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What would you say to your skids if you could? Time to Vent Post!!!

jennlyntucker88's picture

I saw that someone posted this year ago but I love it so let's take a stab -

Here are mine:

1) No matter how much you say you LOVE football, and that is what you want to do when you get older.. those players did not spend ALL their time on video games.. they played football and catch and practiced! They went to camps, and never walked around without a football. 5 years of little leagues does not a pro make.. you should stop being lazy and start to play

2) If you only knew what your BM put your dad through you would never speak to her again.. just wait until your older

3) Your dad pays full child support, and you have been on more vacations than any kid I know.. and you get EVERY single thing you ask for but play with it for 1 day becuase all you really want to do is play video games.  Try growing up like I did with out a dad and with out child support.. you learn to find things to do for free really quick

4) We know what you are secretly doing when you lock your door.  Please just put it in a napkin and stop putting it on your comforter!

5) I am sorry but you are short and you are a little overweight so you should do something about it NOW and stop saying that we buy crap at the house and you cannot stop yourself from eating it! JUST STOP




Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Your mother cheated on your father multiple times while he was overseas and continued to do it while he was home. Each time he found out she was pregnant was after he confronted her with evidence of her cheating. She claims the child she lost wasn’t really his so yes I questioned if you both were biologically are but that doesn’t matter to your dad. He made it clear from day one that you are his children and he would go to the end of the world to protect you.

When she left him she used you to try and control him. It put him in a really bad place. She hated me so much because I made him feel good again. I built him back up and made him realize that you needed him more than the money his insurance would have given you. She made it clear she would rather see him dead then accept him as an equal parent.

You are literally his world. You both are number one in his eyes and he has made it clear that he would sacrifice my life if it came down to me or either of you. Yes we talk about crazy stuff but remember you dad almost died multiple times when he was away from you guys. I can’t tell you everything he has done to make sure that you guys are taken care of no matter what it looks like or what BM says. There are some things you just don’t need to know. You have to just trust me on that.

I wish your mother would grow up and be a real mom for you instead of doing it for her image. FSD I’m sorry she clearly favors your brother. It’s easier for her to use him to make herself feel important. She made it clear also that she felt that your dad would be more hurt if she could control your brother but you are his princess. He doesn’t play favorites but if he did I think it might be you. You were his first, his baby girl, and any person who hurts you needs to realize the hell he will bring down on them. He would do the same for your brother.

FSS PLEASE stop hurting others. I know you’re hurting but you can’t lash out. Your sister is not your mother and she can’t take care of you like that. Your mother is twisting you into the monster she claims you are. It truly hurt my heart when she argued with me when I called you sweet. You have such potential and you’re still so young but you’re only getting older and if you continue to lash out at others you’re going to end up in a place that we can’t help you. You have to talk to us about what’s bothering you. We can’t protect you otherwise.

notasm3's picture

The only reason I cannot speak to my SS is because I choose to never speak to him again.  I would like to tell him what a worthless disgusting POS he is - but I prefer to have zero interaction with him.   That is worth way more than telling him off. 

Voltaire's picture

I have vowed never to speak to my SS again as well. I will acknowledge his presence to keep peace in the house until his spoiled little butt leaves for the Marines, less than 1 year and counting. I've told him off, but he doesn't care because his mother wipes his butt for him and gives him everything he wants. I tried to be a SF to him, but since his worthless, POS, lazy, scumbag father dropped dead of a heart attack due to extensive substance abuse, he still worships the ground he's buried in and I'm basically the guy his mother married when she kicked his deadbeat dad out. 

HOWEVER, should I tell him off and let him know what I've done for him, I'd tell him

1. I've supported your butt for 12 years now and kept a roof over your head, ... you know the rest. 

2. I've never used drugs or was drunk out of my mind around you EVER like your POS father was all the time.

3. I spent well over 1,000 bucks for a boat for us to fish in together. The first year we fished everyday, since you got your driver's license, I can count the times we've fished together on one hand. That's fine! I have a better time on the boat by myself anway w/o having to make sure you get in the good spots. Now I get all the good spots!

