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Thank Goodness I Found This Site

DogGuardian's picture

Hi all,

First of all I am so glad I have found this platform as I have been really struggling mentally with coping with my 23 year old SD moving in with us.

A bit of background being my SO and I have been together for 8 years,  I have daugher aged 18 who is living independently with her BF and we wholeheartedly support her and have a good relationship, although she was probably the SD from hell for the first 2 years of our relationship but has turned out independent and academically hardworking although a little workshy!  My SD is from his first marrriage which he left when she was 3.  He had another marriage from when she was 6-15 and his 2nd wife and SD got and do get on extremely well.  SD has been to university, so has been independent and is doing her masters, which will finish this year.  When she finished Uni she started living with her gradparents after a short while as her relationship with her mother was very volatile.  During COVID she felt it unsafe to continue to live with them, as she works part time in a care environment, so went to live with her SM.  I hope you have kept up!

In June last year we moved to our dream home and she had asked my SO if she could move in with us.  I have had very little contact with her and have only had a couple of small 'family' holidays with her, so I don't know her that well.  You may ask why this is but she didn't want to get to know me and always refused invitations to come to our house.  I have not ever not wanted to engage with her and have wanted to have some form of relationship with her for my SO sake as well as wanting to get to know her personally.  She finally moved in with us in the November and we made it as comfortable as possible for her, painting her room a colour she wanted, picking up furntiture and putting it together,.  All the small things you would do to make someone happy and comfortable.  She had gone on about having her own room with her own things as she had been living in others houses for so long.  I couldn't quiet understand this as she had lived with her mother for 16 years and visited her dad and had stability there and she chose to go to uni and move from her BM, but I went with it as it is how she feels.

We had a meeting when she moved in just to get ground rules in place and this really is where is started to go downhill.  She didn't agree with paying a nominal amount whilst living here despite earning a wage and wanted to buy her own food and eat ours.  I did point out that there are other bills to pay and it would be good to help out which didnt go down well.  To be honest no other rules were agreed on and we kind of just  agreed to see how it went.  Also my SO was about as much use as a choclate fireguard in this meeting and it made me look like I was being demanding.

I know am a very tidy person and I found it hard at first because of her age when she would just leave stuff in the kitchen and not wash up or take things out but I have relaxed a little and compromised, however there is no compromise with her.  She doesn't clean up and expects me to wash her clothes and take them up to her, leaves the bathroom filthy and expets us to cook her dinner.  She has cooked twice which we both encouraged her with and she said afterwards she is an amazing cook but doesnt like the pressure, which I think meant I won't be doing this again.  This may all sound petty and I have tried to speak with her asking her to take the hair out the plug hole and clean the phlemge off the bathroom side (sorry it makes me gag) and she will just look at me like I have taken a big dump in front of her and ignore me.  I asked her the other day to empty the hoover when she had finished with it, the one and only time she had hoovered only her room in 3 months and again I got the look but she did ask me how to do it.  MY SO said she looked at me like that as no one ever asks her to do anything in the house and doesnt get why I want her to.

You may think I havent tried enough to engage but believe me I have.  I have lent her my car when hers broke down and I didnt get a thank you for it.  I will buy family takeout and her dad has to say to her say thank you.... I get her things I know she likes when Im shopping none of it is ever good enough.

Over the past 5 days she has stopped coming downstairs so much and I thought this a little odd, whereas before she was coming down and trying to have her dads attention all the time and sitting right next to him so I couldn't or she will come and talk to me about how her work colleagues think she is hilarious and intelligent and moan about life. I actually thought we were starting to slowly get on all be it I found things difficult.

Our house isnt very soundproof so when you talk in another part of the house it reverberates everywhere and yesterday I heard her talking about her dad and me which was really upsetting.  Apparently I am odd, I can live with that as I like myself!, and when I come in the room I just sit there staring at her, not sure what at but you know and she mostly just called me they.  Her BM and SM hate her dad as he manipulates words, which she said he does to her and she would choose her BM over him anytime.  Talking about how we interact with her and belittle her, which we do not, but if she does it back we bring her up on it.  She also said that she would wash up when she wanted to and her Grandma had to learn that when she lived with her and I was obssessed with being clean (cant say Im not so fair point about the clean bit).  Also her dad had asked her what her future plans were and she didnt like being asked this as she didnt have any and didnt want to have any plans and just because he always wanted to ahcieve didn't mean she wanted to.  I could go on and some of it was downright mistruths and really awful to the point I thought why are you living with us when you were happy living with your SM and clearly not happy here.  I put my headphones on in the end as I couldnt take anymore.  

