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wahh I don't feel good

dood's picture

Skid with the pathetic fake cough. Good call your dear mother and go home.

dood's picture

Ah thank you! But we're fine its skidly with the sudden ailments. Called his mother and he'll be outa here within the hour. And there was MUCH rejoicing in the land

dood's picture

This was the first weekend when my bf actually spent some adult time with me. Skidly hid in his room all night a role I'm all too familiar with. Great. Thanks kiddo. We'll off to be with your mother. Much appreciated

doglady's picture

Haha if they only knew they truly feel (skid and bm alike) that they are punishing us haha. Sd6 likes to say my mom's getting us today what time blah one day she's going to get the "not soon enough" answer that goes through my head.

dood's picture

Smile Tru Dat! this kid is 14. My back has been out these last few days. Yesterday morning my bf was asking how it was feeling. The kid starts whining that his arms hurt ooo ouch I can't lift my arms up. I love his father to death but when it comes to his past life's dysfunction he's a total idiot

katielee's picture

Oh good lord, what is it with stepkids??? Are they ALL attention whores? My stepdaughter would have us think she is sick every damn day. I told her dad her health is totally in his hands because I'm not going to be responsible for the one time she truly isn't crying wolf.

dood's picture

Yeah well, I'm thankful for it... His father came downstairs this morning... "He's sick". ME: "Okay - have him call his mother and take him home this morning". They just left to meet the ex and "Do the Drop". 8 hours early WOOO FREAKIN HOO!

doglady's picture

Idk we send skids home when they are sick too. Dh doesn't want to deal with it since they just whine for bm no matter what he's done for them. I think bm rewards a come home early day.

dood's picture

Well I m not sure but it might have been my influence saying "send him home" Smile we were talking about bringing him back early because they're predicting snow. Then the sudden illness. Seemed to just fall into place. I might buy a lottery ticket on the way to the pedi

dood's picture

It's probably something else. Don't even get me started about the BM - I cut that sht off pretty early on... Physcopath. She's blocked on all fronts. No communications with the BM. Period. I highly recommend that approach. Much less drama.