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BadNanny's picture

I don't dislike my kids, I dislike the surreal expectations they all have of me. For example: At the other houses, the BMs are both mentally ill, so they sit on the couch eating ice cream or smoking pot all day and the kids take care of themselves AND their mothers. All if a sudden they act like royalty at our house- cook, clean and bathe me??? They keep their parents' car clean then trash mine then laugh at my kids that they have to ride in a dirty car when I'm the only one that ever takes them anywhere. Like I said, I'm the bad nanny (because a good nanny is allowed to do at least some disciplining while I can't because if I say " Sweetie, can you please put that wrapper in the trash for me?" it turns into "she's mean to us"... so I say nothing). Here's another one: I ask what anyone wants to eat then make it- once I make say pancakes, the skids start taking out pots and pans and say "I want eggssss..." and all of a sudden I have an entire kitchen full of a mess and you know what? They take maybe one bite and the mess sits there. If I ask for help cleaning up, I get attitude and eye rolling and maybe even tantrums,so I clean it all up like a bad nanny... And the stories go on.

BadNanny's picture


BadNanny's picture

Amen! Thank you! I did the same! Well, BM does nothing but sit on the couch, drug herself and fight with her BF. She is dirty and useless- even the skids call her that. Imagine the Worst mother you could have, and she is that. I really wish my hubby took full custody, but I don't think he wants that, bc he thinks he wouldn't be able to handle it, but I think it would actually be easier! I see it in SD 6, she is in sports, bathes and doesn't dress like a hooker and talk like a hillbilly when she stays with us. Then, just a few days at BM or with SD11, and I don't recognize her at all! I finally disabled SD11 iPhone, and if I am not allowed to parent, then at least I will not passively contribute to her delinquencies. Oh, BTW- I did have that talk with them about the World treating them better if they are sweet and grateful, rather than rude and self-entitled, but then they see their BM being rewarded by acting rude and self-entitled, so why take the positive road?!