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Disengaging around Holidays

Cover1W's picture

Oh, it was NICE.
This is the most disengaged I've been during the holidays.
My work is very busy, legit, and I work a lot and don't have a lot of time or energy to spend on the SDs and DH up until the 24th. And last year I was so angry I decided to disengage further.

* I didn't plan anything about the tree-lighting ceremony in our town. Each time it was brought up, I'd say something like, "If you want to plan it, you should check to see what time..." or "You can ask the SDs if they want to go...." or "Just let me know if you all are going..." DH ended up just taking SD11, he was OK that SD14 and I didn't go. And SD11 announced when they returned, "It was kind of dumb, for little kids." So that's it!

* I didn't make or plan on cookie making with the SDs. I made a double-batch of my cookies for myself and friends/coworkers. SD14 asked me on the 24th, "Are we going to make those cookies again this year?" Mind you, after last years fiasco that ended up with me throwing away at least half that dough - I say, "No. I didn't buy any ingredients for them either since no one let me know if they wanted to make them. If you and your sister want to make other types of cookies, I have plenty for you to choose from." No other cookies were made.

* The SDs liked the gifts they got overall. SD14 complained about how many Target gift cards she got, she apparently wanted more variety. I simply reminded her "You asked for two specific things for Xmas, cash and Target gift cards and you got what you asked for." DH backed me up.

* I reminded DH that the SDs need to wash the towels that have been stacked in the laundry room since, oh, September. They are with us a full week and have plenty of time. SD14 also got a new comforter set and she was instructed to take off the old blankets and wash them AND put them away. Currently they are stacked on the towel pile. Nope. Told DH he needs to make sure they are done.
....if not done by after New Years, I will certainly "take care of them" if no one else cares about it. Bye-bye towels and extra blankets.

* DH was not happy I was back at work. Because, I suspect, I am a foil b/t he and the SDs. He was upset last night about SD14s "privileged" attitude and even referred to her as "the Queen" - ironically. I suspect they had it out. He asked me what he should do. HA! HA! HA! All I said was start with the basics, make her clean up, make sure she helps out around the house, blah blah blah. Then I was done.

Overall a pretty nice holiday, less drama than any other year.
At dinner on the 25th, SD11 yelled, "Who here is HAPPY?! Raise your hand!" And her hand shot up in the air. THAT was a good thing.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Cover, sounds like you had an excellent Christmas!! Aside from cooking (I do that because I love my DH), I did NOTHING. I sat in my favorite chair (in the corner) with a half smile glued to my face while I sipped on a wine glass full of tequila... Dirol

Cover1W's picture

Ah, it was pretty good.
I cooked a LOT (more than I wanted to - but I did make DH help me prep the turkey) and it all turned out super good. I hired a house-cleaner for myself, but she cancelled the day before she was supposed to arrive so on top of cooking I also had to clean the living/kitchen areas (let them go for a while because house-cleaner).

Overall it was pretty chill.

I drank a lot of wine, and not any champagne! Decided I was too tired to enjoy it so keeping it for this coming weekend. What to cook for DH and I for New Year's? Maybe I'll just get some gourmet pot-pies and call it good.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

GOURMET pot-pie??

Hope the house-cleaner had a reasonable excuse. No backup/replacement? Sad

Cover1W's picture

Gourmet Pot-pie, just a wish. I actually make a tourtierre that's to die for but I'm not cooking like that this weekend. NOPE.

I'll look for something to stick in the slow cooker.

The first time she was sick (legit).
The next time was for a family reason (on the 23rd, thinking xmas break), but was NOT happy!
She's due to come this Saturday morning and I'm telling myself to not really clean anything, just pick stuff up. DH got an earful this morning already about his "piles."

AND...the SDs go back to BM TODAY. Earlier than expected.
BUT DH is asking for SD11 back for NY since he did get shorted on time with them this holiday (he didn't look at calendar when scheduling). He isn't even bothering to ask SD14 (I think he's sick of her right now). He asked me if it was ok, I'm like, your decision, but I'm not entertaining.

AND the huge pile in the laundry (blankets, bedding, towels) is UNTOUCHED. SD14 and DH were supposed to take care of it before SDs leave for NY. I think SD11 took care of her stuff though. So true to my word to myself, if I have to deal with it after 2 or even THREE!!! asks, then no one else cares.
I'm going to do a huge donation run on Saturday to get in one more legit donation before the insane tax plan kicks in for 2018, and all of it's going to be GONE. Cover is not a maid or laundry help.