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When I think to myself what I don't agree with, I feel like I sound like a pyscho, am I?

notsurexvi's picture

Good morning everyone,

First time poster here after I've read a few threads, 1) I hope this is the correct forum to post this in 2) I had absolutely NO IDEA there would be this many individuals with similar stories to share and that puts me at ease just a bit

Just a little background on my situation before I begin to "vomit" out all the issues at home:

My significant other and I began dating 3 years ago, it had been just them two for 14 years; and I up to that point had been living alone for 7 years straight with a couple of relationships in between, never with someone that had a child. In the beginning everything was amazing, we were madly in love and nothing got in the way. Eventually down the line I was finally introduced to the 14 year old step-child (6~ months into the relationship, after going on 2-3 dates PER WEEK) after hearing so much about them e.g. how smart they were, how many books they read in one day, how their taste in music is not like other kids, how mature they are for their age, etc. Of course they were shy at first but eventually they opened up and we connected, there was nothing that made me want to say "RUN".

Fast forward to us now dating for 1 1/2 years and the conversation of moving in together came up, I thought, why not? We all get along, except for of course the minor disagreement here and there. Long story short we finally move in together and that's when EVERYTHING started to go downhill.

1) The step-child constantly forgets to do their chores, which aren't even that many: wash the dishes, take out the trash and clean the litter box. We are supposed to split these chores, the mother cooks and we clean, there are times when the dishes won't be washed for 3-4 days straight or there are times when the litter box isn't cleaned for 2-3 days straight. I understand we are the adults but the step-child arrives home 2-3 hours before us due to our long commute, which leads me to my next issue...

2) We arrive home and the step-child (17 now) is in her pajamas, lounging around not doing anything, literally not doing anything but staring into their laptop or phone, which leads to the next issue...

3) The step-child doesn't want to do ANYTHING, they literally wake up, go to school, come home, hop into their pajamas, do their HW if there is any and THAT'S IT. They have no interest in sports, extracuricular activities, friends (the step-child stays home EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND) and their grades are slowly dropping day by day, which - you guessed it - leads to the next issue...

4) Apparently, my GF "doesn't have time" to check on their child's grades so I'm in charge of that. Every Monday I log into the school website and check on their grades. EVERY SINGLE TIME I let my GF know that "hey, I see that last week they failed TWO tests" or "hey, last week it shows that they missed an assignment" or "hey, they had extra credit during Christmas/Spring break, that we both saw that it was being worked on but it looks like it was never turned in" there are ZERO consequences or all she says is "I will speak with her" and NOTHING changes

5) Minor Issues: whenever we go to the market and bring home groceries the step-child literally goes through boxes of cereal in 3 days, leaving none for us or they'll consume entire jars of nutella and bread in 3 days and to top it off they'll leave the EMTPY JARS OR TRASH LAYING AROUND THE KITCHEN - and guess who picks it up??? My GF!!! Another minor issue is when we go on trips and have numerous bags/luggage to carry around the step-child makes it a point to ONLY CARRY their 1 bag while we lug around the rest of the stuff.

We have had NUMEROUS conversations about every single thing that I posted above, I want to say that we've discussed these things at least 20 times in the last 1 1/2 years and afterwards these issues don't arise for 1 week and everything goes back to the way it was before.

This coupled with the fact that my GF defends their step-child at every single turn, when I know the step-child is wrong in regards to anything, I politely correct her and my GF steps in and says, "No, actually you're wrong, what they said is right", makes me want to sit down with both of them and tell them that I can't deal with them anymore, I need to leave this "family" and be on my own again. I'm afraid that the step-child will never amount to anything and will continue to live with us until their late 20's, which I'm not prepared to do.

Am I a crazy person for feeling this way?

notsurexvi's picture

Hello @Iamwoman - thank you for the response, unfortunately that is not an option as I literally support the entire household, the only items my GF and I split are the rent and groceries (I pay for literally anything else you can think of: car payment, insurance, cell phone, internet, gas, lunch, trips, movies, etc.) So if they were to live alone again I don't think they'll be able to manage it, financially.

Blue Moon's picture

Well, I have to disagree here. If as you said it was just your GF and her child alone for 14 years, apparently she was able to manage on her own. Just because she may have gotten used to your income does not mean you are trapped in this arrangement if it does not suit you.

dysfunctionally_blended's picture

DISENGAGE! Take your life back because you will never fix it. You only have 1 more year before the boot comes out (Sorry, adult children do not live with you. Of course skid can have 3 months to save for an apartment but no more.)

