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There should be a “How To” book on coping with the EX!

lmarie5472's picture

I am a working independent mother of two handsome little boys, ages 5 and 12. I divorced their father 3 years ago and since have met a wonderful, sincere, communicative and very passive guy for about a year. We decided to take our relationship to another level about a month ago and he moved into my home. I’m definitely not used to his passiveness. Much like myself, my ex was an aggressor. Our personalities clashed and ultimately it led to our divorce. Within 6 months of separating from my ex, he got involved with a young lady in which whom he is still with today. They now share a little girl, who is my sons’ half sister. I never once interfered in his relationship. I respected his girlfriend, her family and I even thought to myself how lucky my children were for having her a part of their lives. She’s wonderful, always willing to remind me of things that maybe my ex husband forget to mention. I wouldn’t say I’d call her my friend, but she’s a friend of my children and I don’t corrupt their feelings for her. I make sure that they know how lucky they are because they get twice as much love, attention, vacation opportunities and Birthday presents. How grand is that? Now if I can behave as civilized at this, then why can’t other women? I have no idea how to deal with the constant interference of my BF’s ex, BM of his two kids ages 6 and 9, she’s also a stay at home mom. She is co-dependent, bitter, jealous, manipulative, and not only to my BF but to her own children. She is driving me crazy and stressing him out. I don’t believe there is a legit ament reason to every text and phone call she is making to him, although she pulls the “it’s about the kids” card with him. Later I find out 90% of the time, it’s to chew him out for information she has pumped from their children. She calls to comment on every new Facebook picture I post of us, reminds him of how much prettier she is than I am. She complains to him about how her kids don’t like me, (yet the youngest wraps her arms around me and tells me she loves me all the time). According to BM her daughter doesn’t like me because I won’t allow the child to sleep in the same bed as me and my BF and she makes him feel guilty because his daughter requires an abundance amount of attention. Basically she tells him that if the child wants to be stuck up his butt 24-7 then he should accommodate that. BM allows her kids to sleep with her and I don’t think it’s appropriate at their ages. She calls him to get driving directions, (Umm... Hello, have you ever heard of Map Quest?), she asks him to help her move to her new BF’s house, (no doubt what she is trying to accomplish with that one). She calls him up because she needs instructions on how to hook up her son’s X-box, (Seriously??). The list of ridiculous excuses to call him goes on and on. This is not a once a week occurrence, she is an everyday nuisance. Although my BF doesn’t answer every one of her calls, he still entertains her tirades through defenses or finds it necessary to help her because “he doesn’t want to be mean to her”. I can certainly say that she has put the heat on high since he’s moved in with me. Sometimes I don’t know if I am over thinking things or if I have a right to be irritated.

Kb3Hooah's picture

Hmmm lmarie - I am at a loss of advice as I deal with this same thing. I just wanted to let you know that I can relate and if you would take a peak at my blog called "Boundaries" maybe you can find some of the advice that was given to me, useful for your situation.

I completely empathize with you and my heart goes out to you!!!!! (((HUGS))))

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”

StepChicka's picture

I'm dealing with the similar problem with SD's BM. I'm gathering alot of the issue is what's in their head therefore are able to conjure up all kinds of things about what a horrible person you are. It doesn't help that BF is passive (so is mine btw). From what it sounds like both our BMs are threatened by us so they lash out. One thing in hindsight I wish I could have met BM before combining households with DH. I think a lot of bitterness could have been put aside. Now its kinda too late.

Here's a website to check out. It should give you helpful tips on these kind of things. It helps you understand what's going on in the other persons head. The site is set up by a BM and SM combo who worked through there dealings and have many many tips to share. One of them is a mediator. Very informative site.

If you click on any of the links under Ex-Etiquette there will be a list of questions on those pages to the right of the page.

Good luck.