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Wedding Photos

dledden's picture

Getting married to fiancee on August 25. Just started thinking about wedding photos. I want to have the photographer take some photos of just my kids without ss8, and just me with my kids without fiancee and ss8. not all the photos of course, but just some, so i have some memories of just me and my kids on my wedding day. don't know how fiancee's going to feel about this......thoughts???? :?

stormabruin's picture

I don't think there's anything wrong with that. People do different group shots all the time. If you're going to do that, though, I would also consider doing some of ss8 without your kids & some of your fiance just with ss8. That way, it's just his son being singled out.

One shot I wouldn't do is you & your fiance with just your kids.

dledden's picture

agreed, wouldn't do that....and yes, some of just him and his son would be good too....none of just me and the stepkid though! LOL

stormabruin's picture

Awww, come on! Just one memorable awkward step-hug for the records! LOL! Smile

Ommy's picture

1) the two of you
2) the whole "family"
3)you and your kids
4) him and his son
5) you, him and your kids
6) you him and his son

there is nothing wrong with it. If he gets defensive say that you want to do a special photo frame and you want each kid to feel special and have special moments with you both it is to go in their room. Think down the long run, wouldn't SS just like to have a photo of the three of you? maybe.

stormabruin's picture

I disagree. I think it's one thing to have bio-parents with bio-kids, but I think it creates too much separation in "family" when you have both adults with only one set of kids. I can't imagine ss ever yearning for a picture of the 3 of them alone.

Ommy's picture

so you dont think that each child should have their own photo with their parents? My family does that. You never know what will happen down the road.

my family does photos with spouses and children, then with out spouses with the children (in case there is a divorce down the line) also with each child and the parents. That way each kid gets their own photo with their parents.

Living in a world where you dont acknowledge divorce as a possibility and dont acknowledge the fact that the kids arent actually blood and they may want a photo with just their parent/step is just stupid. Do you live in the lala land where everything is roses and sunshine?

stormabruin's picture

I never said anything about not acknowledging divorce. I also never said that children shouldn't have photos with their parents. In fact, I said they should. What I said was when a parent & stepparent are in a picture together, I saw no need to pick & choose which kids would be included. If you're mixing bio & stepparents, why not mix the kids too? It seems that in a picture that is showing united "family" (bio & step) you would portray it as united with the kids also.

Just because my opinion is different doesn't deem it stupid. Perhaps if you're unable to recognize it as simply a differing opinion you're mind isn't so open.

My world is hardly roses & sunshine, but I do make an effort to get as close to it as I can.

Forgive me if my opinion put your panties in a wad.

Ommy's picture

What I was saying what is perfectly fine to break up the photos. When you make the “whole blended family” issues bigger then they are kids pick up on it. It is perfectly fine to do separate photos with each of the kids. What if god forbid, one of the children die? This happened to my 4 year old cousin, he was hit by a truck. After that is when my entire family started to do the separate photos. There is nothing wrong with having a photo with just one of the kids, as long as you do it for the others as well. That way there is a special one of each of them. And when there are photos of the couples there are always ones taken separately in case of divorce down the line that way each parent, can take with them photos of just them and their kid and don’t have to look at their ex…it is a way of preparing for the future just incase something happens.

imthewife's picture

UGH! We didn't have Sd at our wedding...that solved that problem!

We followed SD's mom's footsteps...she left SD with us when she got remarried, too! no one's wedding pics...but she was very young!

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Go for it. For my wedding this past weekend (although SS did not attend), we did so many variations it'd make people's head spin.

Me and FDH
Me and my sister
Me and my parents without my sister
Me and FDH and my parents without my sister
Me and FDH and my parents and my sister
Me and FDH and his mentor and his wife
Me and FDH's family
All the girls
Everyone together
FDH and his brother
FDH and his brother and sister in law
FDH and his mother, brother, and sister in law
FDH and his mother, brother, mentor, sister in law, mentor's wife
FDH and my family (with and without my sister)
All the men
My grandfather and his mentor

And other variations of sorts. No big deal.