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Pick up times when it's from a 3rd party....

I.hate.cats's picture

Not only do we have the pleasure of BM's B.S. on a regular basis but she actually works at a daycare where she's insisted on keeping SD6-even on her days off. DH 's attorney was a newbie and an idiot at that so the closest thing we have to a series schedule is "pick up time on non-school days is at 3:00." We're going to court next month hoping to change many things but my question is this; Since SD is in the care of a daycare center, BM is technically not exercising her right to placement so shouldn't DH be able to pick up earlier on his day off?

Obviously this would be simple if BM wasn't determined to be as difficult as possible and since she works there, the daycare center isn't even close to helpful or even willing to work with us. They've destroyed records, lied, ignored DH's questions and concerns and this place has 30 licensing violations in 2 years so we want her there as little as possible.

Anyone have any thoughts, suggestions or advice?

Stepmom09's picture

Can you request a different daycare? That would be what I would want. Bring up the violations

I.hate.cats's picture

We have, she's unwilling to compromise on anything and since she works there she she acts like it's Daily Disneyland but it's a horrible large chain daycare with hundreds upon hundreds of horror stories online from parents and ex-employees. DH has already filed contempt charges because she won't negotiate and her idea of joint custody is "I do what I want and if you don't like it take me to court."

We even brought up the studies that show how kids who spend excessive time in daycare centers are more aggressive, defiant and have more behavioral problems in the long run when they spend at least 10 hours in care per week following kindergarten. But BM doesn't like logic or fact, she's all about her feeeeelings and insists that SD likes it there.

This is why DH should have a ROFR but he'll be requesting that at the next court date. We just think it's ridiculous for her to be there unnecessarily.

Disneyfan's picture

ExDF tried to get a judge to make BM put their youngest child in a public school Prek program instead of the Prek in a daycare center. Both are the same here-but day cares have longer hours, and are open when school is our. However,public school Prek is free.

The judge told him he did not get a say in where BM enroll the kids during her time.

The judge also would not agree to him picking the kids up early from school or daycare. His pick up time was 4:30. The oldest and I got out of school at 2:30 on Fridays. There were times when he wanted to pick them up early because we were going away for the weekend. BM and the judge both said no.

The judge said the order states your time starts at 4:30 on Fridays. Unless BM agrees, you can't pick them up early.

Glassslipper's picture

I once worked in a daycare and I can tell you, the teachers where I worked didn't not like parents who used the daycare on their day off to do shopping or whatever.
We always felt time with your child was the most important and if you can be with your child while, shopping and ect, you shouldn't use the daycare.
So therefor in the child's best interest, if your DH has the day off, and can take the little one at 8am, she should be with a DH rather than a facility!
If your CO says exchange time is 3pm, then BM has custody till 3pm and she can do whatever she pleases (even if it is to sit and rot in a facility daycare)

Go back to court and ask for the time to change, or for an exception, better yet:
Solve the problem with a "first right of refusal" clause and your DH would get first priority over any daycare, family or friend...but so would BM.

indianpainting's picture


If you know a day at a shopping mall is so harassing for both parents and child and also f parents get involved in shopping and the kids run here and there its risky for there safety . You know I know a case where the child fell from the floor riding from the escalator.

Its much safe at a day care . And also when who so ever is working at a day care is the not the one to decide when the and how the parents should spend quality time with their kids .
lso at Day care the people are being paid and they should honestly render there services and not make faces and show they dislike any parent dropping their kids if they are going out