to go back to reading only if he would like to earn screen time.  I spoke to his dad and we agree to keep the Spanish speaking only to be used as conversation with him going forward, not to speak over him.  This goes for the Russian we are learning too.  Appreciate the input on this one!

Regarding the choice in Russian, that is also a personal choice for us.  It will assist us with what we have going on in life and that's reason enough.  The decision was not made because it is a difficult language or to teach him to go for the hardest thing out there.  And it is not something we expect him to learn either. 

Neither the reading nor Spanish lessons are required here on a daily basis.  They are a means of earning screen time.  This can also be earned with chores around the house.  There are times where he has had the opportunity to play with friends and we waived reading/chores so he could play.  We've also done it where he finished school for the day, let him play video games for 30 minutes then get the reading and Spanish done.  Some days he does house chores instead and that’s fine too. 

The underlying objective is to teach him that fun things need to be earned, rather than just give, give give.  That being said there are times where it has already been communicated to him that it is something to be done and he has agreed to it, when it comes time for him to start he gets stubborn and only wants to do the fun things of his choosing.  It doesn’t matter if it’s his dad or I enforcing it, he will shut down and get in a very negative mental cycle where he only focuses on what he considers the bad stuff.  In these instances he has had his phone taken away, no video games, potentially had play time cancelled or he doesn't get to go to Kung Fu.  The mental shut down can happen for household chores too, like vacuuming his room.  It’s been happening more lately with the book/Spanish lessons. 

As far as the book choice goes, thanks for the advice to offer a different book!  We will see if he'd like to pick a different one when he's here next.  

Appreciate the input!

tog redux's picture

Three things:

1. Therapy might be good for him, given his mother's flakiness.

2. He sounds like an anxious kid who would work better for rewards than for punishments.  So if he completes all of his tasks, he gets to earn a star on a chart and can trade those in (when he gets a certain amount) for a reward at some other time (nothing big, don't have to break the bank - more video gaming time, staying up late one night, whatever).

3. Also, to me - Kung Fu should not be taken away - exercise and discipline is good for him.

strwbryk's picture

1. We've tried the therapy route and mom blocks it each time.  When he dad spoke to his lawyer about it, it would end up being an uphill, costly legal battle to make it happen and overall they didn't see a need for it.

2. His reward is screen time when he finishes his chores/reading/Spanish.  We'll ask him if there are different rewards that would work better for him.  We tried the star chart and allowance over the years and they didn't do much for him.

3. This one is his dad's decision.  

ESMOD's picture

It seems a bit miserly to only let him "earn" playtime.. and not allow him to have some reasonable amount of it that isn't some kind of transaction that he has to trade chores for fun.  Letting him play "sometimes".. seems arbitrary.. It would seem reasonable that he would have a "bank" of "free" hours to use through the week but could earn more.  Instead of teaching him that you need to work for what you want.. it may inadvertently teach him that chores/reading/learning are unpleasant medicine he must choke down to get to doing the "fun" things... it could end up making him like learning less and be even more inclined to live a much different way when he has more control over the dynamic.  Also finding new and different ways to learn and explore his interests so he doesn't get bored and see learning as a chore.  

Rags's picture

I would not put much thought into the why, instead focus on the what.

He is a kid, he wants to play video games, so he is manipulating.

As for learning a new language so you can talk when the kid is around without him unserstanding... you and DH need to grow some parental testicular fortitude and just tell the kid to go to his room when you want to have adult conversations.