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Blamed and Shamed

Tiredstepmomzzz's picture

I am, make that I am exhausted.  My problem stems from my boyfriend of 4 years, his ex, and their 9 year old daughter.  The ex and I have never been friendly-she has tried to beat me up and just talks down about me to her daughter and my boyfriend (her ex).  There are definitely boundary issues and I have tried to address them but I am always found to be the problem.

When my bf's daughter comes over it is utter chaos.  He does not parent her consistently; he speaks down to me in front of her; and I am expected to be a taxi, free babysitter, etc. to this child.  Just yesterday I had asked my bf's daughter if she could watch a tv show in her bedroom because my mom who has been staying with us wanted to watch a Law and Order episode.  His daughter had been watching her YouTube shows all day so I spoke with my bc and he said to tell his daughter to read or watch tv in her room.  I did as he told me and then started the law and order show for my mom.  I was busy getting a snack for my toddler and figured that since I told his daughter to go to her room she would.  WRONG!!! She never went to her room and my bc came into the kitchen screaming at me that his daughter was watching an inappropriate show.  I did exactly what he said and I feel as though he should have reprimanded his daughter and not me. I had told her what her dad said to do and I am the one to blame and to be screamed at.  Also, since his ex's car broke down I am expected to be a taxi.  If I say no to babysitting or driving his daughter somewhere he belittled me and kicks my daughter and myself out of the home.  He tells me it is not my home, it's his daughters home.  

I could write 1,000 pages of crazy crap that had gone on but I'm just so tired-mentally:emotionally.  I have repeatedly asked not to be dragged into my bf and his ex's issues such as childcare, etc. because I am not allowed to say no.  I help out a lot but I think I should be able to say no if I have plans.  I'm really thinking about moving with my bf and my daughter because I am sick of the constant drama I get dragged into.  The worst part yesterday was that he walked up to his 9 year old daughter saying she did nothing wrong.  Like hello-she doesn't listen..please someone tell me I am not this awful, horrible person.  

Lady.Tremaine's picture

Just so you are aware he can't actually kick you out automatically even if he's the home owner. Look into renter's rights. He needs to give at least 30 days even if you aren't on a lease. And even so he still has to go through the court system. Look at all the squatter horror stories online to get a rough idea of what he will need to do.

Do you have the funds to move ? If so I'd say put your foot down on being a taxi/ babysitter asap. What a troll asking you for help but making you the villian.

In a perfect world you should be able to just tell him to lay off but if he's as vile as you are saying he could be a danger to you, your mother and your toddler . 

Also to be frank he's being overly sensitive ( while being a complete ass) I used to watch law and order as a kid with my mom and I had no clue what was going on at all. If she's on YouTube she's probably not even caring to look up. God he's a prick.



tog redux's picture

Why in the world have you put up with this abusive jerk for 4 years?!  Yes, kicking you out of the house is a power move, and abusive. Screaming at you is abusive. 

You deserve better.

Thumper's picture


Please find a safe place. Pack as many things as you can---ask for people to come and help you get out. IF you need to call police to come and assist keeping him away from you while you pack stuff up to leave.


I am so sorry.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Get out of that situation.  You and your child deserve better. You are not a doormat.