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My Friend is Lucky.....Her DH is ON HER SIDE in this Wedding Thingy!

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

As you know, my friend and her DH were left off the invite list to the Stepgrandson's wedding and only found out at Thanksgiving by mistake. They then received an invite two weeks before the date and the rsvp date had already expired. They declined but my friend sent a beautiful card.

Since then she has been hasselled by the SD as to why they didn't send a gift! With our guidance she turned the whole problem over to her DH.

Guess over the weekend he had had enough from his daughter. Seems, friends, you were right. The SGS is looking for $$$, not gifts but cold hard cash and the SD even told her father how much she should give him!!!

Well, that didn't go over well with her hubby (boy do I like his attitude here) and he told her to go out and buy the jerks something cheap.

When we discussed this for her on the board here, someone suggested a salad spinner and THAT is what she has decided to send them, with her DH's blessing. He also told her that if she hears from any of them that they should be INSTRUCTED to TALK TO HIM!

Man, this lady's hubby is taking the high ground already! Here I went through YEARS of h*ll before my DH got a clue - well he knew but didn't want to deal with it.

Right now I am bracing my loins getting ready for the Twit's adult "baby" wedding and all the carp that is going to come with that. It is interesting that I sent her pot and pan catalog back and she hasn't said a word to DH about that. I would celebrate that thinking I made a breakthrough but I have learned that when Twit goes dark, so to speak, I had better get ready for something really nasty.

notasm3's picture

A salad spinner is too good of a gift. A knife from the dollar store would be more appropriate.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Agree that a salad spinner is too nice. Get them a $5 gift certificate to the dollar store or McDonald's. }:)

queensway's picture

I saw some really cute dish towels at the dollar store. Buy 2 of them and wrap them in newspaper. Who wants to spend money on wrapping paper.

ndc's picture

I think a salad spinner sounds like a nice compromise between a pile of flaming shit and the amount of money the SD thought daddy should send. It gets a message across without stooping to the classless level of her husband's offspring.

Cara1128's picture

I like the salad spinner. Its a classic.
Garbage cans are another classic. They are big but also useful.
My idea would be a
$3 plastic dollar store frame with a black and white pic of friend+Dh.
Card would be generic also from dollar store possibly one that looks like a moneyholder.(no harm in messimg woth them right?)

sandye21's picture

I like the salad spinner idea too - only a cheap one. As far as a gift for 'Twit's baby's' wedding, do you still have that ashtray Twit gave to your one Christmas? After all, "It's the thought that counts." Right?

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Dang - I threw it out. Boy, do I wish I had it now. That and "it's the thought that counts" card. And let's not forget about the filthy napkins....they would look terrific on a table (yuck).

That is going to be a whole dimension I do not want to step in. FWIW, you do know that one of the reasons Twit wanted DH to put in new doors and windows for her was she was sprucing the house up for this wedding----over 2 years ago!

That wedding, my friends, is NOT for Twit's baby and his fiancé but for Twit to strut her stuff, that she is the big Kahuna etc. FWIW, I remember several years back when the finance's parents came to the US and Twit was strutting. She was telling DH and me that the fiancé's Mother would like to have her daughter in Europe and Twit had to tell her, give her the advise, that it was their lives and she had to let go. Do note that Twit doesn't follow her own preaching (except that it sounded good) because she is going to do everything she can to keep her baby boy tied to her apron strings. Oh well.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

You know, whenever I think about that carp she gave me as gifts I still am somewhat shocked at the thinking. That she would think garbage is an appropriate gift for any one bewilders me.

sandye21's picture

SDM, I went through the same thing. Most of the time I lucked out because SD didn't give me anything. But a few years I was 'blessed' with some real doozies. The last Christmas I saw her she gave me a 'past-dated' bottle of syrup and a minute jar of jam she had made. It looked like a last of the minute search so she didn't look bad in front of DH. She presented the 'gift' to me in a gift bag out of my closet. LOL

still learning's picture

I would have made a charitable donation in their name and then sent them the certificate thanking them }:)

Although the Trump chia head would have been a close second!

Acratopotes's picture

I have the perfect gift for drunkie.....

Twit sells pots and pans, order Drunkie a pot or pan from another agent and send it to them }:) }:)

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Drunkie is not the baby getting married. He is just a loser/ Twit once was talking about him being bisexual which I was shocked at only because Twit was out talking about it to us IN FRONT F HIM! You know, part of her boo hoo hoo, look at what I have to deal with carp. When I look back I can see why the young man has such problems. Twit always belittled him in front of us and others. IMHO he is starving for someone he knows to acknowledge that he is worth something. I have always acknowledged him, talked to him, kidded with him and I can tell you that whenever he sees me he would always run up and give me a big hug. I still remember the time at Christmas when they were leaving and Drunkie stopped half way out the door and ran back, threw his arms around me and said "I love you Grandma". Twit saw this and you can bet he paid for it later.

He has got problems and I believe some of them stem from his just not being strong enough to really break from Twit. The paradox of being confused because someone you love (his mother) treats him badly and the fact that she let him get away with the stuff she did is really enabling him. I bet he would have loved if someone would have really put the brakes on him earlier. He needs to know he matters.

Acratopotes's picture

I think all of his problems comes from Twit, now I sort of feel sorry for him....

Well use the same idea for whom ever gets married

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

So do I. I mean what kind of mother talks about her son like that right in front of him? Whatever his sexual proclivity is, it is his and not to be discussed publically. I remember it was done in a way that Twit was making certain every one there (and her husband's family was there also) would know just what she was putting up hoo hoo.

Me? I don't know and I don't care, he is a person and a stepgrandson. Though now, thanks to Mama Twit who seems to have to know everything he says even in counseling (which surprises me that she gets this information but I think she would make it up so that she got more pity).

What kind of mother lets a son gain so much weight he is over 400 lbs. and doesn't try to get him help? This, too, was a cry for help that was unanswered. I remember when she cried to DH and I that she was so concerned for this one because he told her he knew he was going to die at an early age (he's 35 now). She claimed she was so distraught by that threat that she left him alone because according to her, saying that was a suicidal threat. Don't know, wasn't there when he said it and he never said any such thing around me. But, that got Twit off the hook for trying to help him with weight problem. I mean doesn't she realize that being over 400+ lbs, with a family history of diabetes, heart disease, is certainly going to shorten his life.

Just seeing what she did to these young men makes me angry.

These are some of the things I could not tell you all about earlier because I just couldn't believe that she would do those things to her children. Yet, with the exception of Drunkie, they are so tied to her apron strings.