4. I kept you from going to jail when you had some thug from the hood in your car smoking pot and shooting a gun at someone. Had I not kept you from talking to the police, you would be in the system and never be able to join the Marines! (No one was hurt and the thug shot the gun, not SS)

5. I was there for you when you totalled your truck. I came to the accident scene and made sure you were alright since your mother was unable to come. I took you to the hospital to make sure you were alright. 

6. I paid for the phone you "lost" and then found out you sold it for drug money.


I'll stop here because if I kept going I'd run out of space! Your mother can wipe your butt from now on and ever after. If you can't make it outside of our home, then tough luck kid. You have all the answers now and think you know what you're in for once you leave for the Marines, kid, you don't have a clue. Even though I've told you from my 8 years of military service what to expect, that's just the tip of the iceberg. I can't wait for some drill instructor to get a hold of your scrawny little butt and chew it up and spit it out! Good luck with that by the way! Don't come crawling back here when you find out how tough the world is when mommy isn't catering to your every whim and letting you do what you want whenever you want and covering your butt!

grace8205's picture

Oh this could go on forever but I will list a few. 


1. Get over it. No one wants to be around a 23 year old who pouts. If you can’t get over whatever is up your a$$ stay home, don’t join us for brunch or come over for dinner. 

2. Treat everyone how you want to be treated including and especially your Dad.  Don’t lie, use people and be an a$$h@le all the time. 

3. Be responsible for yourself and stop believing you are entitled. We are not an ATM machine or a line of credit safety net for your over spending and bad decisions. You Dad doesn’t even want to talk to you and wonders every time you call how much money you will be asking for. 


Major Blunder's picture

To SD26 : I hope you stay incarcerated for a very long time and the courts make sure you can never be around your children again, they deserve so much better than you.

To SD20 : If God forbid your mother were to die tomorrow I would kick your ass right out of this house before her body was cold, you may have kissed her ass and got to stay but you neglected to see the big picture, good bye looser !

TrueNorth77's picture

To SD- Stop F*cking hanging on your dad all the time like a clingon!! Rubbing his head is creepy!  

To SS- No your dad is not going to "buy you an x-box", no matter how many times you ask. In fact, you are not allowed to play video games for 1 month, because you are wasting your life and I'm f'ng sick of you playing this game every single can go out side and play like I had to when I was young. You are not going to be an entitled brat who thinks you can ask for ridiculous things like an X-box, and daddy goes and buys it". (for the record, my SO didn't buy it, but I'm terrified he will).

-Your mom is a terrible person who does nothing but lie, and she has serious mental health issues. Ignore everything she says so you can have a shot at being a decent person!

-Also, you each have an additional chore each night, because your 1 chore per night that takes 2 minutes to do is complete b*llshit!

MissTexas's picture

SD40+: You're the biggest nacissest I have ever met. You are a money whore, who can never spend enough on herself, and you give little "poo poo, gift with purchase gifts" to everyone else. Your constant self-promotion and tales of who you're hobknobbing with is blatant , evidentiary proof you have a wounded ego , no self concept and an extremely low self-esteem . Just because daddy paid your way through/you attended college (I did too and earned 3 degrees w a 4.0 in all of them, w kids, military spouse, divorce, single parent working full-time) doesn't mean you have intelligence, know how to be real or how to treat people, or that you have  social graces and/or class. You may have money, but it can't buy class, integrity, dignity, respect, and most importatnly,  love. You are a societal disgrace, and an emotional shit-show parade. I rue the day I ever laid eyes on you.

Coco72's picture

I would like to tell him to start thinking for yourself! You are your own person not an extension of your horrid, crazy mother. You are allowed to have thoughts of your own, and if you do not learn this soon you are going to have a very miserable life as an adult because "mommy" is NEVER going to approve of anyone, and you are going to very sad and lonely, or you are going to live in mommys basement playing video games and telling her how much you love her and how pretty she is, you choose.

Rainydaze777's picture


I love strangers on the internet 

Lndsy747's picture

You referred to your sister(13 months old) as a little ho but you're the one that acts like one. Who at 15 sends out videos of themselves giving blowjob's to other guys?

Your mom is a horrible person and I hope someday you realize how much she's set you up to fail and resent her for it.

You only have yourself and your mom to blame for not having a good relationship with your dad. He tried and cares about you a lot but you both have played and used him. You'll probably have Daddy issues for life just like your mom does.

