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I need Advice! Help!

MGunter23's picture

Hello Everyone! My name is Melissa. Up until a couple years ago I was a single mother to a 7 year old daughter. My daughter hates my new husband. She has no real valid reason to "Hate" my husband. He has never been bad to her or treated her ugly. Its actually been the other way around. My daughter will not give my husband a chance. Me and my daughter are currently living with my biological mother. My husband has been in school. Now that he is finished with school, we would like to get our own place. My daughter does not want to live with us. My daughter wants to go live with her dad. I am so upset. I have tried talking with my daughter. But she wont change her mind. She will be 8 in May. I am taking her to a counselor on Monday so she can work threw some of these issues. My daughter is very jealous of my marriage. I really dont know what to do? Has anyone gone through this??

Acratopotes's picture

I had this with my son, use to be a single mother, only Deigma and me... for years, then I started dating SO and DEigma had close to a heart attack in a 6 pack form.

I simply sat him down and said, Kiddo, I'm your mother, I'm the adult and whether you like it or not, I do not care, it's my life and you will respect that and be polite..... You can move out the day you are 18.

Deigma is 22 and still living with me , he does not like SO very much due to a whole lot of other reasons, he can't stand SO's daughter, due to a whole lot of reasons, but he's polite and he respects SO, they can have an adult conversation like 2 grown men. They both found a mutual interest and agreed I'm the Queen bitch, better to be 2 against me then trying to take me on one by one....

Thus in short, your daughter does not have a say, she's a minor, be a parent and teach her some manners, make it clear to her that the court said she will stay with you untill 16, if she still wants to live with her Dad she's free to go but she can never move back. Currently it sounds wonderful to move to daddy, she's simply jealous as you stated, but they do get over that.

Make sure your new BF/husband is never alone with your daughter, molestation stories can turn out real bad,

Kes's picture

Welcome to the site!
I'm puzzled by "she won't change her mind". She is 7 - she doesn't actually get a say in this. Sorry to say she sounds rather spoiled and has been allowed too much power.

secret's picture

Why are you giving your child decision making power?

She's 7. Who cares if she doesn't like him? YOU are the parent, thus YOU are in control - you cannot force her to like him, but you can force her to RESPECT him, OBEY him, be courteous to him, etc... she had you to herself, now she has to share. She sees hi as the one who took everything she had away - but you need to make her understand that HE did not take anything away - YOU made the choice to share your life with HIM, and that eventually SHE will share her life with someone too...

You can always say NO to your daughter about living with her dad. What's she going to do... call up a judge?

queensway's picture

I agree with secret. If you let a 7 year old tell you what she is going to do or want you are going to be in for a whole lot of hurt when she gets older. She will think she can get her way on everything. You are the parent.

beebeel's picture

Your poor husband. Why are you trying to change an 8 year old's mind? Good grief. She's 8!!!! Three years ago she was eating mud pies. She doesn't get to decide where she lives. Please stop being her friend and start parenting her.

ndc's picture

Do you think your ex is involved in this? Does he want your daughter to come live with him full time, such that he might be talking to her and poisoning her against your new husband? How much time does she spend with her dad now? Has your new DH ever given her any reason at all to dislike him? You say she has no "real, valid" reason - does she have another reason?

As others have said, she's a 7 year old child and does not have a say in this. If you want her to stay with you and your DH, she has no choice. You will just have to stay on her to make sure she treats your husband with respect. Once she lives with him for awhile, she may realize he's A-OK.

Stepped in what momma's picture

I'd stop letting a 7 YO tell me where they will be living and what they will and won't do. She has way to much power, you are the adult so you should act like the adult.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Please get some parenting books and take some parenting classes ASAP.

You’re not parenting her, you are trying to be her friend and this is one of the many things wrong with our society. Parent your child.

Teach her respect today and tomorrow and the next day. She obviously has been treated is if she does not need to have respect for other people for the last seven years. Time change. And start today please

Thumper's picture

Let her go live with dad.

Girls need their dads too.

OK, you can live with your daddy. I THINK that is a great idea. Dad and I will share you, how does that sound?

Ma'am kids do better when they have equal access to decent parents. I am not talking about IF a dad is the town drunk or a mom is the towns crack head dumpster diver.

Let her go to dads....if he lives close by no need to deal with school stuff. Talk to your ex about down the line visitation. Maybe 50 50 no support.

OR not let her go.

I would strongly think about 50 50 and NOT give a flat out NO.


Rags's picture

If you are the CP and you have a CO naming you the CP then your DD has no choice so quit worrying about what a 7YO wants, step up and be the adult. If you don't have a CO.... go get one NOW!

IMHO of course.