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When he is the issue?

TheBlndOne's picture

I am having a bit of a struggle and I think I need a testosterone translation. I really want to communicate effectively with my BF but his anger about this issue wont budge. Back story: long and short we have been together for 3 years he has 6 kids 13-26 and one grandbaby under one year from the first born and I have ....a dog. We clearly understood getting together that I am not MOM materiel and he is UUBER dad to the 6th power. I was very straight up that young kids are not my thing for my very specific selfish reasons that I do not want to spend my life caring for and cleaning up after others of any age, but that training adults is firmly in my wheel house and so older kids dont bother me. He was straight up that he would never expect me to MOM them as they all have very live women in that role already, and that he will always be there for the kids (DUH). He is a wonderful father and all the kids are older and fairly independant so it has been a pretty easy tranzition to moving in together even though we moved very quick and have been cohabitating for 2 years now. He has been so good about most everything relating to the kids I can check nearly all the of the items from "the step parent bill of rights" off as doing great in regards to the kids but tehre is somethign else a foot.

In the last year there has become a huge issue with labor around the house and feeling he is doing EVERYTHING by himself with no help. I won't take any credit away from him he does a ton. Works a full time physical job that starts super early, breaks his ass all day then comes home and makes dinner just in time for the live in kids to get home from school then he is off to bed by 6:30 PM to do it all again. I generally do not see him during the week but for sleepy good bye kisses as he leaves for work at 4 am and sleepy good night kisses as I arrive home at 7-8 from my bankers hours job plus an hour commute. However on the rare occasion I work from home or like Friday or I have to go in on a Saturday I get flak for not taking point on feeding of the kids or not seeing the one specific chore he wants me to see is not done becasue I have had my head in my computer doing my job not inspecting the house. No matter that  the youngest kid in the house is 13 and very competent in the kitchen fully capable of feeding herself on a whim. And never mind that I take care of about 4 things every day before and after work so the house stays clean and that we always have a ton of food at the ready for thaw ing or reheating. He makes it a point to cook fresh nearly every day, and I respect that he wants to do that for the kids, but that is his dad thing not mine. I think it is very much out of site out of mind for many of the chores, like I am sure he does not notice that I am the one keeping the coffee grounds from moulding inside the machine, or that I am constantly skimming the house of the thousand beverage containers that accumulate on every surface. But I bust my butt on the other larger projects including yard work on weekends and I know he sees that but it seems like it is never the "right" thing for me to work on and I am "slacking" around the house becasue I "work so much and I am not making the family a priority". I want to show him respect for the work that he does both in the home and at his job but I feel like I am not reciving that in turn.

Yesterday we had all the kids home, I worked from home and I was on the patio working but taking advantage of the nice weather when they all piled in. A few hours pass and I am still trudging away and the Daughter 25 is playing games on her phone next to me when the younger set start asking whats for dinner. BF goes inside to make tacos and feed the hoard leaving Daughter 25 and I outside where I continue to work on my lap top. He pops out and specifically asks Daughter 25 to go get tortillas as we have none, she reffuses and he turns to me. I remind him that I am still on the clock and that I can not stop until 6pm expecting a more firm reprive on Daughter 25 as she is not preforming any task of value but certainly expects to be fed at dinner. Instead he goes to get the tortillas in a huff and has not spoken to me in 2 days excpet to be little my manager skills becasue I had to go in to cover an employee call out on a Satuday and I should have just told the employee to buck up and do thier job so I could "be here to take care of things with him" and "the company does not know if you are at the store or taking a shit so you have no more excuse to say no than she (Daughter 25) did" but never mind the Daughter 25 sitting right there blatantly stating that she is not doing anything but still will not be going. Guilt by proximity or technology but we both are equally to blame in his eye.

More back Story: I have a suspicion that the anger issue stems from a comment that Daughter 25 made when introducing me to a friend " This is my dad's girlfriend, she is the bread winner" though I have never represeneted us as anything but equal in the house since taking up together. But since then it seems like she and I both are on the "you never do enough to help me list" and the general domestic chores normally assigned the the female gender roll (dinner, cleaning, school related stuff like schedules projects and clubs) are the things that blow him up. I make a tidy sum more than he does and have had none of the drain to that income that dependants bring, I have been financially stable and independant all my life and I have a very good status at my company in a career that brings me enough saticefacton and recognition to serve my ego as well as my pocket book. I dont need him for any financial reason I am actually signifigantly more solvant with out him and the variety of kiddos obviously as there is only me to be responcible for, which is one of a plethora of reasons that I never chose to reproduce. Please understand that he does not need me either to take care of his bio kids like I said he is an amazing father and a very hard working man that was doing it all on his own before we were involved. But he is also a man with a physically debilitating job, he has to break his body for every dollar he earns, as well as earning a lot less of them for his time and trouble than I do with my office and suits and networking events. I want to assert myself firmly because I am an equal in this house, my job is just as important as his to our household and I as a partner and equal deserve his support and respect especially in front of the kids for my work home or at the office. Even if my job is tapping keys and managing humans through lengthly phone calls rather than physical blood and sweat it is hard in a different way but no less work, no less value than his sweat and pain and no less part of what makes our household possible. I do not want to disrespect to his work or his job during the conversation and in comparison it just comes out all wrong when I have tried in the past like I am basing respect on money not on equality which is not what I am trying to communicate. I feel inadequate to this with out my usual corperate buisness languadge, but I can not rely on that becasue he is my partner not my employee. But I hate it when he makes my job seem less impornatant than playing fetch with tortillas, or taking the car to the shop (which is what we had planned to do today), or making dinner for totally competent young adults becasue it feels like he is devaluing me not just my work when he does this and I wory that this is an erly indicator that he does not truly accept the 'not the momma rule" like he said.



