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SD saying she'll be a better SM than me

Old sm's picture

Still married SD is involved with still married BF who has a daughter; BM cannot stand SD. The daughter lives with BM so BM is really going to be influencing the kid's behavior.

So,my BD (SD's half sister) was visiting SD and SD was laughing about her horrible behavior when she lived here and how she treated me and tried to force DH and I into a divorce. Then, she had the gall to say she'll be a better SM than me bc she won't "treat BF's daughter the way I treated her".  

The way I treated her?? Really?

BD was pissed and left.  She didn't defend me nor do I want her to and I've told her that.  I told her before that SD's opinion has no bearing on my life anymore and fighting with her would just cause problems with DH. And BD remembers alot of the incidents that occurred at our house so she knows who's really the trouble maker here.  As long as BD knows, I am satisfied. I told her we can just sit back with glasses of wine and watch the drama that may be getting ready to unfold.

My prayer is that SD stays in this relationship and that the BM and this girl gives her a really good dose of what she gave me. I know it sounds bad and vengeful but I want SD to know and feel the same way she made me feel.

Yes, it's wicked to wish this especially since another child is involved but I do so want Karma to hurry up and bite her in the ass.


Dovina's picture

You can count on that. This is a recipe for disaster with a BM who hates the married GF who is with her husband, not divorced LOL Fuel for the fire, regardless of legal status but that makes it worse.  Your SD's SD is going to make her life just as comfy as your SD made yours. Enjoy the "karma" in play. What goes around comes around is definately in play here.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

I understand the desire for karma to get back at her but this could be a chance for you guys to actually come to terms.  I mean she’s being petty for sure and maybe she’ll stay that way but if you return petty then nothing will change. I’m not saying go out of your way to be the bestest ever but if she comes to you with some humility I’d accept it.

I’d guess she’s still rather young. Remember teens and young adults always think they are superhero’s and prefect. Maybe she’ll come to realize some truths when she’s having to deal with this sort of thing. She may even come to you for advice.

Of course you don’t have to do anything. I don’t know your situation and no one can blame you.

TwoOfUs's picture

This could happen...I've heard of it happening...and if I were in the situation I'd be open to coming to an understanding. 

However, I've also seen enough SD's turned SM's who say essentially...I was an angel and my SM was a total witch and now I'm the perfect SM and my skids are evil and awful! well...I just wouldn't hold my breath...

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

I agree but I’ve also seen many chances that failed because people get stuck on pride. I understand the desire for a real “I’m sorry” but that can be so impossible at times. Even more so if people who felt that were complete justified are now having to question themselves. No one likes their reality being questioned. This is why people who are proven wrong fight even harder when evidence to the contrary is provided.

I’d rather swallow my pride a little in hopes of peace then continue things just because I know I'm right. 

sandye21's picture

The Karma bus will take a swing at SD but she will never admit she was mean to you.  Somehow she will justify her actions toward you.  She will say the situation is different for her than it was for you.  One thing though. if SD ever opens up to you or your BD you will not be able to keep the 'cat that swollowed the canary' look off of your face - and she will know she isn't fooling anyone.  Give a toast to her 'unique' situation and enjoy your wine.

ndc's picture

It sounds like the Karma Bus is headed in SD's direction.  Maybe she'll learn something when it runs her over.

still learning's picture

Have at it kid! >:)

ss26 was slightly whiny and snide when DH and I first married but now he's got an in your face ADHD 9 yr old skid and a 4 yr old bio who keep him super busy. He's chasing them the whole time he's here and has no time for nastiness. HAHAHA

notasm3's picture

“I understand the desire for karma to get back at her but this could be a chance for you guys to actually come to terms.”

Why would she want to come to terms with her?  It’s best to just remove aholes from one’s life. No need to invite them back in hoping that they have changed. They rarely do. 

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Because this is her partner's child. She can’t really remove the girl from her life completely unless she wants to break up with her DH.

These step kids would basically become her partners step grandchildren. Not to mention any future children SD has being grandchildren.

I mean yeah DH can be forced to visit the girl and his grandkids outside of the home or OP can disappear every time they come over or there’s open hostility every time the SD is around.

If they can come to terms, its better on all parties involved. If not then that’s fine OP doesn’t have to and of course there is much more to this then just OP and SD.

Personally, I’d rather move on if it were possible so that my partner can see his kid and grandkids without feeling like he’s taking side or whatever.

notasm3's picture

That’s just silly. I have totally removed my SS from my life and DH and I did not have to break up.

I have ZERO to do with my SS33.   My DH adores me and we have great marriage.  He also loves his son and has a good relationship with him.   The two are not mutually exclusive. 

There’s no reason for SS to be in my home. He has a home and there are a Zillion public places for them to spend time together. 

Ss has a child that of course is my husband’s grandchild.  I wish the child well as I do all children but he is nothing to me. 

I do not make my DH feel like he has to choose me or his son. He’s a grown man who is capable of having a relationship with both his wife and his child. 

Rags's picture

What a low class POS this kid is.  That she would gloat while telling her half sister (your DD) how crapily she treated your DD's mother makes this one a write off. I hope her own Skid is a Jeffrey Dahmer wannabe and eats her liver for lunch with some fava beans and nice chianti. Figuratively of course. At least mostly.

amyburemt's picture

If sd is an adult now and still hasn't changed then she probably will never change. But as others have said, Karma is a grand thing. If she is seriously gloating over how she treated you , then she will probably forever treat other people like crap.