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Went to See My Counselor Yesterday

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

She had a cancellation and I took it. I wanted to discuss with her things that I have put together about Twit.

I am just, more or less, talking out loud here, sorting things out. It was interesting and we kind of hit a reason why DH puts up with a lot of Twit carp. Just a thought, but.

Anyway, I talked about how I noticed that any time Twit's hubby is out of town she requires a major amount of attention from DH. That, and how I notice she seems not to want to go anywhere, like an auction, etc., alone (which I do all the time). I read a passage to her from my journal about how when DH went down to be with his son, who was having serious surgery, and Twit wouldn't watch our dog, Twit argued with him that SHE should be the one going down not him. That he could go down after SHE came back! How she told me I was only driving down with the dog because I was afraid, and didn't like, being alone! Umm, that is not true. Told her about the Twit drive-bys and how she got stopped and that I haven't seen her driving around since. AS she said...ya gotta do what you have to do to keep both your sanity and to be safe.

We discussed a lot of her strange talking and how she use to have her Father over for Father's Day BUT only because they were having her husband's father, and his family over. Once the husband's father passed, that was the end of that.

How she cries like a baby all the time and a drama queen. Everyone is against her, she is always the victim even though she was the attacker.

Anyway, here is the nut and bolts of what came out. First, I am doing fine, and Twit is borderline if not a sociopath because she has no empathy for any one and is always out to use people for what she can get.

But, the counselor put out that DH wants to coddle her because, when she cries etc., he doesn't see a grown woman, but his little girl. She says it is great that DH is starting to get a clue about how he is being manipulated; that it is hard because no father wants to see his "child" upset and of course would want to fix things. That is why he wants me to suck it up and let it go, because he sees me as an adult. Adult or not, no one deserves to be carped on by Twit. Point being that Twit will manipulate any one to get what she wants at any one's expense.

Told her about the paperweights and how Twit WANTS those sooo badly. I suspect that Twit's little brain is just turning trying to think of a way to get them for free from us. She commented it was a good sign that DH was telling her no, what I wanted for them is what she would have to pay.

I needed that in order to set my mind straight about what was going on, kind of reinforcement.

It is sad, she said, that I am rather stuck right now because of my illness and the treatment I underwent; that I have to wait for an all clear before proceeding with any move. I expressed my concern about that in that I like and feel comfortable with my doctors and not crazy about having to find new ones.

I am going to be chewing on what she said about how DH's sees Twit when she starts her crying and carrying on.

sandye21's picture

It makes sense that our DHs would still see SDs as their little girls. But even if they look at the SDs like little girls they should see they are misbehaving when they want you to give them something of yours simply because they want it. They should see that it is wrong to yell at people. The thought of it is a bit sickening considering their age and what they look like now. It just isn't cute anymore.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

I so totally agree Sandye. The counselor did not say it was right, just that it was possibly one of the ways DH viewed her. And yes it is sickening and isn't cute any more, but she loves to do it. She does it with her husband as well, starts the crying jag and everyone goes oh, poor Twit is upset.

My own Father, MHRIP, back some 10 years ago, said something to me about being really young to which I laughed and told him I had turned 59 already. He looked at me, somewhat stunned, and said: "When did THAT happen?" He wasn't talking about my birthday as it had been some 10 months earlier, and he didn't have alzheimers, but that I was so old and he just, well I would always be his little girl. But not in the way DH sees Twit. Dad knew that I was capable of handing a lot of things. I once saved him from choking on a watermelon seed. That heimlik (sp) maneuver. Couldn't remember how to do it, but I knew that if I punched him in the stomach he would exhale. Never saw someone turn blue before and hope I never do again. It worked! Seemed like he regained color almost immediately. The only reason I knew something was blocking his air passage was that he couldn't talk and was grabbing at his throat.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

In the past I have said to my DH, "yes she (SD) is your child, but she is NOT a child - she is a grown woman" Big difference!

That is just an excuse these guilty dads use to ignore their "children's" bad behaviour. I have an older teen bio son and I don't see little boy when he acts out! I see a young adult who needs to smarten up LOL.

hereiam's picture

But, the counselor put out that DH wants to coddle her because, when she cries etc., he doesn't see a grown woman, but his little girl.

And I call bullshit. It's not about "seeing his little girl", it's about not him not wanting to deal with her mood swings and tantrums, or whatever. He'd rather pacify her and let her manipulate him, than put her in her place.

She's a grown ass adult, SHE needs to suck it up and let it go.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Morning hereiam. Totally agree, it is BS because Twit is NOT a child but an adult over 50! And I agree with you about his pacifying her and letting her go off the wall to get her way. She may have "problems" as DH told me and the counselor once, but he never will say exactly what those "problems" are.

As far as Twit sucking it up, she will never change her ways with him as long as she gets what she wants. Though DH is getting better, much better since DD laid the law down to him about me and my health. Not that I couldn't do that, but with me he would call it nagging, being unreasonable with Twit, etc. With DD he can't do that, which is good.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Ya pretty much have it right. No pig tails but she has no problem bawling to get her way. In the past, if she would start crying because she wasn't getting her way with me, DH would go to her defense. I can say that DH doesn't do that as often and at times has told Twit she was out of line.

sammigirl's picture

My SD will always be my DH's "Baby Doll" (name he called her). I let him have at it; just wish she would come around and take him out of the house, give me a break; but she is too busy.

My DH has opened his eyes a good deal in the past year, since we are working on putting things back together. SD56 has showed her true colors, such as Twit, because she HATES the idea that DH and I are working on our 36 year marriage, after she put her nose into our life.

With all of that said, my DH knows what SD is, but he will never admit it. DH has never said, but I know he has told SD to stay away from me and leave me alone, or I will get a Court Order against her and her family to stay away or go to jail. I told DH this is what I would do; he repeated it to SD, I'm sure, because SD never comes to see DH, while I am home, she stays away from me. Goal accomplished; now DH and SD have to deal with "their" relationship. Of course I was told it was my fault they don't have a relationship any more, by SD, in her nasty email. My reply, to DH was: "I have nothing to do with your relationship with your daughter. I didn't raise her, your problem. I just requested that SD stay away from me; I suggest you relay the message and get the point across to her". Of course in DH and SD's mind, I'm still to blame. I never reply to any of SD's emails or nasty remarks; she loves the game.

I don't care, as long as she leaves ME alone.

Bottom line, daughters will always be daddy's little girls. I am not my daddy's little girl, my baby sister is. Not a problem with me; we all get along and that is what counts.

Just saying.......keep up the work with your Counselor.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

"Of course I was told it was my fault they don't have a relationship any more"

Heard that from DH once, just once, and told him that as he keeps telling me Twit has problems and it is HER problems that jam them up. I don't deal well with crazy. He got the message.

As for counseling....after being so ill etc., I just wanted to check back and make sure that I haven't gotten off track on my quest for a Twit free life.