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Update on SD30 reinserting herself in our lives

Towanda's picture

I wrote a long new thread and poof! It is gone.
I am reviving this one to spare me retyping the details.

We were all very leary that SD30 was being sincere in her attempts to reconcile.

A few weeks after her visit, my soon to be ex son in law asked if we would come to the fair and at least watch grandson9 show his dairy cow. I went by myself, ended up sitting with my son in law's father and just waved at my grandson who was tickled to see me sitting there.

Unbeknownst to me, SD33 had to get up and leave the big arena because she couldn't be in the same big building with me.(good, I love to make her squirm). I left without talking to any of them.

A few days later, SD30 actually picked up the phone and called her daddeeee at work and told him her phone isn't working but to thank me for coming to the fair. She hasn't called in years and has done nothing but send nasty letters and emails. DH said hesitantly "OK......" She switched on her tasmanian devil voice and asked him if he had a "problem with " her? He chuckled and said "no, not a thing" (now remember , this girl has called him every name in the book and made her finest hate writing when he was laid up with major cancer surgery)

Fast forward to this week. Soon to be ex son in law calls and says he gives up. This divorce could take years, she physically assaulted him again and he doesn't care anymore. We had avoided seeing him when he had the kids because we figured he would be crucified by SD30 if she found out. He visits us without the kids about once a week. He asks us if we would like to come to our grandson's 10th birthday party at his parents home.

After 3 days of arguing about everything we could think of, we went to the party , had a lovely time and left unscathed.

Later that evening, son in law receives a text from SD33(this is NOT his wife this is her sister) and tells him what a low life, rotten person he is because he allowed his children to see her father and myself. That we were horrible people and how she and her sister had done nothing but beg us to see our grandchildren.(not true, we were banned from seeing them, blackmailed etc that DH needs to get rid of me). At the end of her text, she called us what she thought was an insulting phrase and said he was just like us! The phrase she called us means highly revered, hard working and someone to be admired.

Now, this SD33, has her masters degree and teaches our future generation. Of course, son in law send us the text. DH and I read the text, burst out laughing over her final insult and we quit fighting! Best present anyone could have given us! I told son in law to make sure he shares that text to his whole family so they can see what kind of crap we have been putting up with for years.

Last eve, SD30 goes over to son in law's house in a rage and threatens to call the sheriff. She tells him she cannot believe he could go behind her back and allow her children to see us.(she is the one who texted me that she wanted her children back in DH and myself's life).

So you see, they never change. My heart is not broken. I don't want those two SD's back in my life.

I have saved their texts. Apparently, we have to talk to a social worker (court ordered) regarding custody and guess who's side wants us as a witness?

I just hope the two SD's leave us the hell alone again now.

I am glad that DH and I got a good chuckle out of their ignorance (college educated ignorance LOL!)