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The saga continues.....

Cookieboom's picture

The custody trial is coming up.  We just got some information from the attorneys.

Apparently BM’s reasoning as to why she doesn’t BF seeing SS is because “SS HATES Christy and BF doesn’t care and continues to date that “Skank” much to the chagrin of poor SS” She also is alleging that SS told BF that he hates me and BF blew him off as he doesn’t care about SS’s feelings (Which I don’t believe, SS and BF have been getting along very well with the court ordered visitations). 

I posted before that she showed her lawyer text messages between BF and another woman hoping to break us up.  Obviously we didn’t break up since that woman was well before me. (Not sure how she got those messages, I think she had SS send them to her).

This infuriated her so she showed up with text messages between BF and I when we were first dating, kind of sexting one another.  She bellows out, “I would like to state for the record that Christy is a nurse and she is held to a higher standard than anyone else.” (I guess I missed that tiny tidbit in nursing school). 

She told her lawyer when she found the messages she was appalled!! (How appalled? Like how your BF’s wife was appalled when she found out you were with her husband)?  BM continues to say that she doesn’t like how I live my life (But then again, I’m no match for someone who dates married men…) 

Winterglow's picture

And it doesn't occur to her that reading your messages is a breach of privacy? That she shouldn't have had them in her possession to start with? That what you write in your text messages are as much her business as what you do in the bedroom? Are you sure she hasn't got hidden cameras rigged in there so she can be appalled for another reason? Variety being the spice of life and all that LOL

Cookieboom's picture

How she got the messages, I think SS somehow got them and sent them to her.  She won't give a credible answer when asked, just starts talking in circles and saying how I am a skank.

Winterglow's picture

There was a poster on here a while back whose SO's ex had access to all of his messages because she had kept his password after their breakup (YEARS before) and he had never thought to change it. Maybe check that possibility out?

Cookieboom's picture

We thought of that.  He changed his password after she showed up with messages from the other woman.  She has text messages from years ago, but I'm not sure what she'll have up her sleeve at the custody trial coming up in a few days.

hereiam's picture

Apparently BM’s reasoning as to why she doesn’t BF seeing SS is because “SS HATES Christy and BF doesn’t care and continues to date that “Skank” much to the chagrin of poor SS” She also is alleging that SS told BF that he hates me and BF blew him off as he doesn’t care about SS’s feelings

She actually put this in writing, to an attorney? Because it just makes her sound bitter and jealous. It is obvious that it's about her and her feelings, not about SS.

You guys don't even live together, correct? A child not liking who a parent dates is not a valid reason to keep the child from seeing the parent.

I posted before that she showed her lawyer text messages between BF and another woman hoping to break us up.

Again, that says more about HER. Why would her lawyer care about text messages between BF and another woman, no matter when it was?

This infuriated her so she showed up with text messages between BF and I when we were first dating, kind of sexting one another. She bellows out, “I would like to state for the record that Christy is a nurse and she is held to a higher standard than anyone else.”

Someone should tell her that "nurse" and "priest" are not interchangeable.

She told her lawyer when she found the messages she was appalled!!

Yet, again, why would the lawyer care?

Her lawyer must think she's nuts. None of that has anything to do with anything (except HER feelings). She is really reaching and just making herself look stupid and desparate in the process.

tog redux's picture

Wait, did she give up on saying you are stealing drugs from work?  She seems so transparently jealous that I can't imagine her strategy is effective. 

Cookieboom's picture

for your replies.

Yes, she really wrote that.  

Yes, we  do not live together.  I haven't seen SS in a lonnnnnnnng time.  

Yes, She gave up on saying I steal drugs from work.  She was told by the judge that she needed proof, She promised to do so.  She showed up with the text messages of BF and the other woman instead.  

Cookieboom's picture

"Someone should tell her that "nurse" and "priest" are not interchangeable"  Love it!!!!!

Cookieboom's picture

how she got those messages.  At first we thought she broke into BF's account, but SS was caught going thru BF's phone at the time.  The only way to tell is to subpeona her phone, and the lawyer said no one cares what she has so that isn't an option right now.  She has been really quiet and has not mentioned me in a long time.  The custody trial is Monday and I don't know what she has up her sleeve.  

hereiam's picture

The custody trial is Monday and I don't know what she has up her sleeve.  

Probably more stuff that just makes her look ridiculous. So, that's fine.

Cookieboom's picture

Trial still going on, I guess there was a lot of paperwork and such. 

BM showed up with a new lawyer.  BM said reason that SS doesn’t want to see BF is because he is emotionally scarred due to enduring years of “watching his mom being abused.”

I thought the reason was because of “that skank” (aka me) I wonder if she thinks we broke up? She has not mentioned me lately and neither has SS..I guess we won’t know until the trial reconvenes…..

BF has a character witness who claims that he and his wife saw BM and her married BF going on dates prior to their divorce (Yes, I have been told "no one cares" that BM had an affair, and that may be true, but she has NO RIGHT talking about my morals, saying I am held to a higher standard and calling me a skank).  Trial reconvened until Monday.  Ill keep you all posted. 

The lawyers/judge do not care about how she got into BF's messages.  WTF....

Winterglow's picture

Thanks for that update! 

The judges may not care how she got the messages but can't ignore what it says about her moral standards. 

tog redux's picture

Does she have proof of all this "abuse she endured"?  Her lawyer probably told her that the "you can't see your kid until you dump your GF" thing wasn't going to fly.

It's not really their job to figure out how she got the messages. That's more of a police matter. And they are irrelevant anyway, what does him sexting with his GF have to do with custody?

Cookieboom's picture

No prove of abuse yet, I guess that may come up on Monday.  BM stated that messages prove that I am a skank, a wh+re and a woman with no morals.   Told BF that I am "bringing him down," told the court that I have made him into a phycho, and that they co-parented well until "that skank arrived."

She has also said in the past that she is going to "sue" me for child support.  I've been accused of a few things in my life, but never of making another woman pregnant.  

Winterglow's picture

I wonder how many people there were in the courtroom who had never sexted ... her statement was probably greeted with a collective suppressed snigger.

I wonder if she realizes the impression that her statements give about her?

Cookieboom's picture

BF's attorney stated, "BM thinks she is superior to everyone else.  Her actions will dictate the consequences."

Nicely said.... 

tog redux's picture

Unless the custody trial is being held in the year 1950, no one cares about his GF's "morals".

Cookieboom's picture

It will get interesting.  A lot of people have said the same thing about everyone sexting these days. Yes, she is all over the place.  That's what we're counting on...

Rags's picture

Intimacy within a marriage is no one elses business.  What BM has done regarding your DH's private communication may beven be a crime.  There is a strong chance that the Judge will chew her up and spit her out over this crap.  I forecast that her attorney will spend much of the hearing cringing and carpet scoping to avoid the Judge's eyes due to this bat shit crazy BM's insanity.

Cookieboom's picture

Time and her lies will tell, should be interesting.