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Its Divorce Time

Journey123's picture

Well I was served with divorce papers at the end of April...When he said he wanted a divorce I said okay.. He went and filed and had me served. This was another mind game that my so called husband has been doing for 11 1/2 years. I called him on it. He has been blowing up my phone with text messages how he loves me and doesnt want a divorce. To bad I say I have had ENOUGH of his mind games. Not to mention his adult kids from hell.  If I new how to write a book I would. Anyone who would want to go into a step family needs counsling first.

1st...he has 3 ADULT babys that are drug addicts,,,Liars. steals whatever they get there hands on.  his adult kids helped me in making my mind up getting a divorce I would say 50/50..My main concern is will I make it...I will I dont care if I have to live in my car. Im not putting up anymore of being disrespected. EVER....I have also changed to someone I dont know...I was a good person with I came into this God forsakin family. Im going to work on me ..I will never date again . I want to be happy enjoy what life I have left. My soon to be EX is a big enabler Big time. they do know wrong in his eyes even if they are caught red handed. I realize I havent gave to much info .But this being step talk im sure you all are very well aware. I will be back this is a promise....


MommyT's picture

I’m not sure if you have bio kids with this person but I would recommend taking them and starting over new. This guy sounds like scum

Exjuliemccoy's picture

He's a  big, fat failure. For whatever reason, he doesn't have what it takes to hold up his end of a healthy, successful relationship. He failed before you, he failed with you, and he'll continue to fail at coupling unless/until he learns his lessons and evolves.

Move forward from this mess of a man. Don't be collateral damage in his life. Grow, live, experience, and love beyond his particular step nightmare. Don't be defined by his shortcomings.

tog redux's picture

Are you saying that he routinely files for divorce and then rescinds it? If so, that's incredibly emotionally abusive.  Good for you for making it stick this time.  Block him and don't look back.

He's broken you down to the point where you think you can't survive on your own, but you can.  Friends and family may help temporarily, or even domestic violence groups, since he's clearly been emotionally abusive to you.

Good luck. You will not only survive but thrive without this nonsense. This has nothing to do with being a stepparent, it's about him being a controlling, abusive jerk.

Harry's picture

But worthed it in the end.  Atlesast you don’t have to play mind game anymore 

hereiam's picture

Hang in there, you can do this.

Have you talked to a lawyer? You quit your job, at his request, to help with his business. You should not walk away with nothing.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

He served you with divorce papers and then is calling saying he still loves you?  Wowzer!  Have to ask, has he dropped the divorce proceedings on his end or are his calls just more of his game playing?  That, friend, is pretty harsh game playing.

I can understand why you have had it.  Get a GOOD DIVORCE lawyer, one that specializes because the general lawyers just don't seem to do as good a job.  If you don't have the funds your attorney can petitiion to have your soon to be ex pony up the money etc.

I am not certain how old you are, but get in touch with a woman's advocacy group.  They can give you the names of GOOD lawyers and help you out in planning what you can do etc.

What you are embarking on is not easy.  And I wish you the best.  Be strong and we are here.  You deserve respect.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

I just read where he made you quit YOUR job to work for him in his business.  That is interesting.  If you are participating in the "family" buisness you should get a share of it and profits along with support.  A GOOD DIVORCE attorney will look at the business, its assets etc. and get  you the best deal.

And YES, it is emotional abuse to keep serving you with divorce papers and then saying he didn't mean it.  Time for you to serve him and turn the tables.  Just make certain that you can put a little $$ away to live on for awhile. 

I do hope he is paying you a salary for your work, but if he isn't, well, as I see it, that is actually better for you in the eyes of the divorce court as you were unpaid help and you need to be supported by him after the divorce.

Rags's picture

Take care of you. Enjoy setting off on your new life adventure.

Never again sacrifice yourself on the alter of Sparental Martyrdom.  No relationship can thrive if the partners put anything above each other and the relationship.

Kids need to be kept in their place.

A lesson no doubt you have learned well.

Good luck. 


still learning's picture

The ol' "Im gonna divorce you if you don't shape up" game is not love, it's a power trip game.  He loves control more than he loves you and is willing to sacrifice you to his ego.  My first husband played this game our entire 13 yr marriage with several children involved.  It was abusive to me and them since the fights were always in front of them.  Like you, I finally said yes, he filed then desperately begged for me to come back.  Once I was free of his threats I couldn't disrespect myself and live that lie again.  It was over.  He has since went on to marry a few more times and I can only imagine he's played the same game.  

Get out and stay gone! Be free OP.  

Journey123's picture

Had to go to the ER Friday I thought I was dieing turns out I have an STD ..was told by the Dr that you cant tell if you have it or not was there for 7 hours so drained will get back later. Thank you for the advise and support

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Time out here OP.  By STD are you saying what I think you are saying?   If it is that is another reason to get the h*ll out of there NOW!  And make sure your lawyer knows about this and has copy of the medical records.

CLove's picture

Or? Sorry to be nosy, but this is indeed grounds for divorce. And absolutely get out now, and never get back, not once, physically.

My DH, while he was "separating" from Toxic Troll, because he found out she was cheating, would be physically intimate with her. For me, when Im done Im done, no more sex.

So sorry your going through all this abuse!

SugarSpice's picture

making divorce threats like that over and over is abusive behavior.  you need to see it for what it is.  it comes under withholding affection, which is abusive. 

your h is the one who had you served hoping you'd beg him not to leave.  he will get exactly what he asked for.  dont reply to his texts and go what they call no contact.  your h may have a mental disorder.  he is abusive and plays games. 

my own h did this for years and it upset me until i found out it was his bluff to divorce me.  when hed threaten i would laugh at at him and tell him to serve me.  in more than twenty years he has not had me served.  now the divorce threats no longer happen.  if they do i am ready.  and i will laugh at him again.  i know my legal rights.