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Ventage Uncensored

Jellybeam's picture

Oh my God, get the F out of my house, get the F out of my house, get the F out of my house and park your filthy, lazy, smart-mouthed ass at your moms!!
Day 7 of having SD11 at my house, and THANK GOD she leaves for BM's for 7 days in the morning!!!
Me and DH came down on SD11 and BD12 about them not cleaning up after themselves, and it has really gone well this past week. BUT we never said anything about this: lil miss passive aggressive spent the whole week putting her shitty toilet paper in the bathroom trash can instead of flushing it down the toilet. One of you posters said she had a similar issue so she took the trash can out of the bathroom. Mine's in the garage now. We use liners, and there is a lid on the trash can, but I'm sorry, that's just gross and its a NEW behavior. That's how this kid is. It's like her way of getting the last word.
From my bedroom, you can hear everything that goes on in the bathroom because we have a door that also connects to the main bathroom from our room. SD REFUSES to wash her hands after she uses the toilet-and she is 11. I have told her and told her and even put up signs to remind her. She used to not even pretend to wash her hands, and now she flushes the toilet, turns the water on and off, off goes the light switch and the door comes open all in a matter of 5 seconds. She should at least pause to pretend to be drying her hands. The morning she leaves, I don't even go to work until I have sprayed lysol on every surface she could've possibly touched. It justs disgusts me, especially knowing that she has such poor personal hygiene-like not wanting to change her panties and socks. GROSS!!! She's so lazy, she wont change the toilet paper roll, so one day I just got enough toilet paper out of the cabinet for me, and left the empty roll. She went in there, took a big shit, and apparently wiped her ass with her underwear. Still didn't change the roll. Tonight she was in the shower and when she got out, I could hear her opening and closing drawers(there are 4, one for each of us). Disappointed again I'll bet to find my things locked up. I had to do this a few years ago when she asked, "which toothbrush is yours?' Yeah, right kid, like I'm gonna LET you piss on my toothbrush! She also used to use my hair products and such, so they're locked up in my room. I'm ordering a camera to catch her pilfering in my bedroom, and let her dad see for himself. First let her deny it, then show DH the video. Because you know what? SD is the only child on Earth that does't lie-not even to save her ass. BULLSHIT!!!! And the whining this week. She makes a grunt sound like a baby before the baby learns to talk. Another week of correcting everyone and arguing with anyone who will argue back, and negativity. And she stinks!! Even after the kid gets out of the shower she smells bad. I think she gets her hair wet and just sits in there the rest of the time with the shower running. She doesn't use a washcloth or a loufa. she can't be washing those crevices because she smells like puss-rot. I hate her sitting on my furniture! I Lysol it and Ferbreeze it, and MY CHASE, she's not allowed on it! Her dad doesn't do anything about that or her not brushing her teeth. I'm a really clean person, but I don't think expecting basic hygiene is too much to ask of an 11 year old. I have been on her about it for 4 years-quit about a year ago, and I just tell her dad who does nothing, because telling her to do something-anything, from brush her teeth to get the dishes out of her room is met with a huff, stomp,stomp,stomp, and slam goes her door. My BD wouldn't even think about huffing, stomping, and slamming. If SD was mine, I would have busted that ass a LONG time ago.
And were not even at the teenage years yet!! OH holy God in Heaven P l e a s e help scientists develop a drug just for step-moms by then!!!
When SD leaves for BM's for 7 days, after my decontamination routine, and unlocking and unpacking my property, I try to erase her by gathering up anything of hers and casting it into her room, and shutting the door. You'd think I'd have a fantastic 7 days of nirvana, and things ARE so much better when the dark cloud descends from our home. My husband is more relaxed, I have a lot less to do, my daughter is free to do and say what she wants without jealous SD correcting her every word and movement. and no whining!!! Everyone gets along fine and there is no conflict. The problem is I almost immediately begin to dread her return. It sucks. She sucks, but the more I disengage, the more DH will have to be the one to deal with her, and he is already beginning to see that she is a real pain in the ass, and a drag to be around. Then maybe he will finally understand what I have been going through. Except I doubt she will ever be as blatantly smart mouthed and rude to him the way she was with me. But still, it'll be interesting to watch how/if he handles her. I can already tell he likes my daughter more than his own because my daughter is cool and funny and sweet and respectful and cooperative. She really is a joy-there's just no denying it. But me, I don't know how to get the dread off my mind. I count down the days till SD comes back instead of enjoying to the fullest the days she is gone. It's like she has power over me and I can't stand her taking up space in my head!!

Jellybeam's picture

If I had a bathroom I could give to SD, it would be ALL hers. I would abandon the notion of ever cleaning it again!! But I don't, so when SD starts her period, I'm really expecting a smelly, disgusting mess in the bathroom. I was just thinking about getting one of those cute tiny trash cans with the swinging lid to put between the sinks on the vanity for Q-tips, cottonballs, dental floss and such, and just fill the main trash can with a bunch of used shopping bags and she can tie up her used maxi-pads in that each time and dispose of those in her trashcan in her room. Her bedroom trash can overflows with candy wrappers, papers from school. popcorn bags, etc and when no more will fit, she just sets her trash NEAR her trash can. She doesn't get this from me or DH or BD12 and her mom has a cleaning lady. I just don't understand how she thinks any of what she does is OK? So if she doesn't empty her trash can with pads in it, can you imagine the stench after it's been left for a week? Maybe THAT will motivate her to be a cleaner person. Because the week she is gone, I close the AC vent to her toom to save power and I keep her door shut and that's going to be an unbelievable funk!!!!!Her dad would HAVE TO deal with it then, right?

Jellybeam's picture

Thing that bothers me is that I have discussed certain things with the girls about the period issues concerning clenliness and consideration for others, so when the time comes, they will know what is expected of them. I explained that #1) You never fill a trash can so high that the trash is touching the lid. #2) Number one is ESPECIALLY true if you are on your period. #3)At least each morning, and however many times during the day when the trash is filling up, tie up the bag and take it out to the outside trash cans, and refill the bag. But SD puts shitty paper shitty paper shitty paper all the way up to the top this week more than once, even!! "well if I can't leave my crumbs and backpack and books just anywhere, I'll shit all over the trash can". There's for real something wrong with her!!

Jellybeam's picture

Her father. Her father isn't that involved, non observant at all. Even when (2 separate occasions), I informed DH that SD hadn't brushed her teeth for the entire week, he just called her by name and said for her to brush her teeth. A WEEK!!!!! TWICE!!! Her mouth, I care more about her contaminating our house. He calls me a germaphobe. No, any thinking person knows that taking a shit and not washing your hands is just like rubbing shit on everything you touch, I wont let that kid set the table as a chore. I make sure me and my BD use the salt and pepper shakers before "potty hands" does. ( I wipe them with a clorox wipe while I am wiping the table after meals. I don't like touching cabinets, the refrigerator, door knobs, the toaster, the milk jug, NOTHING when she is at our house. Hand washing is the #1 defense against the spread of disease. Geesh. No, her dad sees little, more all the time, but still little.

christinen's picture

This just popped in my head while reading your post-- why don't you first warn SD that if she leaves her poop paper in the trash can or anywhere else that is not the toilet, it is going to wind up in her bed? And then follow through with it! Shit.. (literally).. this girl needs to face some consequences for that nasty behavior!

Jellybeam's picture

Good idea, except if I actually said that and did that, her dad would kill me. I could tell her I'll put it in her bedroom trash can and do that. he'd still kill me though. She HAS been told, though, during my anti-nastiness campaign.