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My Boyfriends 6 year old daughter and seperation anxiety and jealousy of my 2 year old son

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Starting to find things increasingly difficult with the relationship that I have, my boyfriends daughter since christmas has been causing no end of problems, him and his ex wife were told she has seperation anxiety disorder because she started to refuse to stay at her dads.

I am trying really hard to be supportive but the last 4 months have been very tough, me and my boyfriend have been together over a year. I have a 2 year old boy and he has a son also 2 years old and a daughter 6 years old. We used to do lots of things together but now that has all changed.

Firstly she is jealous because the boys are the same age and she feels left out, but I do spend time with just him and the kids too to give her more attention and to try and get to know her. Im never present all the time, they have just daddy time too and I try to speak to her and try and connect but it is very hard. At the end of the day she wants her mummy and daddy back together which I understand and it is something that is extremely hard for her to deal with! but she is becoming very spoilt and manipulative and has everyone running around after her. Sometimes she just ignores me but the other day we went to a theme park and she was holding my hand.

I just dont know what to do, I try not to be in their face but do try and see them. Me and my boyfriend show no affection to eachother in front of her also.

My boyfriend at the minute is still living with his parents so the children stay there with him, we were going to move into together but have now put this on hold.

Im just finding this all so frustrating and not sure what to do.......

Also my Sons dad has just announced they are having a baby, I am worried about how my son will deal with this. I am carrying a lot of guilt that my son is from a 'broken home' which I struggle with.

Need some light at the end of the tunnel with all this or at least to know I am not alone

Thanks Em xx