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at a COMPLETE loss

marmy's picture

Apology for the long post. This is my first post. i have read a lot of other stories. but here it goes ...

dh and i have been married for 2.5 years. we went to hs together, both of us got married and had a daughter and got divorced. And here we are today. I have a BD9 and a SD7, almost 8. SD lives with us 50/50. The general way the house works looks like this ... when SD is not here, I parent BD myself. I do all chores, pickups, dropoffs, planning, events, discipline, etc. DH isnt lazy, hes good, I just tend to do all that. There are times when he is plenty helpful. Our home is peaceful MOST of the time when it is just us 3. 

When SD7 comes, everything changes. That is where things get very complicated . i usually do the same for SD that I do for BD. 100%, same. I dont tend to complain, as I honestly do not mind. I enjoy taking care of the kids even though it can e stressful. This simple routine works well for me most of the time. 

BD9 can have an attitude. She can be loud disrespectful, and hateful. She has acted that way toward every person in the house at times. Its not crazy overboard. Its very normal preteen kinda stuff ... and it always boilds down to her not having good control of her emotions. She has an emotional outburst, she mostly will appologize for on her own. This is pretty much her only behavior issue i have EVER had out of her. SHe is very smart, does exremely well in school, has tons of friends, never gets in trouble anywhere except home (mostly when SD7 is here).

SD7 has sttitude but expresses it differently. She rarely gets hateful with her words. She ignores, will put her hand up at you in the "talk to the hand" motion. she will finger comb her hair in front of her face to build a wall between her and whomever she is having a problem with. She has done downright nasty things to DH, BM, and BD9. She will find a sore spot and she will pick at it. She has openly admitted to doing things to BD9 for the sole purpose of hurting her feelings. She has hurt animals, she killed a baby chicken (BP both can not agree if it was an accident or on purpose and they both change thier story on that one, it was when she was like 3 or 4). She told me she held her hand over her kitties mouth so it couldnt breathe. She picks at BD9. ALL THE TIME. She doesnot follow basic rules in the house, like no yelling across the house, bed time, bathtime, clean your room, no yelling in the house, and BD finds all of those behaviors incredible annoying, as do I. She cheats at games, she tells on BD9 for xyz, all while doing xyz herself. Usually in those situations its SD does xyz. BD asks multiple times for her to stop. she continues. so BD does it back to her or gets mad and yells at her to stop. SD comes crying, she yelled, shes being mean. DH wants BD to be dealt with. She is EXTREMLY manipulative. She has went to school and told horrible lies about her BD and her BM. They beat me, they screamed, BM pushed me down, etc. She has lied and said I have done things, or has just said that I am lying about what she did to the point that on multiple occasions DH has considered divorce.

DH ... he definitly wants BD9's attitude dealt with. "why is she allowed to be so mean to everyone" And if i hear one more time how that little princess of his has doen absolutly NOTHING wrong I swear my head might spin off and fire might come blasting out of the hole it left.  

BD9 was VERY close to her grandpa. VERY close. Grandap built a church. Grandpa died. BD misses him DEARLY. A construction company made a mistake next door and it caused this church to fall down. BD9 was VERY upset. This was HER church, that grandpa built. She was devistated. One day I am in car with SD7 and we drive by church. SD7 is perfectly aware of the fact that BD was VERY close to her grandpa. I was gawking at the church ... SD asks me what I am looking at, isnt that BD church? I say yes, and tell her the company made a mistake and now the church is falling down. She say oh no, that sucks. Yes. I tell her to please not talk to BD about it as grandpa built it and shes upset about it. SD is lik .. oh yeah, definitly, she was super close to her grandpa ... she must be SUPER upset. .... yes ... please dont bring it up. no problem ... less that 3 hours later, all 4 of us are in car. I hear SD tell BD ... we drove by your chuch today. that really sucks. BD"yes it does, its falling down, I really dont want to talk about it" SD"well, whoever built that church must have done a terrible job if its falling down"

I was LIVID!!!!! This is ONE example of how the sweet little princess didnt do ANYTHING. 

DH ... sometimes thinks im just outright lying about SD. Sometimes he blames "its the way you think about her" sometimes he acknowledges there is a problem, but blames it on BM. SOmetimes he says its just normal kid stuff. Sometimes its ALL BD fault ... cuz shes mean. Please understand that SD is the ONLY person, school, church, friends, cousins, that has EVER occused BD of being mean. 

