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Here we go again!

privacyrequired's picture

So I've been disengaging mindfully or purposely for about a year from my now trans SD17 ( trans by way of M to F).  She has a full diagnosis of Autism and ADHD and a resistance to any form of authority (she has a medical diagnosis but I can't remember the acronym).

In short she is unimaginably hard work even in the simplest of times.

So this evening my Wife had a huge fall out over SD where once again I felt compelled to leave and walk around a local rainy lakeside.  We were talking and heard the front door tapping ajar in the wind.  I went to shut it and thought it's getting cold and dark, we're all home so I'll lock the door.  Nothing unusual about that in house.  Then there's an almightly bash on the glass and six foot tall figure through the frosted glass.  Instantly, I felt threatened and answered the door, half expecting a fight or something.  Turned out it was the SD who'd been to empty her bedroom bin and left the door open, the whole time I thought she was upstairs in her room.  (I should add that SD spends all her time in her room when at home apart from 15 mins for her evening meal)  "Why the hell are you locking me out" she screamed at me and her tone, body language was equally agressive as her bash on the door.  I snapped,  i simply snapped and became reactionary,  without even realising I'd spoken I said "F Off" and shut the door on her.

it was all so quick and surreal.

My Wife came rushing around the corner having heard all this, yelling why are talking to her like that, why have you locked her out the house.

Hands up, I should have chosen my words more careful, but it was so unconscious to me.  It just happened.  

I tried to explain to my Wife that I was purely reactionary to the that what I faved.  But she will not have it,  now once again I'm the bad guy, I'm the evil one.  Whilst SD and Mum appear to be best of friends because Wife picks her battles with her because of her diagnosis.  
For me, had SD not beaten on the door and asked a civil wuestion about the door I would have been calmer and my reaction would have become an explanation rather than me wondering what the hell is going on.

I'm looking seriously for another place to live as I simply can't stand being around this person anymore.  I really do not like her.

lafield's picture

That sounds like a problem that will never go away even when the SKID is an adult. Sad for you.

Rags's picture

your life and marriage.

I would.

Rather than move, I would put them both out on the curb and let them find their way to the local homeless camp under the highway overpass.

Do not do anything but make the split immediate, permanent, and as much in your favor as the sitaution will allow.

End it.

If a 6ft individual attempted to break into my home through the window I would have called 911, armed myself, and defended my home and the safety of myself and my wife.

You were very measured in  your response in my opinion.

Your DW... is a write off. As a parent, and for damned sure as your mate.

Up your standards and get on with your life.

Take care of you.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

Your step is delusional and your wife feeds into their delusions of grandeur

You are the only sane person and granted, you could have chosen you words carefully but your response was equal to the disrespect

Save yourself before you become another patient of the mental institution you currently call home

privacyrequired's picture

Thanks for your replies, they do mean a lot.

I agree with an approach of self preservation, however, I have a SS14 whom we are both close and he would be devasted if I changed the locks and asked DW and SD to live elsewhere.  I woul'd want to do that to him or to my DW for that matter.  I feel it easier to move myself.  The whole thing is taking its's toll on my somewhat fragile mental health.  I'm sure some would argue that alone should be the deciding factor to leave, but I find myself very conflicted.  So here's my confliction:

After my walk yesterday, I went home to a very forsty and harsh atomsphere, it was clear that I was being given the entire blame for the situation.  My DW and I are undergoing some minimal talking therapies anyway and I was told that she didn't anything to say to me and that we should wait until our next therapy session on Tuesday!  I also found the SD and DW acting as though nothing had happened and we about to start online shopping.  There never seems to be any consequence for SD, again DW picking her battles and automatically leap on the defence of the SD.  I genuinely believe DW believes I'm out to attack SD.  As I've assured them both countless times, I don't wake up thinking today I shall make SD life difficult, I purely react to each situation as it happens, the difficulty for me has been to learn to leave things alone, no matter how large they are.  

