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am i wrong?

truebloodfreak's picture

Am i wrong fir wanting BM to take her kids with her back to her home state. She is visiting her kids for the first 18months. She has been here since.the 7th and is staying till the 29th. I really want desperately for her to realize that her son,my SS9 should be with her. He talks.non-stop about how.great she is. When in reality she is probably one.of.worst most fucked up people I know.--read my blogs!! I have been taking care.of.for.4 years no breaks and he is and annoying. He needs attention 24/7 . I can't give him that. I work full time then I come home and have to chase toddler for.the remainder of the night until I pass out from cooking,cleaning,child-care. BM doesn't work and has her new " perfect family" with her other 2 younger kids --3 and 4. I am so tired of doing her job when she is perfectly it. My SO works.all the to start off his business away from he can focus more.on work. He currently works at home in the evening and the baby while I work in the day. I honestly want her to take responsibility for her kids because I'm tired of it. I wish she would see how difficult her kid is for her own self. She took off when SS9 was a baby and pops into their lives when its convenient for her! It drives me crazy!!!!!! I hate this woman.

truebloodfreak's picture

There is no.custoday arrangement. He. My SO has been taking care.if.his.BOYS for.the past 9 years with her help financially or emotionally. Well his exgf was doing a lot like now. But my SO can't see perspective because those are his.boys and.they they with him. He doesn't see that I am not the mom. I dont want to be and I.think deep down that he knows SS9 should spend time with his BM. I feel like it will never be a start ... with kids and how could.he.start? I want SS9 with her because I'm.tired of hearing about how great she is. Let her be the mother!!! Let.him see are.with her. He doesn't even really know her at all. I've told SO you either have her in helping out or nothing at all. How it is now is beyond messed up. She calls constantly but doesn't contribute for anything I had to beg her for school supply money.I feel like its her turn to actually do the work and be a parent. Why does she get to have all the affection and positivity? I'm stuck cleaning after her kids,paying for things and.hearing how.great she is. Starting the business away from home is necessary to bring in more money. Because that's another problem--- finances.

trystme's picture

He should take her to court to get things straight with custody and to get her to pay child support.

Forthem's picture

I am sorry you are having to do this. You are a good person in a horrible situation. I can't give any advice, but i sure as hell support you. I thought my husband's ex was a nightmare, but I think yours won! Good luck honey.