Let your GF handle all things skids. Grades, chores, social life, all of it.

Instead, enjoy your life with your GF. Go out to dinner, dates etc as if skid does not exist. You could fight and argue until you are blue in the face and NOTHING will change. So why bother. 


You have all the power - do not fund anything for skid. Do not interact. Nada. Believe me, it took years for me to get to this point. And I have to say it is eye opening. 

Cover1W's picture

You are describing my SD14.

She does nothing, absolutely nothing.  Comes home from school, makes herself some food (I guess she does clean this mostly up about 60% of the time w/out asking but doesn't clean the counter and drops food everywhere), gets into her PJs, does homework if she has it and is then online until past 10 at night.  She gets home at 3:00.  Doesn't bring in mail, doesn't empty/load dishwasher, nothing.  Lays there and then complains she's cold or she aches or whatever...gets out of helping clean up dinner all the time.  And you know what?  I DON'T CARE.

Because DH doesn't care. I cannot care more than DH does.  I can care that her room isn't so messy it smells or attracts vermin.  I can care that nothing is damaged and the stove is actually turned off after she cooks, but her personal decisions?  NADA.  School?  She does well at but I really don't care overall, I'm not involved at all - I used to be, but not any longer.

I do not pay for most groceries when they are with us, I don't buy any extras due to her picky eating.  Nothing.  I don't do it.  We all go out to eat then DH pays if it's his idea.  Empty containers in fridge and in pantry?  Either leave them nicely lined up on ONE shelf (do not take care of them yourself, ever) or just leave them as is and let your GF pick them up.  I do not bother and I do not replace items left empty (this goes for my DH too BTW).

And she's leaving at 18?  Right?  This must be discussed now if you haven't addressed this topic yet.  I have already let my DH know exactly how I feel about 18 yos living with us - she can stay if needed but there will be a lease and rent and required cleaning and if not, she's out.  And when SD12 is 18?  We sell the house, move and downsize.  No discussions.  You have thought about her turning 18 but is your GF willing to discuss it?  And the undermining of your decisions and support is a killer - DH did that to me for a while, then I disengaged.  I don't get a say then I don't say or help at all.  That's it, done, no $ no support. 

If you really want to stay with GF you need to collect yourself, think about what you really want, read about disengagement, talk with her (no arguments), and only then make up your mind.  You aren't married so that's a good start.

notsurexvi's picture

These are all great tips and I have actually done the one about leaving all the trash behind, but guess what? I was scolded for not picking up the trash...WTF...

"Leaving at 18"...It came up once in passing as a joke while watching a movie, "hey Mom, if I don't leave at 18, that's OK right? I can live with you for as long as I want", to which she replied "Of course, your my only child, you can do whatever you want" - followed by them laughing about it while I was mortified on the inside. However, the next day I talked to my GF about it and we got into a HUGE argument, long story short, from her viewpoint I was basically kicking the SK out and that not every child has to move out at 18 or go to college if they can't, again, WTF. There is absolutely ZERO motivation from my GF to make her child better or to improve in anything.

Needless to say we've had several discussions afterwards about this and I'm always suggesting that the SK join a club, do sports, look for colleges to apply for and it works...for 1 day...then it's back to the head-buried-in-laptop routine.

Or even better the SK will lie to us, "Oh I found a club at school I want to join" followed by weeks of us asking the SK when they'll join to which the SK replies with a combination of the following "Oh I haven't had time to look into it" or "Oh I don't know where to sign up". I was fed up with the excuses and decided to look into it myself, it turns out the club the SK was interested in...DIDN'T EXIST. I told my GF, what did she do? NOTHING.

Yeesh, typing all of this out makes me feel STUPID, I should have left a LONG time ago Dash 1

marblefawn's picture

A lot of this stuff sounds like typical 14-year-old stuff. The fact that no one is civilizing the kid, though, means it will eventually be 22, 24-year-old behavior in your house.

But because it's not your 14-year-old, you can only do so much to force a change. And yet, you are responsible for the kid's homework checks? That's like having all the responsibility with none of the authority. No thanks! That's a chump situation.

I have no idea why people play house before they know what it will entail. Baffling. But whatever.

You aren't going to change that situation after all these years, so it's up to you to figure out if you can live with it. And plan long-term -- I agree that SK will never launch at the current rate.

