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Hate is such a strong word

Fishouttawater79's picture

I hate my SD16. I really, really hate her. I don't know why her mere existence pisses me off, but it does. I can be in the best mood and it's as if she senses my happiness and squashes it. Sometimes just hearing her voice makes me want to punch her in the face. I know that's wrong and I'd never do it but why do I feel that way? How does this girl make my blood boil? I'm a smart and mature adult, why do I allow her to ruin my mood? I need help, I don't know how to make this better. I'm considering leaving DH to regain my sanity! Does anyone have any advice?

Fishouttawater79's picture

It's not just one thing she does in particular. She's manipulative and dishonest and disrespectful. She only thinks about herself and only behaves well when she wants something. Is this normal teenage behavior? I have no children of my own and SD lives with us full-time (BM is in her life but 1500 miles away).

EvilAngel's picture

I feel the SAME WAY! DH would die if he knew! When she enters the room I immediately bristle. I can feel the hair on the back of my neck raise like a dog that's about to lunge. She is also manipulative and disrespectful and take LAZY to a new level. She lies about the dumbest shit too. I hate her...I really do.

tryingmom's picture

SS15 acts like a teenage girl....Lying, manipulative, bad attitude, and LAZY.

Fishouttawater79's picture

Any time I mention her bad behavior to DH, he starts lecturing me. He tells me she only has 16 more months here and why bother with discipline now. "She'll figure it out on her own". He lets her get away with everything because he doesn't want to fight with her. I call that lazy!

Shaman29's picture

Here's the thing he doesn't get, her life skills are non-existent and he just set her up for failure in the world. She won't figure it out. She's going to come crying to papa when the world doesn't hand her everything she wants on a platter.

Your H has completely screwed his kid.

Don't worry, mine did too.

It's that bullshit line of in X months she'll be gone and why bother now, that annoys the crap out of me.

Yeah...jackass? What makes you think I'm going to sit here and wait around for your idiotic timeline??

elizabeth in a corner's picture

I feel for you, that's what I'm dealing with also. I don't understand how my husband can be so blind to that little bitch and not see how she treats me and how little she actually cares about him.

Raggles's picture

My SD17 makes me feel the same. I got out to save my sanity!
Even in very small doses she still makes my blood boil. I now only try and visit when i know she isnt home a d ensure we all have a great time without her. If she is there i just avoid and ignore.

Rags's picture

I do not hate anyone. However, the Sperm Clan, I detest. My disdain for them is so far beyond hate that there are not words to express how little I care about them and how much I hope for the most miserable demise imaginable for them, and how little that would bother me. My ire towards them is so strong that I feel absolutely nothing.

Realization that feeling absolutely nothing is far beyond hate took me a very long time to arrive at. If it were not for the pain their demise would cause my son, I would feel absolutely nothing.