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Mayday! Mayday! (21yo step mom of 3)

Step.Momster's picture

I met my husband on a blind date January, 2008. Getting to know him was like being reacquainted with an old friend, he's the most amazing person I've ever met and truly is my best friend. However, he came with some heavy baggage. I knew going into this relationship that he and I would be met with some resistance, not only is he 18 years my senior, but he has 3 children (all girls) and one mean ass ex wife set permanently on search and destroy.

JustAnotherSM's picture

Wow, it sounds like you have your work cut out for you. Welcome to STalk! You will find great advice and support here.

Triggerfishgal's picture

My FDH is 20 years my senior (but tromps my exH in every regard, and I mean EVERY regard, wink wink). Like yours, he is the most amazing man I have ever met, generous, humble, and sweet as pie. I only have one FSS8 to deal with, and BM isn't too bad (yet, anyway).

Can you tell us a little more? We can't help with your mayday til we know what happened to the ship! Iceburgs? Pirates? If it's Captain Jack Sparrow, I'll be his booty if he asks!!

Step.Momster's picture

Hey, I didn't mean to post this yet, had more to write... couldn't figure out how to edit the post, had to post another one... so check that out... and in my OTHER post can someone tell me was FDH and FSS8 mean? lol Kinda new to this site.

Triggerfishgal's picture

FDH- Future Darling Husband (although I switch it to Damn Husband in my head, depending on my hormone swing)

FSS8 = Future Stepson 8 years old

If you read my posts, and see FSS8 referred to as FT, it = F&#k Trophy, in reference to how parents act like their kids are shiny, flawless trophies. My friend coined it.



My DH and I were also set up on a blind date and basically hit it off. He also had three kids and a crazy BM.

Welcome to StraightTalk. I love it here!

krenee86's picture

Wow! I'm 22 and only have one step child to deal with! I thought I had it rough... I hear you on the crazy ex part. Good luck! I'm fairly new to the site as well. Its nice to have a place where you can relate in certain ways. It has been some-what helpful to me. Hopefully it helps you out too.