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I Think OSD Has A Vendetta Against Me

eyes2blue68's picture

Recently I posted a quote about being a stepmother on my Facebook page-- a thought for the day type thing. (see below..I can't seem to get stuff to insert well in this format). Then I simply asked my multitude of Facebook friends to give me an "amen" regarding the quotes if they were stepmoms married to men with children from previous marriages. I truly thought nothing of it because the quote was a positive one from Wicked Stepmom's site.

OSD WAS (note was) one of my Facebook friends and starting making comments to my post. So I explained it's hard being a stepmother/Dad's wife, etc. and again thought nothing of it. OSD then proceeds to publicly post on my Facebook page that my comments and those of other stepmoms who gave me a shout were "over the top" as if she's a good judge of that role being 32 years old herself and never having been a stepmom! Then she made some snide remark wishing us all the best of luck. Come to find out she later decided to take herself off as my friend.

Ok. Giving her the benefit of the doubt I simply texted her and said my post on Facebook was not meant to offend her at all and I hope she didn't take it that way. She has no clue what HELL went down with her half sister (my YSD) over Christmas and how my being sick with the Periodic Limb Movement Disorder has made me tired and cranky. Obviously that was NOT what she wanted to hear from me and she went off on me.

I think I am dealing with a true b*t*h for lack of better words. OSD started saying tons of negative things about me from my past that her Dad had told her to not throw up in my face. She is playing "holier than thou" Christian games with me again. It's like she wants to CONTROL what I post on Facebook and mold me into someone I'm not. She thinks all I do is speak negative of stepchildren period which is not the case. Most things on my Facebook page are simply commenting on my friends' posts who are stepmoms having bad days. She doesn't have to look at my feeds much less be on friends list. Maybe she likes to spy or something.

Anyhoo, from time to time I upload pictures of my deceased husband to my Facebook page. January 7th would've been his 54th birthday so I posted a "We miss you and think of you often" comment from my 9 year old son and I along with a picture of my son and my deceased husband when my son was almost 2 years old. Now my deceased husband's family is on my Facebook friends list and they like to see photos, especially those that show I am still taking my son out to the grave to put flowers there in his memory. I am still part of that family because there was no divorce. My mother in law on that side turns 80 years old this month.

My OSD makes it sound like I'm building a SHRINE to my deceased husband, says those kinds of comments and pictures SICKEN her and then she has the gall to question my love for her father. I was floored! The day my husband died her father was the first person on the scene to be with me. He went in with me to see the body about an hour after my 1st husband was pronounced dead. We were all friends and I'm sorry it pisses her off I married her Dad but I didn't need her approval or her permission!

So OSD wanted to call me one night this week and give me a piece of her mind--let loose on me is what I call it. I showed my husband her texts and he told me to block her number so she couldn't call me or text me, block her emails, basically cut her off--blow her off, end this crap she is creating and move on. Once again I asked him to confront her on her crap and got the response that he doesn't want to alienate his children. Hello! I'm his wife. I live with him day in and day out and it's ok for this 32 year old b*t*h to cast stones at me, call me names, act like I am immature and NOT a Christian, etc. and I'm just supposed to TAKE IT? Geesh.

Fine then. I sent OSD the message she was being BLOCKED out of my life and added what her dad suggested in that we not communicate for a LONG period of time. My husband knows this daughter has been a THORN in my side from a few days after we took our vows. She posted crap about me on her brother's myspace page that was derogatory only a few days after we'd married basically calling me a loser using the word WINNER sarcastically. I have seen this wench twice in my life. The rest of communication has been via computer, text message and an occasional phone call. Up until this weekend I thought things were better between us but now I see that in her eyes I will never be accepted.

I went to therapy Monday and my therapist said the only relationship I can ever have with OSD is a SUPERFICIAL one. Now having said that, why would I even want to bother traveling 3.5 hours by car to see her to save the peace in my marriage? Could I honestly sit down at a meal with this b*t*h and pretend things are fine without blowing a fuse given the hell she puts me through? My husband says I am making too big a deal of it but my therapist says it's a power struggle and not to let OSD win. I would love to BLOCK OSD from talking to her own father but with her being his firstborn, etc. he isn't going to cut the ties with her until she does something totally cruel to him or to me that he witnesses himself. My therapist did say there should be no communication with OSD unless my husband is on the phone call with me or we are visiting her in person together. DH won't confront so guess who loses AGAIN? Me!

I hardly slept Sunday night with my legs twitching and anxiety from the OSD's smug comments, etc. I apologized for thinking I'd offended her and she went off on me for everything she hasn't liked about me in the 2.5 years I've been married to her Dad. Monday when my husband left for work I was pretty cold towards him. He could tell I'd been crying after coming home from therapy as he had about 5 minutes before he had to leave or he'd be late for work (hour long commute). I didn't say I love you but simply said I was in the bathroom, didn't want to be bothered, and to have a good day at work.