StepUltimate's picture

Now that you found out you DON'T get to be 18 and have the life of a 13 year old, please stop breaking your dad's heart by acting like your mom. You ran out of rope and instead of continuing to dig your heels in, I lovingly suggest you wise up and get enrolled in college. Otherwise, you're living it. You're living with BM because you refused to do what is required, and to get to live with me means there are standards. You got kicked out because you are acting like BM; your life is a series of consequences so start making good decisions and the consequences will start to get good. It sucked to hear you lie all the time, the years you lived here. All the lies suck but the ones I watched you tell your dad's FACE sucked the most. Now, I am done living with that. Done living with your lies, laziness, and drama. I wish you well, and time will tell me honestly if any of the commitments and plans you've announced actually ever happen... or if, like so much of what you say, it was just a bunch of hot air. 

DoberGirl's picture

1. I treated you with kindness and respect. You spit in my face. Go figure out your issues with me and stop being so damn rude and disrespectful for no reason.

2. I did the best I could to be as nonthreatening as possible by making sure you still got plenty of Daddy-Daughter time. Give me some credit.

3. You feel like it's me who has issues with you and not v/v? You're correct. I have an issue with your disrespectful behavior. All you have to do is stop and my issues will stop. 

4. You say I'm not your mother? Thank gawd! Your actual mother is a completely dysfunctional practicing alcoholic being fully supported by her parents because she can't keep a job and who brings misery to everyone. I never wanted to be your mother. I wanted to be part of your support system. Stop making it impossible to be around you.

5. I'm doing something nice for all of us and you complain about it? Guess what. I don't do anything nice for you anymore.

6. You're a pretty, smart, smiley and outgoing young woman. Your father loves you unconditionally and would die for you. You're also full of fear and anger. What a pity. Think how far you could go if you got therapy and stopped hating people who only want to love and support you.

iamlosingit's picture

1. You are not a baby anymore.  Talk like a G'damn human being and quit with the "miwk, dwink, pway, gwass, wub, etc" before I go insane.  Most kids do this in single digit years.  You started talking like a moron at 10. 

2. Flush. Your. F'ing. Toilet-paper.  I understand it is hard to un-wire 8 years of BM (TP wrecks the pipes!!!) out of  your head. But for the love-of-God STOP throwing your piss-shyt-stained-TP in the GARBAGE CAN!!! It STINKS!!

3. you are so close to 11 it's not even funny.  You are smart, I KNOW you are.  Yet you have just started calling DH "DADEEEEE" in a whiny voice.  It would have been cute if you were still 3..or even 6.  You are almost 11 and picked up this awful baby-talk habit now?? WTF is wrong with you.

4. You are the reason we live in a crappy home in a bad neighborhood because BM can't drive. No license, just a state I.D.  Thanks to CS and your unnecessary THOUSANDS in "medical bills" courtesy of BM, we couldn't afford the house we (you included, SS) deserve. To help DH with the cost of picking your a$$ up and dropping you off all the damn time we're forced to settle on this crappy two bedroom 1 bath house because it is 20 minutes away from the 5 bdrm 3 bathroom palace that you and BM wouldn't have if DH didn't have the credit he did.  You would also have a larger bedroom....a feat in itself considering out of the FIVE bedrooms at BM are NOT ALLOWED to have a room of your own and must share with BM.  I wonder what age you will be when it becomes awkward.... 

5. if you didn't exist we wouldn't have had to spend over 10k on lawyers back and forth to force BM to allow DH to even see you (contrary to what she says, DH loves you and wants to see you)....and to force BM to refinance the stupid house she doesn't qualify for.  She would have NOTHING if DH name wasn't on everything as the primary.  BM has a higher paying job now, and we still had to pay ANOTHER lawyer to force her to refinance to get DH name off the mortgage.  This has been an on-going battle for 8 years and is still going on because she doesn't make enough money to have the home in just her name.  If she had just ONE of her family members (that have been living in that house since before DH left) help her by signing on the refinance, she would be fine.  But she refuses.  Now it's more money, more lawyers, more time off work for court.