I've asked my DW perviously if she wants me to leave, or to separate for a while.  I never get a straight answer, just bounced right back at me with "well if that's what you want, you choose".  Then as the months pass, it comes out in therapy that it was me that wanted to leave, it was mea that wanted to end the marriage.  All the time ignoring or not seeing the huge fact that it wasn't entered into lightly, I didn't just think one morning 'ah sod it, I'm ending this'.  I genuinely don't want to end the marriage, but I know through DW stubborness she will make final and finite.  I don't want that, I love her, just the situation is too much.  I ask myself if I can hold on until she leaves home, no idea when that will be, she's 18 in December and thinks she is totally independant.  It could be 5 years before she leaves home.  I have seen what family life can be like when SD is away, as she visited friends in Cornwall for a week recenly and family life was calm, peaceful and worthwhile.  Then the eggshells reappeared when she gets home.

It's a public holiday here in the UK this weekend, so three days at home in an envrionment I can't stand.  I'm thinking of checking into a hotel for a night or two to be out of the way and allow my mental health to calm down a little.  But, and this is the conflict.  If I do that, DW will be treat that as fixed and that I don't want to be marrried to her.  I get that's probably her anger talking, but I was and have been hoping for a response along the lines, 'ok, lets talk'  rather than 'ok, off you go'.  I don't believe she means that, just her defecence mechanisms screaming out.

I'm at a total loss and at my wits end with it all,


Thanks again everyone.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

I feel for you because I know what it is to walk on eggshells in your own home and worry about holidays and staying home from work! I too lived with an abusive SS and there was no saving grace (even put his hands on me and his father continued to make excuses and defend his actions)

While I understand that you love your other SS, you must be careful....These ppl arent related to you and in times of conflict, SS will probably side with his mother and brother/sister....

Your wifes response is manipulative and sounds like someone who doesnt want to be in a relationship but needs you for useful purposes like a home and paying bills

Make the right arrangement for your inheritance and will....I would hate for you to leave this world disrespected in life and in death

Your aggressive responses to someone who yells at you and uses poor language and is mental are absolutely normal. Dont let the therapists or your "family" fool you into believing that your response to abusive behavior is inadequate. This is called reactive abuse and they will use it to paint you as the monster/problem

Survivingstephell's picture

Your wife sound incapable of taking any responsibility for her choices.  She won't decide on the marriage hoping you will decide to end it.  She won't face the reality of her child's behavior so she ignores it.   She has checked out of life.  She is willing to let other people make those decisions for her.  Was she always like this or is this her reaction to the $hitshow your lives have become?   It's unfair if her to make you think like you are about staying in a hotel for a few days for your mental health.  You are in way deep.  Something drastic has to happen for change I'm afraid.  Take care of YOURSELF.  Nobody else will.  

AgedOut's picture

We marry thinking that we have found the one person who will be "us vs the world" that person who will have our back and present a united front. But sadly we ocasionally end up with a person who is willing to sacrifice us to the god they worship, the god who is their child. I am so sorry you have that but I think both you and I know you deserve better, you deserve a partner in life not a sparring partner dictated by their adult "child" 

privacyrequired's picture

My Wife and I sat and talked yesterday.  Once again the reasons why SD is rude and hostile towards me is largely of my creation.  It's my parenting style that SD doesn't like and the two of us so alike that we clash.  For example SD gets aggressive and throws an outburst at me I react in similar way to end the situation.  Much the same way that I was patented as a kid.  My parents would not allow me or my brothers to talk to them with contempt or disrespect and so gave us a bollocking and ended the matter. We didn't need reasons and so on.  We just knew we'd over stepped the mark by their reactions.

Here, I'm not allowed to react like that.  I'm not allowed to shut down disrespect aimed at me in my own way as it's deemed wrong by my Wife.  Instead I have to remain calm and using talking therapies to understand why SD was driven to the outburst.  

I was told that I don't care as I don't even ask about SD health appointments.  True, I don't ask.  Mostly because I've disengaged and then because there are so many of them and I'm not told of them.  They're just put on a calendar in the kitchen and I'm told where the dates are on the calendar!  Maybe I'm in the wrong for not knowing from the calendar.

