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SK10 - at it again. I need help! No clue how to deal with this monster....

confusedmomof3's picture

Ok, if you have read any of my posts you will know what I go through almost daily with this walking advertisement for birth control. I have tried like hell to do everything in my power to help this kid. He is finally in therapy. He is experiencing consistency and structure. I found a sport that embraces his love of animals (horseback riding), signed him up for lessons and got that whole ball rolling.. The kid is very overweight and lacks any coordination - no sport has ever worked for him. He has ADHD and can't play on a team or it results in disaster.

Really, he is an out of contral embarassing nuisance and I am at my wits end. I am to the point where I am starting to dislike him and feel horrible for this. Before I was ok with him, liked him for the most part, but despised his behavior.. now, well.. I almost hate him. It hurts me to type this.

This last week and weekend has put the nail in his coffin for me. The day from hell he put everyone through Thursday and Thursday night. The horrible fights his lies and manipulation have caused between his father and I. His mean calculating cold comments about my daughter and how "if dad and her mom break up we are so taking this and taking that - no way do they get this or that - it's ours".. I mean, ENOUGH. He is just hateful.

I can not take it anymore.

This weekend we had his birthday party/sleepover. It was all about sk10. Everything for the most part, went well.. yea, a few squabbles, a few scrapes, but over all really good.. until a hour before his friends went home.

SK10 and SK12 - along with their two guests were in the basement playing and wrestling (like boys do). Then all of a sudden, out of the blue.. we hear a death scream from SK10 and he comes barreling up the stairs, hand on his neck, screaming like there is a bone sticking out of his shoulder or he got shot (really, it was that loud - I wish I was exaggerating) - he runs into the laundry room and throws himself on the floor writhing in pain like he is going to die and just shrieking and yelling at the top of his lungs "SK12 broke my back and neck"...

OK -first of all.. SK10 has anger issues. 2nd of all he is always 3 times louder than anyone else. 3rd, he over reacts to EVERYTHING. Put medicine on a rash "AAAAAAAGGGHHHH IT BURNS" and runs around the house like he is on fire. Stubs his toe "AGGGGHHHHH I BROKE MY TOE" and tosses his 113lb ass on the floor as hard as he can and writhes in pain for 20 minutes.. Dont even get me started on the things he has done in public.. He is such an embarassment!

Anyways.. so he is in the laundry room and just screaming and dad comes in.. SK10 begins yelling that "SK12 flipped me and broke my back".. SK12 is like "we were wrestling and he jumped on my back and started spitting on me, so I leaned over and he rolled off my back and hit his head - I tried to apologize" ... The other 2 kids come over and are like.. "he wasn't even flipped hard over and he barely hit hard".. SK10 is still sreaming and going "ooohhh... aggghhhhh... it hurtttttssss"... I try to talk to SK10 and see where it hurts - he can't specify... he just creams and moans - no tears, just attention getting "look at me everyone" behavior.

I'm sitting here thinking to myself.. "if the kid was truly that hurt he wouldn't be able to run up about 20 steps and across a house making the kind of noises he was making" Also, if he was hurt.. I would think that he would be more focused on telling his dad what hurts instead of making so much noise and trying to get his older brother in trouble (he was fixated on this point).

So, after about 10 minutes of this kid faking an injury and after we talk to all parties involved.. the truth comes out. SK10 was the instigator (surprise, surprise), he was spitting on SK12, SK12 did roll him off his back - but not violently, SK10 OVER REACTED AGAIN, yelled "Fu*k at the top of his lungs and created a scene.

We sent him to his room and made him write about how he could of handled things differently.. the paper was a one paragraph piece of crap. His dad let him off the hook.

Nothing works on this kid. Being nice gets you nowhere. Time out gets you no where. Loss of TV and video games gets you no where. We have taken money away from him as a "fine" for bad behavior but that only pisses him off and still, in the end, gets us no where.

I can't take it. I don't know what to do or how else to try to modify this behavior. Something has got to give or I am seriously contemplating telling my DH that if he doesn't engage in a fight to make a dramatic change one of two things will need to happen - I go or SK10 does.


Tmoore's picture

my DS12 is ADHD also and to be honest if I had not given birth to him myself I dont think we would have made it thus far alive. DS12 is not quite as bad as your skid but is overly dramatic and in most of the time the instigator. DS12 had alot of problems at school last year becasue he would take things so personally, like when playing basket ball some kids swatted at his arm to get the ball and he took this as an attack and punch the kid in the face.

I have and would completely ignore the dramatics, if there is no blood, walk away until he is ready to ask for help like a normal person.

I have noticed my son does not do well with wresting or aggrestive play like other kids. And while he wants despratly to be involed in what the others are doing, its just not a good idea for him. And I have had to remove him from the game. He is getting better at removing himself from the rough houseing. And I make sure he knows that it is ok not to like these games, as he gets older it gets better.