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Newborn and anxiety

LevinaFia23's picture

Please be kind lol

I have a 2wk old and I'm having terrible thoughts lately. I also have 2 older kids. One is with my husband and the other is my stepson with husband and his ex, that's mentally unstable. Long story short the mom had 5 kids and 1 passed last yr due to her being neglectful.. so now that I have a newborn I've been having thoughts daily of something happening to the baby. I can't tell if this is normal but I haven't had these thoughts with my first a few yrs back. So im guessing this has to do with what happened last yr with the ex and her childs passing. BTW she's pregnant again now and due any day we have no clue when so theres that....

Question is are these thoughts normal and what can I do about this? If you've experienced similar also please share. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

I would have a talk with your doctor about anxiety and postpartum depression. It could be the trauma from what happened with BM. It could be your brain adjusting to no longer being pregnant. Either way, your doctor should be able to help you (and should be notified so they can point you in the right direction).

LevinaFia23's picture

I was thinking therapy but yes ya know it does sound like it deals with postpartum depression. I didn't think of that. Thank you for the suggestion. I'll have to set up a sooner appt maybe thanks much

CastleJJ's picture

I had my DD in February 2022. Whenever I would go near stairs, I would have flashes of images of me falling down the stairs while carrying her. I had similar flashes of car accidents while driving, tripping while walking, etc. I spoke to my OBGYN about it and she said it can be related to the hormone imbalance (she called it hormone dumping) that occurs after birth, but it could also be post-partum anxiety and protective instincts. My flashes and anxiety resolved within a month of DD's birth. I recommend speaking to your OBGYN. 

LevinaFia23's picture

Thank you for sharing your experience it is very relatable. I will have to do that soon.

shamds's picture

Genuinely to harm your kid or its stuff you're imagining could happen? 

Plenty of women have depression after havi g a baby, it's overwhelming and then often we're exhausted and the isolation at home till bubs gets into a longer sleep pattern and not so needy can be a real shock to you. 
if you're feeling overwhelmed, tell your partner so he can step up and assist (as he should be doing) 

i felt much better after bubs 2 was born but i still had issues with hubbys family not being respectful and coming to our home when sick with bronchitis/laryngitis and i'd just had emergency csection only for all of us to get sick, it affected my ability to breastfeed too. 

LevinaFia23's picture

Thanks this is great advice. Fortunately I did speak to him later that day and he said he's been feeling the same way. She's alot smaller than our first and he said he's also been having thoughts like mine. It helped alot and overall its good to think on it at times I guess bc its better to be aware and alert. I also had c section and the recovery is alot for sure. Im sorry you went through that in recovery. Thanks for sharing. 

Harry's picture

Needs lots of care. They can get into major problem very fast.  They can't speak, show you anything m Just google it.  All parents worry about there child.  Using today camera with sound to watch them sleep ect   Most of this is normal, like going over a checklist, every hour.  And if you don't stay on your toes bad things will happen   There a thin line between normal and crazy