Truth of the matter is it that I have not liked the SD or SS as she/he was back then.  I find her highly selfish and utterly self centred, to an extent that I have never encountered before.  Her sense of entitlement knows no bounds were as I've always been taught to earn what you want.  A good work ethic so to speak.  sad can't even get up and get washed until 3pm and then takes 2 hours in the only bathroom before she leaves the house to hang around in a park with friends.

I get that some of that is modern teenagers but even so, to me it's highly alien and feels wrong.  After all she's 17, study travel and tourism at college and I believe wants to be cabin crew for an airline.  I ask my Wife (can't talk to SD as my emotions can better the of me when she grunts at me is answer). How can she become cabin crew and smile and greet people on to a plane when she can't even hold a conversation with those around her unless through her bloody phone?  How is she going to get up for a 4:30am flight when she can't even get out of bed before 3pm?

My point is that I see our role as parents to guide and nurture  her through that learning so she's ready.  Instead my Wife simply says but she's safe there in her room.  No one is bullying her or at least she comes out of the room though.  Agreed she does, but that to me is not normal life that she is about to enter and we're not preparing her.  Then I'm met with so why change her just because it's my perceptions of what normal should be?  
This is where the uncontrollable feeling starts in my of shear confusion.  How can I compete with that.  One minute I don't care, the next I try to demonstrate my care but getting SD up and beginning to learn life skills and then I'm told it's me and my perception rather than SD doing anything wrong.

An extension of that was that when SD does come down stairs she slumps into the living room in front of the TV.  She's helped herself to a dining room chair and uses it as foot stool and then lays out across it completely flat and covers herself with blankets (even in the summer).  I can no longer ask SD to sit up and put the chair back as I'm met with an outburst of why does matter how she's sits?  So I ask my Wife as that's the direction it seems to be going.  She says but what does it matter, at least she out of the bedroom.

It feels like I'm expected to care but then we I do it's not in the right way and I'm shut down.

I write this on the sofa, family are asleep upstairs as cry my self senseless wishing I had some rope to hand.  Had enough.


EveryoneLies's picture

Your wife not being on the same page with you is the root cause. 

If SD17 is independent enough to be studying for a degree, she's smart enough to learn that nothing is free and everything is earned, respect included. My SS15 is similar (also Autistic and ADHD), but we (DH and I) don't ever allow him to say it's because of his condition when he's intentionally being an a-hole. SS is still a handful and I also don't like him (the same entitlement and self-centerness) but at least I don't feel I am alone in this situation.

I usually don't ask people to leave a relationship, and I don't want to say that to you now. Would it be possible for you and wife to stay in the relationship while you two live apart (is this financially feasible?)? Not seeing this young lady will definitely be good for your mental health. You can move back when your SD move out....that is, if she ever moves out. (Because why would she want to, mom does everything for her)

I'm really sorry you have to deal with this. Please feel free to ping me if you want to vent. 


Rags's picture

Repeatedly while expecting different results.

Your SS-14 is not your responsibility or your problem.

What is there about this toxic failed mother, failed partner, failed woman of a wife that has earned your self sacrificing misery embracing slow suicide wasting of your life?



shamds's picture

Of course her mum is going off at you when she is incapable of disciplining her child. My mum was asian and she put the fear of god in us growing up. I dare you to try shouting and screaming at an adult and she'd smack you as a teenager even. Nowadays thats called abuse.

its easier for your wife to make you the baddy and not tell off her daughter how reckless she was and how rude she was. She knows you will comply or keep quiet compared to world war 3 with your skid

CLove's picture

Theres a lot going on here.

The way that your wife gangs up on you with her spawn is bad.

The way that your wife manipulates you, and gaslights you (oh, so you want to leave because you cannot handle things here at home? You must not LOVE me anymore) is bad.

The way that your SD/SS is allowed by your wife to treat You (horribly) is bad.

The way your wife enables SD/SS to be disabled so their codependent selves can continue the way they have been, is bad.

I am not reading anything except that when SD/SS was gone that would lead me to understand what the heck there is to stay for.

Get thee to a lawyer! Find out what your options are (there are many).

Separate your finances. If your wife controls the finances, get started today managing your own separately.

Your talk therapist needs to hear the whole truth about what the causes of issues are. Hint: your wife.