Hat's off

SebringLad's picture

My hat is off to each and everyone of you stepparents.We only have 1 son,2 grandkids,yet ,at times,it all seems so difficult to deal with.
How you all do it and maintain your sanity is beyond me !!
Good luck to all of you.

bi's picture

clearly, OCC. this is one time i will agree with you. some people aren't sane at all...

janeyc's picture

Since being a stepmum for the second time, I have been through every emotion there is, I have felt jealous, resentful and on the positive side, love and happiness, I've had to deal with 2 crazy Bm's, neither had a moral between them, the first time was easy and the second very difficult, the difference was that my first skids knew I must be respected, their father just did'nt put up with had behaviour, the second time, my bf did guilt parenting, so we've had 2 yrs of rowing, shouting and me threatening to leave, thankfully he has stopped that now, sometimes I look back and cannot believe Im still here, my bf and I still love each other, my Sd6 loves me, so Im in a good place at the moment, I would like to think I've had a positive effect on my Sd, I know that it could all go to pot at any minute, when I think of my future I just can't see us all together, so I suppose that deep down Im still not sure. I will keep plodding on for now.