Do not get me wrong she works (3 12 hour shifts every 2 weeks) and is finishing a masters degree but her entitlement is just wrong.  She believes her dad should pay for everything and doesnt undertand why he works so much but we are doing a house up and although he has a pension some of this went to the SM and also he paid out a lot of money to her too, so we arent left with as much as she and her BM presume.  

At first my SO acted harshly towards me when I said she wasnt contributing or that I felt it was expected of me to clean up after her and always said I was attacking her, even when I said something nice!  But because he isn't at home he doesnt see what it is like and presumes it is different to what it is.  TBH he and her BM haven't set her up for independence and always come to the rescue with anything minor ie she needed 2 new tyres and my SO took the car in and paid for it even though she has significant savings and never offered to pay herself.  At 23 I was in my own home just about to get married and a year later have a child whilst she wants me to wash her clothes, her dad to run after her and she will maybe go travelling (on whose money no idea) in the summer.  I just want her to start to consider being independent and think about living on her own or in a flat share, more for her sake than mine as she is choosing not ot be independent and I dont beleive she wants to be self supporting either.

I just don't like her acting nice to my face and behind my back being so disrespectful.  I know we all have a good moan but some of the things she was saying I was seriously shocked at and I would never have known she felt the way she did unless I had heard it for myself. I feel really uncomfortable in my own home and the thought of dealing with this for months to come fills me with dread.


Thank you for listening.and reading some of the posts has made me realise my feelings are normal as at times I really don't like her at all and it feels wrong to feel that way about your SO child.


tog redux's picture

How old is she? I can't figure it out from your post.

I would not lift one finger to do a thing for a grown stepkid. She wants you to do her laundry? What? 

Separate your money from your SO, and he can pay for his share and hers. He can also clean up after her and do her laundry if he wants.  Though honestly, I'd insist she moves out. She dislikes you anyway, what do you have to lose?

DogGuardian's picture

Sorry for the confusion, she is 23 years old.  Seriously she just leaves in in the washing basket and expects it doing and because I do most of the housework its expected I will do it.

I've decided I am not doing any more of her laundry and it can stay stinking in the basket for all I care.  If my SO wants to do it then so be it but I am done with it now.  

Wilhelm's picture

Buy her a nice laundry basket for her room and drop in some washing powder, pegs or whatever. Perhaps he will get the hint.

caninelover's picture

23 years old - she should move out.  She can only live with you if she respects and obeys your rules.  Otherwise she can go back to roommates.

Winterglow's picture

She should never have moved in in the first place. It should have been made clear that this would be a short stay. This is your dream home for your COUPLE, not a rent-free paradise for all the clingers on. 

IOW, you want to know when she's leaving. If there are no plans, YOU set the date... and be prepared to evict the sponger. You haven't worked all these years to be deprived of the results. 

Pure your foot down NOW. 

Cover1W's picture

Holy hell, stop doing ANYTHING for her. She is a room-mate.  An adult room-mate. Stop paying for anything for her, your DH can do that. Set a time limit for her to be there; 3 months from now, 6?  When does she get her degree?  You should be coming down on your DH like a ton of bricks. No complaining or whining to him.

Just state the facts: I will not clean up after a 23 year old woman or help with her finances any longer and if she's not moved out by X date, I will be the one moving out.

DogGuardian's picture

Thank you for the replies.  The problem, like most of us is that DH has truck loads of guilt and hasn't given her a timeline nor any real expectations.  We spoke on Thursday about the things I had overheard and he said we won't deal with it now, which I agreed with, but he has suddenly decided to deal with it all after effectively never.  He gives her a lot of mixed signals where on the one hand he wants her to act like an adult and then on the other hand treats her like a 7 year old, which she then acts like.


I have decided to try and talk to her personally one more time and if this doesn't work then I am disengaging.  Any issues she has with her dad she can deal with them 121 with him as I will not act as the go between nor the peace maker.  -

Merry's picture

You have a DH problem. He'd rather put up with her entitled behavior than deal with it. After all, the only one uncomfortable with it is you.

And that tells you where you stand, sadly. If he's not willing to do anything to increase your own comfort in your own home, then you have to shift the discomfort to him. Honey, SD left her laundry in the way--can you move it please? Sweetie, SD's bathroom smells, can you check it please?

It will get worse before it gets better, and at some point you might consider a small place for yourself while she grows up and launches. You just might have a long wait for that. 

Rags's picture

Your house, your rules, she resides there at your convenience.  Your ball-less failed prior family father, husband, and man of a non partner is your problem.

There is no discussion of the rules in your home. Publish them, enforce them, and she either complies or she is out.