Winterglow's picture

How often does he have his kids? Why is a 25 yo still coming for visitation? Why don't his children have any chores?

TheBlndOne's picture

21 son year old just moved in 2 weeks ago, 26 daughter only re entered his life 3 yr ago and moved in to start a better life in AZ and have a real relationship with her dad for the first time. 26D had a few chores but when 21S csme I insisted on structure and more accountability. I won't live in a house with that many adults not paying rent or helping out.

Winterglow's picture

I think he needs to be reminded that he can order his kids around if he chooses but not his wife ...


TheBlndOne's picture

I don't want marriage I do want commitment fairness and equality in the house including the chores. 

TheBlndOne's picture

Also I deserve to be spoken to better than the kids since I'm the one trudging along beside him and providing for them all just as much as he is.

Winterglow's picture

Married or not, it makes no difference. YOU are his life partner and not one of his children. Honestly,  in your situation, with all of his adult kids drifting back, I think I'd be looking for a nice little place to stay and just move out. Continue to date him if you will, but draw your boundaries. Why stick it out where you are if you're not treated like the queen but only one of the rabble?

Another thing, if you're paying most of the bills, you have leverage ... Start only paying your fair share (1/8? That should bring him pain) and let him see how that feels. He has able-bodied kids who can pay their share. It's time they started. It's also time he learned to delegate to ALL of his kids and not just expect you, who work all day, to take up the slack. 

You are absolutely right, though, he is the problem. My question is, how much are you willing to put up with?

tog redux's picture

Gah, another "amazing" and "wonderful" father who has multiple kids with different women and has a 25-year-old still coming for visitation.

OP - please take off the rose-colored glasses here - he has brought 6 kids into this world, he still allows his fully grown adult kids to sponge off of him, he's told you that he doesn't want you to be MOM - but he totally wants you to be mom. He wants you to help out with his too-many kids that he can't get launched, because he's "tired" from his hard job. Well cry me a river - maybe he should not have had so many kids, or not had any custody time, if he doesn't want to care for them. And if he wants to cook fresh food for his grown adult kids, then that's his choice - but he has no business resenting you, who chose not to have kids and have no responsibility for his pack. 

He can tell the over 18 to buzz off and quit coming over for free food (please don't tell me they all live there). He can prepare food on the weekends to be heated up, he can ask the kids to each cook one night - he has lots of choices. He can't ask you to parent his kids.

I really don't see him as amazing and wonderful here - sounds like you do plenty around the house as well as pay more and what he resents is that you won't take over and be mom, even though he says he doesn't want that.  Stick to your guns here - these are all his choices and you have no responsibility for them.

Kes's picture

These "kids" are all old enough to be pulling their weight.  Or is he planning still cooking for them when he's in his 50s, 60s,  70s?  Referring to the title of your OP, yes, you do have an issue and it is him. Not speaking to you for 2 days as a punishment of you is obnoxious narc behaviour. 

TheBlndOne's picture

It's not rose colored glasses, but it is seeing that the kids he had had custody of their whole lives S15 D13 are smart functional helpful intelligent and well adjusted, but the ones who lived predominantly with the various mothers are not neatly as well adjusted is why I belive in the good dad. Thank you all for the feedback good and bad I do value the variety of perspectives.

Rags's picture

Why on this or any other planet would you willingly choose to have anything to do with this proficient breeder of a failed father, man, and apparently multiple failure husband?

What would make you think that you are being selfish for not wanting to rescue this POS non man?


His proficiency with fertility does not make him a man.  And I cannot see any other qualifications or characteristics of him being a man worthy of your commitment to an equity life partnership.

Good luck.  Take care of you.

Dc3sc2's picture

As the title suggest it is "working" from home. Not being at home. Not chilling at home. I don't agree with a pp that you should just write him off because he is being petty, we are all petty sometimes. I do think that maybe writing out your day hours you work things you do time these things take might help him realise that you pull your weight around the house and bring in the money too. 
his adult children and his teenage children should be doing their bit around the house too it's their home not just yours and your partners and they are old enough for the responsibility of jobs around the house. Possibly suggesting a rota in the guise of "helping the kids become better functioning adults"  putting all the children related jobs firmly on his to do list. If the adult children don't work they should be responsible for the lions share of the household chores until they find a job (not to treat them like a slave) as their contribution to the family home. Also with cooking can the adults in the house take it in turns to cook for the family? Is there any reason they can't? If everyone works and everyone contributes financially then household chores should be split but still child related items still are your partners responsibility. Would he take this sort of thing badly?