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Jealousy sure sucks!!

bigblues1981's picture

Ok, to start off now that BM is getting married In a few months things between her and my DH and me and calmed down a lot…which is a good thing…Well last night at SD T-ball game we were leaving and I asked her if they found a house yet? She said yeah just wait to close on it the house is going to be about 30 from where we live now. So I made the comment “dang, that’s going to take some getting used to when you drive to work every morning” To which she replied “oh, I’m not working ….that…pointing at my SD is going to be my new job…I’m going to be a SHAM” I don’t know why but this eats me up to no end!! I have ALWAYS wanted to be a SHAM but can’t because of bills….Me and DH both work and we still struggle to take care of every bill…I guess it’s a mixture of jealousy, and just plain out mad…Her future DH makes REALLY REALLY good money and I guess it bothers because her we sit paying her CS every month and she really don’t even need it!! And here we sit wondering how we are going to by groceries for our kids… I know it’s her and my DH’s responsibility to take care of SD…But it just seems crazy to me that here she is marrying this rich guy not having to work…and we are in the poor house and I work my ASS off 50 hours a week 10 hours a day..but we STILL have to hand her over money that she DON’T need that could feed my family…sorry I’m just hurt, frustrated and everything all in one.. Sad

RaeRae's picture

Buying clothes and shoes and haircuts and school supplies is what CHILD SUPPORT IS FOR for God's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why the hell do these women think they are receiving this money in the first place???? I absolutely hate these selfish b*tches who steal their children's money and expect their ex's to pick up their tab!!!!

stpmom2b's picture

I know how you feel. I hate feeling jealousy. I am not usually that kind of person. It just makes me so angry that BM doesn't have a job, has a mega rich family that pays for everything for her and uses the 3,000 a month we give her for "spending money". Meanwhile, DH and I each work 2 jobs, can't take vacations and live paycheck to paycheck. We can't even have a child of our own right now because of our schedule and money issues. On top of it, she is a horrible person: mean, petty, spiteful, treats DH like dirt and tells everyone at the kids' school or on sports teams that DH is a deadbeat dad who "abandoned" them. Sickening!!!!!

Gmama's picture

I'm in the same boat to,, we pay, she doesn't contribute ANYTHING to my SS finances,, If my husband stayed at home he would be in jail and clasified as a deadbeat dad,, but it's ok in the coruts eyes to have moms that stay home and don't contribute,, I though so many states were trying to change CS so the parents wouldn't get away with not working or taking less paying jobs,, not in our case,, I to work a full time job and take care of that Bitches responsibility, and then on top of it my husband doesn't understand why I'M so angry and pissed all the time,, i'm really starting to worrie about how our marriage is going to overcome her and work together as partners to beat the odds,,I hope we can get threw the next five years?????