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Maybe - Just Maybe H Has Had Enough Twit!

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Yep.  Had a joint counseling session today and it comes out that after H has been apparently baraged with calls, which he mostly answers, and asking him for $$ for lawyer for Drunkie, Twit has pulled what might be the straw that breaks H's back.  I certainly hope so.

After baraging him with calls he got several calls in a row some time over the weekend they abruptly stopped.  So, when he gets time, and the fortitude to call her back he finds that SHE has disconnected the two numbers he has for her!!! Of course, with all those calls to him she never mentioned new numbers, or that she was changing phone numbers.

So, as I see it....PROBLEM SOLVED!  AS I spoke up and said:  well, he no longer has to worry about calling her back.  Counselor said it seems that way.  Evidently T is really peeved H isn't bending to her whims etc.

H was quite ticked off about the matter but did admit, with my prompting, this is typical of things Twit does when she isn't getting her way.

Counselor asked H how he felt about what she does and what he does.  He admitted that he generally just lets it slide by and life goes on.  She asked him if he thought that was reinforcing how she acts?  He had to admit, and it took him some time to spit it out, that it probably does.

SacrificialLamb's picture

Once these DH's have to bear the brunt of SD's poor behavior on their own, they get tired of it.  And when the DH's get tired of it and don't do what the Princess wants, then they are punished. My DH has been punished for the last several years because he did not do explicitly what she wanted, even ignored him when a major hurricane came through our area.

Your DH said the same thing that mine does - sweep it under the rug and pretend life goes on.  And that's exactly how these SDs got to be the way they are.  I could tell my SD had never heard the word NO before, in her 40's. And she was going to show daddy she did not appreciate it.

My SD has always sounded like your twit. My DH, being clueless, still holds out hope that I will want to be in SD's presence again. Even after all we have been through, he forget it all and still tries to facilitate a reconciliation. So don't make him think you are giving an inch.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Agre Sacrificial, that I never could understand.  Why she could get away with treating him like garbage and his not really putting the breaks to it.  Even worse was his expecting me to take the same carp and go back for more.

One of my favorite Twit BS dump was about watching our dog when H's son got seriously ill and needed an operation.  T had absolutely no intention about going anywhere UNTIL her father said he was going and would she watch the dog.  Well, being the controlling thing she is all of a sudden SHE needed to go and go down FIRST.

So, after her husband said they would watch our dog (kennel was booked) she calls and says that she is too busy that first week and her husband doesn't want to be bothered with the dog BUT if she goes down first she can watch the dog that week!  How stupid does she think her Father is with that one.  Yet, if you recall, he flew down and I took the dog by car.  Interesting how miraculously, if she gets her way she is free to go that week, but if she doesn't she is too busy with pots and pans stuff to help watch our dog.

Controlling - she wanted to be there first to show her brother (who doesn't have anything to do with her) how much she cares, and be the BIG SHOT.  Hell with her Dad being worried and upset.

After that one I was done.  Didn't take long for her to call us wanting us to watch her dog because her hubby "just had to get away" again.  I stopped that.  H was ready to say sure.  I stopped him short and said NO.  Boy did tht set her off.  How dare I.

Things were not that good before, but they went down hell real fast after that.  OI remember telling the counselor about that gem and her just shaking her head.

notasm3's picture

The best thing he could do would be to change his number  too. But he probably won’t do that. 

My Dh had an 8 year old flip phone with an area code from where he used to live.  We recently got new iPhones with a buy one get one free if you added a new line. He finally gave in (and is very happy).   SS34 has his new number but that’s okay. He is awful but he is not Twit. 

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

How about we trade - one awful SS for one Twit?  Awful is bad but Twit is and has problems that are darn right scarey.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

I think we should start a pool about how long Twit lasts before she starts calling him being so sweet and claiming how she is sorry she forgot to give him her new numbers.  That leapard wil never change her spots and her personality disorder is oh so readable.

sandye21's picture

She wants money quick so I bet she won't wait too long before calling him and giving DH a bunch of BS.  I'll give her a month at the outside.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

I give her about the same amount of time at the most.  She, beceause of waht she is, can't hold out long and needs attention and try to get $$.

When this came out at counseling I did slip and say to the counselor: "Oh boy, more T drama.  Here we go again"  Got a dirty look from H but he hasn't said anything to me about it.

Harry's picture

He is playing some type game.  He could of easily said No Money !  Not my problem anymore.  But he didn’t. He keep talking to her.  Is T so stupid to think you would give her money?  That your DH would do it behind your back ?   He likes the attention, likes the drama, most likely still has feeling for the EX 

Britmum's picture

Oh what I would give for Skids to change their number and "forget" to tell us. 

