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SDs own episode of Jerry Springer

KDD's picture


I hardly know where to begin. My SD left our home (aka prison) right before she turned 18 (she's now 22). She had turned our entire house upside down for years before that with her lying, stealing, manipulating and promiscuity. Our home has been peaceful and calm ever since her departure. She has continued on the same path only getting worse and worse. She's had a million boyfriends and will hook up with anyone she thinks she can get something from. She has now been living with a woman (who pays her bills and has a home) and telling the world that she's morphed into a lesbian. I stopped talking to her at that point and my husband gave her the benefit of the doubt (which made me furious because I knew she wasn't gay) until last year when we found out she was sleeping with some guy she worked with on the side for 5 months and got pregnant (the guy showed up on our porch one day). In order to cover her tracks and not lose her "sugar mama", she told everybody she had been raped at work but wasn't sure by whom because "it was dark". She told this ridiculous story to her father too (he didn't believe her). He stopped talking to her too at that point totally disgusted and fed up. She told one of her boyfriends a few years ago that she had been raped when he caught her with a married man she brought into our home. Rape seems to be her go to lie when she is caught cheating. SD loves playing the role of victim.

She's now had the baby, that's 8 months old and is still living with this woman whom is now being called mommy #2. She didn't tell the father she was pregnant and refused to have contact with him until he took her to court. We think she's trying to keep that under wraps so this other woman doesn't find out the truth.

We haven't seen the baby because we just cant have her in our lives. We are tired of the chaos and just want to live in peace and raise our 13 year old son. Lately she's been texting my husband telling him that he needs to meet his granddaughter, but we just don't want to open up that door. He's been ignoring her texts. All she will do is use the baby as a weapon once we get attached. We feel that its best to just stay away and avoid her all together. We do feel sorry for the baby but we don't want to raise a baby and there's really nothing we can do. Hopefully the father will get custody.

Its a horrible situation but just because she lives her life like an episode of Jerry Springer doesn't mean we have to be involved. Its also not fair to have our son to be exposed to the chaos and constant drama that she brings. We want him to have a normal life. He is aware of the whole situation because we were forced to explain it to him after she puts her whole life on Facebook.

K.C.'s picture

I think you made the right decision too! Maybe this baby might help her grow up one day to be a responsible adult. Even if she doesn't get custody, she'll still have to learn to be responsible if she ever wants to be in the baby's life.

rainbow bright83's picture

I am envious that your husband is on board with disengaging from his daughter/situation. I wish more people understood that disengaging isn't bad parenting. Sometimes it has to be done. Good for both of you!