Next time, don't shack up before you are willing to commit for life. It makes extricating much easier (for everyone).

notsurexvi's picture

"HW Checks" this is exactly how I feel so for the past week I haven't been checking anything.

Playing house was my huge mistake, I didn't think it through, AT ALL, and jumped in like a f'cking idiot.

Thank you for the reply.

StepUltimate's picture

Until this last year of high school. DH doesn't check grades or attendance online, so this year SS is flirting with not graduating. So last year, based on advice from this forum, I wrote the list of expectations DH had only verbally stated over the years, so that when rlthe manipulations and avoidance efforts continue (and they do, SS has multiple F's right now), I just stay out of it. If/when August comes & the party continues as-is, SS has to go. If he's working and taking a full load at the community college, he can stay. We'll see if he can pull that off at this point.

However, I've started putting the dirty dishes & empty containers is SS's room so he HAS to deal with it (& it's more work). Pathetic but it works. 

Rags's picture


So, do  you want to make a life with someone who is an abject parental failure, having to deal with the result of her failure for the rest of your life?  To SP or not to SP?.... that is the question.

You won't fix a 17yo and for sure you won't fix her mother.  So... what is the motivator to stay in the relationship?   While my own marriage history is a mixed bag.. the first one crashed and burned... but the second one is looking good so far at nearly 24 years and counting ... there are a few things that my bride and I have agreed on and remain commited to. 1.  Our marriage comes first.  That commitment is the ONLY top priority.  2.  Nothing is allowed to interfere in that priority. Not the Skid, not either of our respective families, not work, nothin.  Period.  3. While not the priority within our marriage the Skid is, or more accurately was, the top responsibility.  Primarily that meant raising him, growing him into a viable adult of character and capability, and launching him into the world to either soar or crash and burn on his own accord.  So far .... 7 years post launch... he is soaring.  That has only happened because my bride and I have mostly remained in agreement that if we are equity life partners that makes me an equity parent to any spawn in our home regardless of spawn biology.  Since SS is an only child in our marriage..... that keeps the equity parent thing pretty simple. 

His mom and I still have a great and close relationship with him.... though not geographically close as we spent 7 years as Expats while he was getting his adult life rolling, and now that he is on his own Expat adventure his mom and I are in the states.  But... we do remain close and a big part of each other's lives.

It can be done... if your SO will gain clarity that you and the relationship are and must remain her top priority as you must make her.  The Skid.... needs to have the platform lit under her so she launches... what  happens after that... is primarily up to her.

 If your So doesn't like how you discipline and parent then she can step up and get it done before you have to.  However, the parenting should happen. So, set the standards of behavior and performance in YOUR home and inforce those standards. If SD-17 doesn't like it... she can GTFO.  The same applies to your SO.  She can step up and get it done before you have to, she can have your back, or she can GTFO.  Their ability to survive without your income is irrelevent.  You have the big stick... so use it to manage your relationship.  Cut off the internet and cell phone plans. That should get the attention of the 17yo. If they don't make any money to pay for it themselves... tough shit.  They comply with reasonable standards of behavior appropriate for their roles in the family or they leave.

Just MHO of course.

Good luck.

notsurexvi's picture

It's really encouraging to know that I'm NOT ALONE when it comes to these types of situations.

I appreciate your response, however I think I'm done trying to "work it out" and I need to let them know that I can't deal with this pretend family anymore and all of us have to go our separate ways.


notsurexvi's picture

Hello everyone,

Last night was the "big talk", I let my GF know how I feel and boy did it not go well.

Finances Issue: "it was nice to have someone to pay for everything for once in my life, I didn't think you'd mind" - WTF?

SK HW Issues: "I don't tell her anything because I don't want her to resent me down the line" - WTF?

SK House & Minor Issues: "You have no idea what it's like to be parent, I'm much older than you (she's 38, I'm 31) so you have no clue what you're doing" - TRIPLE WTF?

I remained calm throughout and kept reitirating that I can't be part of this family any longer and want nothing to do with them and she didn't know what to say. When we woke up this morning she told me that she spoke with the skid about everything and that the skid promised to "do better".

The thing is, this is now the 21st time that we've gone through this - do I give them another chance?? NO, right??


notsobad's picture

Finaces, hahahahaha, yep it is nice having someone pay all the bills, how about you start doing it for me? 

