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Partner resentful of me when it comes time to discipline

kels_99's picture

My partner and I parent his adorable and amazingly intelligent 2 year old daughter. One of my stipulations was that physical reprimanding be left to bio parents, or in this case, the father. 

That's not to say I let her get away with murder. Though she drives me bonkers sometimes, I take deep breaths and reign it in, and get on her level, Express what she did was unacceptable and why. This results in her tablet being taken, being sat in time out, cancelled plans. 

I was spanked growing up, I get it, it didn't kill me. But spanking a child I didn't have feels inappropriate. So anyways, on to the problem. 

My SD is usually very sweet, and has been very progressive in her use of manners and greetings. She is always helping me with something, and often does things for me without being asked.

Her father had a long day and was lying in bed. She had been nursing a push pop, dripping some on the carpet by accident. I bent down to get it up, to which she suddenly shouts in an intensely harsh and commanding tone, "clean it up, NOW!".  

I was gobsmacked, where had this come from? I was conflicted. Because all at once, I had grown concern, not just for her new phrase, but the inevitable sound of her father getting to his feet and delivering a spanking. 

It was a lot of weird emotions. I was slightly annoyed at the command, concerned that she absorbed it, (who had yelled at her this way?), and wincing at the punishment coming.

Needless to say, she freaked out and threw a tantrum amidst the pandemonium. She then ran into my lap crying, wanting me to sooth her. I simply told her to pay attention to what her Father was saying to her. He made her apologize. She then ran off to play.  Afterwards he seemed tense. I don't know if it was because his temper snapped, making her cry (no one likes doing it). 

He was super short with me. And started giving me th cold shoulder. It sounds paranoid I know. But it's happened before. Any time he has to spank her, he becomes snippy towards me, and urges me to be more accommodating to her to help smooth over the after waves. It's a confusing feeling. He says I need to learn to discipline, but gets on to me when I put her in time out. It's like I can never do right. I need help.

fourbrats's picture

from somewhere. And spankings are not the end of the world but they cross the line when they come for every little infraction. She is two. Spankings are effective when there is a danger, or a truly bad behavior. They are not effective when the child pushes a small boundary, is repeating how she is treated by her father, or when she is instantly wincing at the thought pain coming. 

Survivingstephell's picture

He wants you to be good cop to his bad cop but hates the bad cop role.  Find a better method for discipline.  There are lots of books out there.  Love and Logic is a popular one.  Which ever method you choose, stick with it long enough to see it work.  Don't be changing on the kid every few weeks.  Consistency, fairness and done with love are the best ways keeping it age appropriate as they grow up.  

Tinkerhell's picture

The child is behaving like a normal 2 year old. Your partner would benefit from parenting classes! Not sure that spanking a two year old is teaching her anything other than to solve problems with aggression. You are the adults here and the child should feel loved and nurtured in your care. Maybe the next time he makes a mistake...slap him...sounds so ridiculous right? 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

you should never spank a child who is not yours. It can cause you all sorts of problems. It sounds like your partner is using spanking as a "lazy" way to discipline the child. Try the book "Love and Logic."

Rags's picture

While a proponent of corporal punishment when infraction  and age appropriate it should not be over used.  A two year old is likely too young for corporal punishment except in response to dangerous behavior.  Say stinking her tongue in an electrical outlet for example.


You are going to have to step up to the Parenting and disciplinarian plate at some point.  If you and DH are equity life partners that makes you equity parents to any children in your home regardless of kid biology.