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I had to say something to BM...

Writermom95's picture

I need to vent and badly. DH went to pick up SS and BM verbally assaulted him with everything he's done wrong and not doing and calling him insulting names. What I've learned from being on this site is to keep my mouth shut and have nothing to do with the BM--PERIOD! DH has to deal with that psycho not me.

She used all kinds of profanity, she was yelling, screaming in his face and called him an idiot, sorry ass, and dropped the 'F' bomb multiple times. For the record, she is receiving ample CS and we have CO visitation after going to court 3 times because she would not let him see his son. DH is doing what he needs to do and as much as he can given the situation. I can vouch for that because he's doing 150% more and playing an active role in my SS life than my child's father ever did in my BD life.

She held the SS hostage by basically saying DH either talked to her about their son or he wouldn't get him for the weekend. Talking was basically her ranting and raving and not letting my DH say much of nothing. This went on for more than 30 minutes with my DH saying look I came to pick up my son and I'm done with this. She started in on him again and I had enough. DH was not yelling at her, cussing at her nor was he all in her face (we were sitting in the car). I told her to stop with the name calling because DH was not calling her out of her name and the screaming and yelling wasn't going to solve anything. She then proceeded to say he pissed her off and she was going to continue to go off on him and cuss him as much as she wanted. I told her again, that would not solve anything. She of course said she wasn't talking to me and butt out and eventually f**K me and him. I was done and so was DH. She screamed as we pulled off you can't get SS!!! We pulled off and I told DH, text her and tell her we came to get SS send him outside. BM complied as her stupid, alcoholic mother told DH to go on and to take that bitch (me) with you.

I know I should not have said anything but, she so called wanted to talk to my DH their son but really she just wanted to have the opportunity to verbally bash him, in my opinion for no reason other than the same reason she disobeys the CO with visitation when she feels like it--BECAUSE HE IS NOT WITH HER! They just share a child. Enough was enough and I had to say something. It only fueled her anger but again, I wasn't about to sit there and listen to another round of insults about my DH like he was some dead beat dad, especially when he is NOT!!!!

I'm so tired of that psychotic bitch I can't see straight and you would think after six year this bitch would go on with her miserable life but she is still bitter and angry that he is not with her. Get a damn life would you already!! WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

svillemomof4's picture

^^^^^^took the words out of my mouth^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Crazy biznitch won't do it with them around or she can go to jail!

theoutsider's picture


Next time take a camcorder, ask her "what was it you wanted to tell the judge?" And start recording,... See how much she wants to say then...


Disneyfan's picture

Wait, he really sat there and listened to her cussing him out for 30 minutes???

I'm sorry, but I think I would have wacked him up side the head after two minutes of that.

EdgeOfReason's picture

How old is the kid?

Does your husband have any stipulation in his order that says he can't record?

Your dh should call his attorney about this. She can violate the order as much as she wants, until you start taking her to task for it. Will you get relief the first, second, third .... time around, probably not, but eventually the judges will get sick of the same contempt filing.

Anyhow, that's how we got our limited contact order (she still violates it, which we bring up every time she files for joint custody).