I absolutly adore my husband. I do not adore the way he parents. I do not adore that he seems to be incapable of recognizing that she is the mean one ... and this really is constant .. she is CONSTANTLY she will be asked to stop doing something 500 times by anyone, and wont stop. or stops for a sec and then starts back up. She will sit outside BD bedroom and knock ... and knock, and knoc, and knock, until BD gets mad and yells to go away or comes and gets me .. in which case i get told .. whats the problem, why cant she just play with her? she just wants someone to play with? because BD is not A PLAY TOY. Shes a PERSON. and she doesnt WANT to play and shouldnt HAVE to just cuz SD wants it ... 

DH has lied for her numerous times, and recently lied to make BD look worse, and SD look innocent. I am at my breaking point. I dont know what to do. 

I need a lot of help. 

Rags's picture

If you are at your breaking point.  Leave. Take your kid and leave.  A lying spouse who lies to make his toxic spawn feel better while she makes your child feel bad is not worth any further investment of your time, resources or emotion.

Enjoy your new life without this failed man, failed husband, failed father and his toxic pelvic projectile.

tog redux's picture

Your DH does not want to see the truth about his child, which is sad, because she needs help. I hope BM is willing to get her the help she needs.  As for you, maybe he needs to know that his marriage could be destroyed by his refusal to be honest with himself about his daughter's issues.

I'm not sure how you could "adore" him, at this point.  His willingness to lie and gaslight you makes me a bit worried that SD got some of her character traits from him.


marmy's picture

Your right. When I say I adore him, I do, if you remove sd from the equation. All else in out life is great! Ever problem I have, is actually with him,  in regards to sd. 

BM will not be of any help as she told me,and he did long ago ... before I seen them mysel . Yet neither one has actually done anything to address the issue. They continue to make excuses for her ...

Ya know ... this just made me stop and thin . There are a couple other pretty significant issues I have... they just so easily get lost in the crap with sd. 

I dont want a divorc . I dont want to put myself or bd through this. But I can't change it. My current approach ... the last couple days, has been disengage from sm role, which he is not happy about, but didn't leave princess with me either. I'm not one to make rash decisions ..  so this is my bandaid until I figure out for sure what to do 

tog redux's picture

But - you are teaching BD bad things by staying in this situation. And really, you can't separate a huge part of him - who he is as a father- from the rest of him. It's all him. 

Rags's picture

"Well, except for that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"


Mr. wonderful except the threats of divorce, the coddling of his toxic pelvic projectile and the double standards of how he behaves towards your DD compared to your SD, other than that, how is this marriage to Mr. Wonderful working out for you? More importantly, how is it working out for your daughter.

Stop serving your own child up as a sacrifice to this POS non man, failed father, shitty husband and his toxic asshole of a child.


You are also going to have to deal with your own DD's behavioral crap or put your own life with a partner on hold until your DD launches.

ndc's picture

Your DH has considered divorce multiple times because of lies SD tells about you?  Your DH lies to make your daughter look worse and his better?  I'm assuming your daughter doesn't particularly care for SD, and her life is not being enhanced by having SD in it.  So you're at your breaking point.  My advice - leave before you break.  Living with all that dishonesty, and having a constant struggle about whose kid did what and whose kid is being favored would make me crazy.  I'd probably try counseling if you haven't already, but this situation doesn't sound fair to anyone and you and DH need to learn to work as a team and treat the girls fairly if you're going to stay together.  

marmy's picture

You are absolutely right!!! No bd does not care for sd 99% of the tim . She won't have friends over if sd is here, she wants to leave and go to friends houses, she complains all the time how annoying sd is, mostly just to me, she knows better than to say it in front of dh. 

I've been saying since the get go, because I do not view myself as an innocent in this ... WE need to learn to do this TOGETHER. It just hasn't worked. It always ends up with bd being blamed or me being blamed for allowing bd. I mostly keep my mouth shut about sd issues and just deal with squabbles and arguments as they present themselves. 

Recently, dh went in a thing about how bd is causing so many issues. Why? Because I started the process of single parent adoption, she hasn't heard from her sperm donar in 4 years. She wants to change her name to mine and wants to get a passport. My mom asked l, in the open if we had considered dh adopting her. Although it has been discussed ... it's not an option as far as I'm concerned, but I haven't expressed that to dh as he has maintained he isn't ready. So I told mom dh isn't ready and he flipped on me ... it's not HIS fault thier relationship isn't good, it's her fault, its because of her attitude, it's because I allow her to have attitude and be hateful ... in and on and on ..  it's because I dont let him discipline her. 

My stance is basically,  well you see nothing wrong with your own child, you give zero breaks to mine and always demand I fix her, and you only play dad when you feel like it. You can go days on end without acknowledging her existence. The first words in 3 day from you can not be you jumping her ass because she got snooty or you dont like the way she looked at sd ... 

