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Rose Tinted Glasses

Major Blunder's picture

So my disengagement problem is different than the norm, DW likes to tell me poor SD20 stories or “great job” SD20 stories, I rarely respond and if I can I change the subject. I know DW wants me to have a more positive view of SD20 but I already see who and what she really is and no “gold star” for the day will change that.

“SD20 ran the dishwasher and emptied it.”  Wow once every other month, staggering achievement !

“They changed SD20s schedule at work and didn’t tell her”  That’s fast food for you, and I am supposed to care why?

This f@cktard only speaks to me when she is asking where Mom is because she wants something and knows I won’t do jack for her, oh and she did speak to me in front of her father when he was visiting.

SD20: So do these chairs need to be put away?  ( From around the fire pit)

Me: Spoken response, no I will take care of them tomorrow.

Me : Internal response, Why are you going to watch me do it?, Oh no you’re asking so your Daddy will think you help out around here, got it.

The problem I have is that DW knows SD20 does nothing to help, is still using drugs ( and I am sure in our house) , we have to hide food and drink that is for the Gskids, wastes our electricity, water, etc.  DW knows SD20 is a slob, has no real direction in life and yet she still is trying to get me on team SD20, no matter how this c u next Tuesday has treated me????  I just don’t get it, but can’t ask because then I am engaging.

I know Bio parents will hang on a sliver of hope that their kid turns around a waste filled life but come on, how long till she sees that SD20 is really no different than SD26??

The only engaging I do with SD26 is if I have to step in to protect us or the Gskids from her, other than that DW is also done with her so the conversation is always about what she is up to so we can track where she is and what she might try and pull on us next.

Latest on SD26 is that this past Monday she announced she got a job and the employer also had a camper on his property she could stay in, first thought: she’s either lying or sleeping with the guy.

Two days later she is apparently fired and kicked out, her story: her grandmother dropped her at the job, SD20 stopped by to see her and DW stopped once to see her (if she was actually there and working), this according to her was to many people stopping by and she was fired.  Our theory, if she actually had the job at all in the first place, guy caught her with drugs and fired her.  Now she’s toting the “ Everyone’s trying to keep her down” speech and she’s done with it, whatever that means.

So here’s to hoping that DW drops the rose tinted glasses she views SD20 soon and I can get her out of my house as well.

Siemprematahari's picture

MajorBlunder, her mom doesn't find it disturbing that there are bowls in between the toilet and tub in the bathroom?? This would drive me insane and I'd MAKE her clean it. How is SD ever expected to function like a productive human being if she is not being taught the basics of life......smh.....I feel for you.

Major Blunder's picture

That bathroom is basically only used by SD20 and I only know because I was forced to use it once when the other was occuppied, even GSD doesn't want to use that bathroom, don't think DW has stepped foot in there in months.  I say nothing, I'm just waiting for DW to finally find them or start wondering where the other pyrex bowl got to (it's one of them) .

AlwaysSmiling's picture

I just wanted to thank you for posting. I really enjoy reading your posts & replies to other's in here. It's nice to see a man's point of view on things. It's refressing to see that you share in the same frustrations that us in a stepmother's role also deal with.

I have no advice to offer in your situation. My frustrations are similar in wishing my SO would be less admiring of his child and more proactive in guidance and discipline.