missrn2's picture

Not sure what to do. My son has Asperger's disorder and consistently seeks to fight with my BF of 4 years. My BF of 4 years consistently seeks an agrument with him.. They go head to head and I am stuck in the middle. Both of them it seems want me to themselves.....last night my BF said he would never come back because of him.....then within 2 hours of me not responding to him he showed up at the door.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I wish the two of them would just stop. My child is not innocent in this either.....he will intentionally tweek then off we go....I just can't get either one to stop HELP

songchef's picture

How old is your son? Does your BF have an understanding of Aspergers? Ive worked with children who range in the Autism spectrum and there are many different levels of function. It can be trying for sure. Your BF needs to understand what is involved. Im not sure if that is whats going on though....because how Ive seen things, boys tend to want Mom to themselves and will go into a pissing match with the other Alpha Dog. Maybe talking to your son would help. Making sure he knows there is enough of you for everyone. Also a talk with BF....he is an adult and should not be putting you in the middle. Some hard core heart to heart talks is what I would try. Im sorry you are going through this.

missrn2's picture

I sought advice from my son's couselor regarding this, one for my BF and I no. His counselor seems to believe it is a "territory" issue with my son. He also believes he understands more than he lets on and works with him on that all the time. My marriage was 17 years of abuse and his counselor see a lot of what my son is doing now is what he saw his father do to me. My BF will go through long phases of not responding to the goading and letting me handling it with my son, but then has enough and we go through this phase.