SK HW issues, oh, so it’s ok if she resents me? Me, the one who’s paying the bills.

SK other issues, I don’t have to be a parent to recognize a rude, unproductive child.  And at 31 I’m supporting this family, so I must be doing something right!

Another chance? You already know the answer to this.

If the conversation had gone differently, if she’d agreed to step up and help out more financially, if she’d agreed to parent her child then yes, give her a chance. But after she blatantly said she likes living off you and she’s not going to change her parenting style (that you can’t possibly understand) then nope. See ya later babe.

Blue Moon's picture

NOOOOOOOO! Please don't.

I don't think anything was going to change anyway, ever after a «good talk». She has shown you who she is and how she behaves. I know what it's like to be in a bad relationship and I'm sure you'll never regret leaving. You deserve to be happy!

AngryRainFrog's picture

I've spent the last year and a half wondering if I am crazy for being baffled that teenagers literally want to do nothing but play video games on the couch. I hear about all these kids starting business and discovering new species and doing good in the world and I look at the 2 SKs and I am so disappointed and sad for them. What on earth are they going to become. Awful and hard to watch.

notsurexvi's picture

2 week update: 

After a couple of more long talks we decided to try the "disengage" route and my GF would reinforce the Skid's responsibilites on her own as well as check the Skid's grades among other changes that will take a while to implement.

Week 1: so far so good, less stress, no arguing and a slight change in attitude in my GF and I. Especially in me as I do not have to deal with the Skid

Week 2: Skid fell back on their bad habits however I am not the one to reinforce it, the GF is responsible for that 

Again, I am less stressed, however I feel myself not being able to engage with my GF, sexually or even with minor affection. Also, I have a sudden urge of resentment if I even hear the skid's voice or hear her complaining to my GF over the smallest issue.

At this point I don't think I will ever have the same feelings again for my GF as long as the skid is around

To top it off we have a vacation planned in 4 weeks that we have already paid off (this was planned 6 months ago)

I KNOW I should have left 2 weeks ago but I have an unhealthy, unreasonable faith in people. 

*huge sigh*

I feel at this point I deserve any "told you so" comments. 

Rags's picture

Go and enjoy your vacation with the full intention to pulling the plug when you return. If the vacation can be a catalyst for a paradigm shift of improvment... great. If not... enjoy the trip, some Skid free intimacy (just don't forget to wrap it before you tap it so you don't end up with a lifetime connection with this one), and then move on when you get back. Focus on the short term, maximizing your enjoyment of the remaining time you have with your GF then map out the next steps of your life taking full advantage of learning from this experience.

You won't get an I told you so from me.  I am a firm believer in the do over.  Enjoy your do over.

Good luck.  Take care of  you.

Blue Moon's picture

Well, you can say you tried!

Yes, you could have left weeks ago, but you can still leave now!

If you paid for the whole vacation you planned on going, would it be possible for you to go with friends or family? In any case, I can understand the temptation to wait until after the vacation, but I don't know how much you would enjoy that time if you know you are about to leave...

TrueNorth77's picture

I’m new to this site and just saw your post...I have similar frustrations with my BF and his kids, although my situation is not nearly as bad. Either way, I’m curious how things went on your vacay, and the status now??

notsurexvi's picture

Hello again everyone, here's an update after the vacation:

We did everything that I wanted to do, which was a huge plus, usually it would be 50/50 in regards to the activities, this time it was more 80/20.

While I did enjoy myself the same issues at home arose in our vacation home; her kid didn't lift a single finger to help around the house, I get it, we're on vacation, but did she throw away her trash? Nope. Did she help unloading the luggage? Nope. Did she bother to offer help washing the dishes? Nope. When she did pick up her trash she left it on top of the kitchen counter, right next to the large trash can, instead of placing it inside the trash can. When it was our last day there I woke up early to clean up the house, every time her daughter would see me in the middle of a chore she would give me a wide eyed look, like saying "Oh, I'm not helping" and she would walk away and sit in her room.

We've been back now for a little over a week, I'm currently looking for an apartment, as soon as I find one I'm sitting down with both of them and telling them I'm leaving. This is the part I dread the most; their reaction.


Major Blunder's picture

Don't let them draw you back in some how, and don't get any pangs of responsibility, emotion, etc etc or you will right back where you started.

Rainydaze777's picture

How are things? I'm curious- I got to the point even hearing the kid or ex wife's name ruins my day for a few hours