6. We would love to take more trips with you...if you were even open to enjoying ANY activity other than an electronic.  If we don't bring electronics, you pout and throw tantrums.  You hate the outdoors, and have ridden the BRAND NEW BIKE you just HAD TO HAVE this past summer a total of TWO TIMES.  Forget the fact that I finance EVERYTHING and DH owes me hundreds...I'm so frigging happy you got that bike!  It will make a GREAT addition to my garden decorations when you grow out of it and demand a new one...

7. You have no chores, no responsibility, and it shows.  You don't change your clothes unless told, don't bathe unless told, never brush your teeth, don't pick up anything and leave your used dishes all over the house.  I'm debating hiding all the cups in the house to prevent you from grabbing a new "gwass" every time you want "some-fing to dwink".

8. I never thought that I'd be married to a man that became a completely different, guilt-ridden parent when you are around.  I though we would have an "us baby" and you would be the fun older brother and we would all be one happy family going camping/road trips and doing things together.  Now, we can't even think about having a child because we can't afford a bigger house or trips with the $400+ CS and monthly expenses you bring on.  "daddy guilt" makes DH spend money he doesn't have (ex $400+ bday party last year), and he buys you crap you don't need (new bike) with no special occasion like a birthday or Christmas.  People that say "you just make it work" um no...that's not how it works for us.  I would be paying for this child on my own, while DH would dote on SS and the daddy guilt would take over even more.  BM already told SS that "SHE (me) is the reason daddy isn't with us anymore" even though they were separated over 6 months before we even MET.  BM also told DH that if he ever had a child with me, she would never let him see SS again and SS would never know them as a sibling.

9. The latest game from BM:  You are always coming over to our house on our visitation weekends with some type of illness.  I could lysol everything, however DH doesn't enforce hand-washing as soon as you walk through the door. BM will then call DH with a list of demands that he buy you for your "illness"....and will have already taken you to the doctor for no reason.  This leads to more "surprise!" medical bills in the mail that she refuses to pay for.  Lucky for BM that DH was forced to cover SS on his insurance.  Problem is, thanks to BM making more money, she was kicked off state healthcare and doesn't understand why she has to help pay for SS bills when the state used to cover her portion.  She also won't stop taking SS to the doctor.

10. I do not hate you SS.  I hate that you aren't mine yet I am obligated to help DH with finances because of you, and I hate that you are a product of two people that couldn't work it out.  Maybe you wouldn't be such a PIA if both your parent's could stop feeling guilty, oh and if BM could stop using you as a weapon to hurt DH that would be awesome.  I hope she realises she isn't doing you any favors either by not teaching you how to grow up.  I hope you don't suck as a teen.  You were already caught stealing candy and small toys at age 9, and your homework problems are driving me up the wall.  Please get your act together.  You have too much potential to pretend to be this dumb.


Ottis's picture

Omg the baby talk drives me maaaad!!! My ss kept doing it i told him he sounded like he had special needs and he wasnt long stopping 

Organized Chaos's picture

I am new here and I love reading what everyone wishes they could say! so familiar... Smile

Rainbow70's picture

I am new here too and have a few things:

  • Hey stepkids - I can’t wait until you are old enough to know who your bio mom really is and how many things she has done to hurt others, including you.
  • Hey Egg Donor - stop holding your sons emotionally hostage by babying them and telling them lies about their father and me - when I am the one holding up this entire sh$t show with my generosity
  • Hey step daughter - it’s been three years on the keto diet and you are now 85 lbs. overweight - I think we can safely say that ketosis is not in the cards for you
  • Hey step kids - if you knew everything I have done for you and your ungrateful crazy town mother, you should not only be doing the dishes but shining my boots with your sassy tongues

Rags's picture

The Ketosis thing cracked me up.  I am down 80+ on Keto and my bride is down 100+. She has been at goal for a year and I am still ~55 from my goal.   I am moving a bit slower due to being a T-1 diabetic but it works if you just follow the plan.

The only person SD is kidding is herself and her waistline. 

justmakingthebest's picture

You a literally breaking your father's heart every single day. Keep this up and you will find a side of me that isn't so much fun.

You mother only wants you around becasue you are a paycheck

Your mother is a selfish Bitch who is using you for what you might be able to provide her in disabililty one day- once again a paycheck

You aren't a star athlete. Big fish in little pond doens't make you good. I dare you to compete in our town. You will have your ass handed to you so fast your head would spin.