It's easy me for me to point out the stuff from sd but please dont get me wrong ... bd is not an angel. She certainly has a temper and can be very rude and disrespectful.  I'm also not perfect ..  and I dont always address bd as harshly as she ought to be addressed and she does get away with stuff sometimes. That being said, i feel like all kids do ... and because i know I'm not perfect and she isn't perfect, i keep my mouth shut about dh and sd imperfections... but when lied on her . And was blaming her for all household problems, and blaming her for him not having a good relationship with her and all that stuff, and literally said, sd is just trying to be a good Christian and just trying to be so nice to everyone that she ends up being a door mat ..  i totally lost it!!!! 

As for the lying ... bd has not had a habit of it. She most often will openly admit to me the part she played in whatever problem there has been. She comes to me in tears when she's made a mistake ... mom I'm so sorry, i did this, 

So for some time now when I get a very different story from dh and bd or sd ... all stories sound plausible... but I knows hes lied to protect sd before. So I put a camera in bd room. And the very first problem that came up, which was so completely petty ... he lied and made bd out to be worse ... and it seriously makes me wonder how many times this has happened. Is it every time?how many times has bd been in trouble for lying, when she was telling the truth. How that must have made her feel when I sided with them???? I've talked to her a little, and she basically told me, mom, it's ok, I forgive you. I do have a bad attitude sometimes, so I totally understand why you would believe that, even if I didn't do it that time. Mom. I know if I never had a bad attitude,  and I was accused of i . You would be less likely to believe it. Just like lying. If you know someone's lying. It's hard to believe them, even when you think they are being honest. 

Btw, bd is crazy smart lol ... always has been ... I could go on and in ... but seriously. she's like some sort of child prodigy or something ..  it's insane. Lol

tog redux's picture

What exactly do you adore about this guy, I really don't get it.  I'd have a hard time with anyone treating my kid that way.  You are honest about her issues and your mistakes as a parent, but he can't do the same.  I think you are in some way blinded to the serious flaws this guy has. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Why are you making your daughter live with a man who can go days on end without acknowledging her existence and who tells lies about her? Why are you making her live with another child who picks at her all the time and also tells lies about her? Home should be a safe refuge from the world, and it doesn't sound like your home is a nice place for your daughter to live in.

And why do you want to live with a man and his daughter who both lie to and about you? This doesn' t sound like a good situation for either you or your daughter.

ctnmom's picture

I have had a stepfather for 40 years that always thinks the worst of me, it has all but destroyed my relationship with my mother. When I was 15 they married. I always held down a job, went to mass, was a virgin, got good grades, etc. He would just nitpick and horn in on my flaws. I know he badmouthes me (and my kids, and my DH) to this day. It's been such a sad process, and such a loss. My brother recently died and now all my mom has is him, my brother was a lot more patient than me with her husband, I love my mom to death but never see her because it's hard for her to travel, and when she does it's to see his family, not her little family. (he never had any kids)

Siemprematahari's picture

You were married to this man before and divorced him, you both remarried and whatever issues you both had before have not been resolved along with what's going on now. You don't want to divorce him and put your BD through it but you're ok with subjecting her to this toxic dysfunction. What do you think this is modeling to her? That its ok to be treated like crap, bullied, and basically ignored by your own father and its ok....just suck it up.

If you have no plans on leaving this failure to parent H of yours.....yes continue disengagement and so what if he doesn't like it. Completely have NOTHING to do with the SD and that goes for cooking, cleaning, drop offs, whatever! Your H gets the luxury of doing it ALL while you sit on the side lines doing YOU. I'd also recommend for your daughter to keep a safe distance from her half sister if their is so much tension between them. 

Hopefully one day your tolerance level will reach it's max and you'll be done with all this f@ckery.

marmy's picture

I was not married to him before. My husband is not my daughter's father. My current husband and I went to high school together. We were friends. After school, we did not continue our friendship for no particular reason, we were not good friends in school ... we both ended up marrying other people. I was married, had my daughter, and got divorced. He married someone, had a daughter, and got divorced.  We then ended up bumping into each other both as single parents, and started dating, eventually getting married to each other. 

classyNJ's picture

This reads like the screenplay for The Good Son!  Bad kid blaming the good kid and parents buying it.

You are allowing your daughter to be subjected to SD abuse and bullying and allowing your DH to ignore her?  I feel for your daughter.  Of course she is going to have emotions all over the place.  She needs to know that she can trust you to have her back against these two.

Monkeysee's picture

I didn’t read anything past the part about your SD’s cruelty to animals & how her parents have done nothing about that. That alone would be a dealbreaker for me. I could never trust someone who hurt animals, and a parent who justifies, excuses or ignores that behaviour is just as guilty. 

You are subjecting your BD to toxicity that she doesn’t deserve. At minimum you should get your own place, your daughter deserves to be shielded from this dysfunction, regardless of how much you ‘adore’ this man.