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Just What We Needed SMH!!

ffwife908's picture

Our DD was at work today when my DH's phone rang and it was her. She only calls his phone when something is Turns out SD along with BM went back to the store my DD is the asst mgr at (SD was banned a few months back for starting trouble with DD at work) when SD was asked to leave by the store mgr SD caused a huge commotion. SD started screaming in the store "I can go where I want when I want and that little whore who is illegally using my last name can not stop me" SD began saying nasty things to my DD, BM just stood and watched (BM was outside the store by this time). Remind you DH adopted my/our daughter when we got married and gave DD his last name. My DD called my DH crying telling him something has to be done about SD that she can not keep doing this to her at work or they will fire her and will we meet her at the police station. My DH is so mad about what SD did he is seeing red, I told him keep his cool if he loses it then our DD will be even more upset.

I wanted to rip both SD and BM's heads off, but I kept my cool, did not say a word and let DH handle it. (Go

SD was arrested at DD's store, BM was not because when security got there BM was outside the store. SD was not charged let go because my DD said she would not press charges as long as SD did not go back into the store. (DD does not like confrontation). Police told SD if she did go back to store then she would be charged no matter what.

When DH and I got to the police station BM started with her mouth saying "Isn't it nice how you defend your fat whore's daughter but not your own".

My DH replied. _________ is mine and my wife's daughter. As long as YOUR daughter continues to act like you and cause problems she is nothing to me". He also said "You both need to grow up (remind you SD is 20 and BM is 47) and move on with your lives and leave us alone. We are doing nothing to you and this is uncalled for. Maybe if __________ would show some respect and not act like a barbarian she could be part of a family."

BM responded "She will never be part of your so called family. She does not need you, your whale whore wife or your wife's whore daughter. She will never forgive you for marring that whore bitch only after a year and not marring me. I gave you 12 years".

DH responded "You better watch your mouth about how you speak about my wife and OUR daughter. You were the one sleeping with everyone when you were with me and YOUR daughter has the same reputation, so calling them a whore is like calling the kettle black". I married my wife because she is my first love and was not sleeping with everyone but me".

BM go very pissed off and started flipping out. The police told her if she did not knock it off and just leave she was going to get arrested, she left and took SD with her. I am proud of my husband for not raising his voice to her and keeping his cool. He stood his ground, sadly this will not be the end of it. DH and BM have been broken up 15 years. DH and I have been together 13 years and married 11 of those years. Neither BM or SD are happy unless they are causing problems and drama.

A friend of my DD who is friends with SD on FB said SD has all kind of nasty post about us. My DD told her friend "Who cares we are over her and her drama". I am proud of my daughter as well. She did not ask to be dragged into this mess. My DH apologized to DD and said he was so sorry she is in the middle of things. DD said. "That is ok, I have a Dad who loves me and he is worth it".

It is still sad that we can not live normal lives. I just want the harassment to end.

ffwife908's picture

They will not give us RO just for harassment, they have to be threaten harm, all we can get is a no contact order. That will not keep them from going where we are Sad

Sambolina1's picture

Holy crap! What an ordeal! Props to your husband for handling it and standing his ground. Sheer ugliness!

ffwife908's picture

Never thought of that. BM and SD like to be the center of attention. They lie so much they believe their own lies. They try to draw anyone they can into their web.

BM def is not over my DH. When we moved almost 7 years ago BM followed us and moved to the same area 3 months later. She tired to say it was to be closer to the kids, but she was out our way 6 months before we found out she was here. (we had full custody, see other post)

misSTEP's picture

That's just it. They are seriously deranged and do not think rationally like most people do.

ffwife908's picture

We tired, in my county they will not give RO unless threatening harm. Will give no contact order, but that does not work Sad