Immediately start bagging up her clothing in large plastic garbage bags, tie them shut so her soiled clothing can simmer and stew in it's own stench, and dump it all back her her room. The same with any mess she leaves in the Kitchen.  Dump any mess she leaves on her bed.  If she cannot keep the bathroom clean, lock it. She can go squat behind a bush in the back yard.

Keep turning the proverbial heat up on her and your idiot DH until they catch a clue or she leaves.  

Adult children are in a home on a day by day basis.  If they fail to step up and comply with the standards of behavior, cleanliness, and financial performance in support of the home they are out.  

You are not the problem in this situation. Your DH is and his toxic failed family spawn are the problem.  Tolerate no crap from either of them.

Take care of you.

tfsimmons's picture

The best advise on this entire forum on any post - any time!!  Appreciate you, Rags!!

Valravyn's picture

First off, you are not petty or being unreasonable and you don't need to try harder to bond with her or ANYTHING.  A 23-year-old spoiled brat has no business in any part of your dream home.  I'm sad that you modified your home at all to make her comfortable.  You should not feel uncomfortable in your dream home because of her.  You should not be getting disrespected in your own home.  You shouldn't have to clean up after another adult.  I also don't believe that you talking to her is going to do anything (except maybe make her act even worse, because if she already is telling lies about you and hating on you and never says thank you, you aren't going to reason her into liking and respecting you, she's just a spoiled, crap person).  She needs a move-out date (preferably sooner rather than later) and to grow up and take care of herself.  I hope that you are able to talk to your husband and tell him that this isn't the dream you had with your dream home and she is an adult and needs to move in with a roommate or other family member or something.

I hit the end of my rope with my SD (she was 19 at the time, 20 now) last year and demanded that my SO move her out.  Throwing out the junk she left behind, cleaning up the space that she no longer occupied, and repainting her room were so wonderful and healing for me.  You deserve to feel comfortable in your own home.

DogGuardian's picture

Thank you all for replying and it makes me feel so much better that you all understand.  You start to think it is you and that you are being unreasonable.  For example SD hasn't felt well due to stress and has milked it for all its worth (I haven't reacted at all to it but just done enough to not seem like an uncaring cowbag lol) DH came home and I had done dinner, serving up his portion but deciding to not have any myself.  He disappears upstairs to see SD and comes down saying can you plate a dinner up for her........... He just didnt understand why I was mad.  I mean he asked her if she wanted a dinner plated so why the hell delegate that to me!  The problem I think we all have is divorce guilt and it just seems to continue into adulthood as the parent treats them still like a child.  I am thankful that I have counselling (dealing with my own issues) and it really helps me to understand that I am not the problem here.  Today she explained that I am between a rock and a hardplace and no matter which choice I make I will always be wrong but  that I must treat her like an adult even if her dad doesnt.  

I also asked him yesterday that when he had a chat with her about moving in whether he mentioned for how long it would be and his response was how could I possibly ask her that shes only just moving in......... he is an enabler.

He is a good hard working man and we have only had these issues around his daughter.  He treats my daughter like his own and she is independent at 18 living with her BF.  He treated her differently in that he expected her to be more independent and would not tolerate dishes being left, clothes being chucked on the floor and I am glad he was a father to her but he just can't seem to do the same with his own daughter incase she decides to tell him she doesnt like him or want to see him again.

Hesitant to try's picture

who plated the dinner for SD? did you? did hubby? Did she come down herself to get some dinner? 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I would definitely stop doing anything for her, cooking, cleaning, groceries. 

Also your best bet to get her to leave is to make her feel uncomfortable without saying a word. Do not talk to her unless she speaks to you first. If DH says anything just say you are trying to be respectful by not forcing her to have a relationship with you. You are letting her decide that based in her comfort level . 

If she does ask for anything find a way to politely decline her request. 

I have been doing this with OSD for over a year and when she comes she never stays for than a few days because she is so uncomfortable. Right now she is living in her sisters couch because since BM is homeless and she would rather be there than near me.

SO no longer gets upset with me because it's obvious she just dislikes me and always will. I do not do anything to her or bother her in any way. She just hates that I don't suck up to her and go out of my way to treat her like the entitled person she thinks she is. I also play on the fact she will never initiate a relationship with me.

DogGuardian's picture

I talked with SO last night about how uncomfortable I am in my own home and he actually said he was sorry and I shouldnt feel that way.  I will take your advice and only speak when spoken to, which hasn't been a lot recently thank god lol.  I find though that she is just polite enough, just helpful enough so you question bringing anything up but I'm done.