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Stepkids behavior while parenting

markwvualum's picture

I watch my step child who are in first and second grade. The second grader insists on playing with his microphone that his BIo got him and he screams in it for hours, not just singing but screaming very loudly. He also wont let his sister play with it and will cry and scream when I tell him its her turn. What gives? Normal behavior?

Rags's picture

That is what gives.

So, take it away, never to return to your home. Give it to Bio next time the Skid goes there and inform them that it can't return to your home.  Lather, rinse, repeat for anything this brat won't share or use responsibly.

Java_Junkie's picture

What Rags said.

And I'd buy the first grader her own microphone so they can have "Battle Of The Bands" at Biowitch's lair.