Like you say, they will soon come crawling back for money. She will need daddy before he needs her.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

I was totally delighted when this came out.  Whoopie!!!  I'm not sure about H, as he knows this is just the way Twit operates....she does something drastic when she isn't getting what she wants and expects him to run around trying to placate her and give her what she wants.

From the sound of things at the counselor, that is not going to happen this time.  Yeah!

sandye21's picture

I recall some time ago that Twit tried to convince others that she had a life threatening disease but it's been a while.  Maybe enough to forget the last time.  LOL

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Sandye, Twit has faked so many things and tends to always have whatever is the newest illness.  She needs a knee replacement but she can't find a doctor and the one doctor she did like she claims was fired (how she would know that is beyound me).

I think you are remembering her gallbladder episode.  Where the doctor was a quack and didn't know what he was doing, she was going to find another docor and never did, etc.

Then there were the suicide threats. and on it goes.

Ispofacto's picture

Ah yes, the suicide threats too.  A good friend of ours is a 911 operator and says "BM is a frequent flyer".  She has made fake suicide attempts to garner sympathy.  I think she was hoping the EMTs would "call the judge" to give her SD back because she's so so sad, booo hoooooo.  As if a kid is better off with someone who behaves like that.

And the party sales too.  If these people had any idea what a thief and killer BM is, they wouldn't want her in their homes.  Knowing what I know now, I never have or attend sales parties anymore.  She hasn't been successful in party sales, partly because people do pick up on how creepy she is, partly because she's lazy, and partly because she has terrible social skills even with non-perceptive people.

They're exactly alike I swear.


shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Already gone through some similar situations.  She was gonna DIE because of her gall bladder, her doctor was a quack and didn't know what he was doing, and on and on it went.

Then there were the suicide threats.  Those stopped when I called the police in her area and told them and gave them info that Twit had called us threatening suicide.  They went out there and checked it out.  When I called them back to check I found that they found her out sitting in her back yard peacefully.  She said nothign was wrong etc.  I told them we had the recording of what she said if they wanted it.  Don't remember right now all those details as there is just so much carp this one pulls.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

H hasn't said anything about her calling him or trying to call him so she still must be punishing him.  GREAT!

But I was wondering.  Twit sells those pots and pans and had her number plastered on the flyers, catalogs, and all the people she sold to have those numbers.  Wonder if she got out of the pot and pan business.  Eventually those business burn out because as one recruits more and more people to sell in an area the area gets saturated.  I do know that a few years back she was bleating about how she had to go farther anf farther out for the "parties"  I am certain if people have other people to purchase from they go to them....T is not personality plus by any means, but a phoney and I am certain that while some people are foold, a lot catch on real quick to what she is.

I also think that is one reason she clings to her "babies" as she has no friends.

sandye21's picture

"I also think that is one reason she clings to her "babies" as she has no friends."  I agree but also think her family is co-dependent on each other.  They all cling to each other to perpetuate their illusion of a family.  It's sort of a non-verbal, unwritten agreement that they have with each other - to give permission to call insane behavior 'normal'. 

My birth family did this for years.  It's a lot easier.  Less work.  I did this too.  You know - the perfect family, perfect parents until one day when I was 46 years old and things just didn't seem to add up anymore.  Your DH has been part of this but is starting to ask himself questions, wondering if he should stop playing Twit's 'demanding / over-saturation / rejection' game.  It's only a matter of time.

It's also just a matter of time before her pot and pan 'reputation' catches up with her.  I wouldn't be surprised if DH gets a call form her - all excited about her new business and demanding money to help her start.

Just keep grounded on your beliefs, boundaries and honesty.  I am hoping this time that DH will see the truth.  (((HUGS)))

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Sandye - your comme ntabout them all clinging together to perpetuate the illusion of a family is SO RIGHT ON.

And that is all it is, an illusion.  If there was any real caring T would have done something about Fatso ballooning up to 400 lbs in high school+.  I my opinion that is a cry for help.  But she let it go because it would cost her a buck (co-pay) to take him to the doc for assessment etc.

Same with Drunkie.  In his senior year of high school he left drug paraphalia on the front seat of his car.  Now, that is no accident IMHO because it was known that cars were checked in the lot etc.  He got thrown out of high school two  months before graduation!  Now Drunkie has done some serious stuff and is in jail.....don't know what is going on and don't want to. The point is that for years T ignored his drugging and claimed he only drank.  Talk about blinders.

Wonder how T is going to explain her "perfect family" to those in her area that read the papers.  Oh, wait, that is when she goes into the ole poor is me, what can I do.  Just look what he did after all the things we did for him, etc.   She thinks victimhood erases things.