How would you ladies handle this? I'm so damn tired of this b*t*h and my health is already poor. There is no way in hell I can address my medical issues and have her as part of my life. I hated it the last time my DH went to see her 3.5 hours away and left my son and I at home. I know my OSD loved every minute of it like sticking a knife in my back. Sometimes I think she wants to cause a rift in my marriage so I end up divorcing her Dad so she can have more attention from him. She's mentioned in the past before I came along they were CLOSER and she misses that. Well sorry 32 year old but when a man gets married his focus is on the family he lives with, not his married daughter who is hundreds of miles away and has children of her own.

I really do not want to speak to my husband right now. I am full of disappointment, anger, rage, you name it. My tears mean nothing to him but the word divorce does. He knows without my financial help he'd be a poor man again and sometimes I've even told him I'm nothing more than a meal ticket to him and his kids as I rarely see proof of anything different. Now if he'd play OFFENSE like my therapist and I agree on when his kids disrespect me, maybe I'd have more respect for him but for now I see him as a coward who is trying to keep his daughter happy and make me out to be the overreacting "learn to deal with it " wife. Sad, huh?

Just when I think our marriage is getting better one of the stepshits comes along and there goes a power struggle, begging time, favors asked, etc. and I'm just worn thin. I just want to get well and am thinking maybe I just need to BLOCK my husband out for a while and live with him like a ROOMMATE til he GETS IT. Is that cruel thinking?

Here is that quote:

"A stepmother might have to rise above a little more than
everyone else to make everything go smoothly and for everyone to feel
comfortable. It's one of the nicest gifts they could give."

- Elizabeth Howell

KittyKat's picture

I'm with Mustang on this one...

I so remember being where you are, knocking yourself out trying to do the "right thing". Sometimes the right thing, as is in my case, is to accept the fact that you need to worry about YOU and not about pleasing them.

When I joined this site, I was a mess. (Mustang, you were there, Sarah 101, Fiveteens, Sparky, and many more). I was physically SPENT from the constant drama. From coming home to hearing (like you hear) H tell me "We need to talk. I spoke with OSD today, and she's upset about things here..". Everything I did/said was "fair game" for them to whine to daddy about. And daddy wanted SO BADLY for us to be one BIG HAPPY FAMILY, that he just wanted to please everyone. The stress was unbelievable, and no one deserves to live like that. I felt like I was the target in a shooting gallery.

WTF? Over time, my friend, I am not AFRAID to tell OSD nor MSD nor YSD that what happens in my house is NONE OF THEIR DAMN BUSINESS. I don't have to be mean, I don't have to yell. But H knows NOW never to bring that kind of "stuff" up again, or he can get out and go live the rest of his life with OSD. I made it clear to MSD that I really don't give a rat's hairy hiney if she likes me or not. (Again, never yelled, but she was pissed about the fact that I don't like when her classless 29-year-old self does stupid things and gets in trouble with the law!!). If she doesn't like me, her loss. I'll get over it. And, so will "daddy". (Just a little secret here, unless the dysfunction is WAY OUT OF HAND, I doubt HIGHLY that your H is gonna leave you to spend the rest of his life with his adult Ds.)

You will just reach that point where you KNOW enough is enough, you are happier WITHOUT the aggravation, and the LESS FUEL you give them, the more likely they are to just go annoy someone else. Mustang's last sentence said it best: when you (or I) are not around, they have no one to BLAME anymore. SO if they're still miserable, they can only look at themselves.

Please be patient with yourself. I am not ANGRY with SDs and honestly my marriage has never been happier since I decided to just stay out of it. I am NOT his adult daughter's mother. They are my husband's children. I don't have to "love" them, and I certainly don't have to risk my own health (nor do you!!) to satisfy them.

Hang in there!! It WILL get better. One step at a time!

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt

Constantly_guilty's picture

When my SD got a FB account we specifically told her that her father and I would NOT be friending her. Granted she is a minor so it's a bit different. Our point was that FB was a place for us to have grown up dialogue with our friends and it wasn't appropriate for her to attempt to participate in that. Her FB page was for communication with her friends.

As a widow myself, I have noticed that you seem to have a bit of a tendency to cannonize your late husband. I have a feeling that your attitudes are probably being communicated to both your current DH as well as your stepchildren which may contribute to their feelings towards you.

By no means am I suggesting that her actions are appropriate, just that you may have unwittingly played a role in creating the ill will that led to her current behavior.

You once posted that there were times that you "wished that your current husband was dead and your late husband was still with you." I have to believe that if you have feelings this extreme other people may be sensitive to them.

eyes2blue68's picture

Constantly, I only tend to miss my deceased husband when I'm having issues in my marriage here, namely ones revolving around stepkids. I feel like no matter what I do certain ones of the stepchildren are always going to belittle me, talk bad about me to siblings, etc. It's just a horrible place to be. I'm feeling forced to be in relationships with certain ones I cannot stand to please my husband and keep the peace in my marriage. I just don't have the energy to keep being in the firing zone anymore and my therapist asks me why I continue to stay married to my husband if things haven't improved at all. I question my reasoning every day. It would destroy my husband for me to bail on account of his children but the key is also he won't stand up for me and if he doesn't show me respect, why should his children?
Life was simpler when my deceased husband was alive and we were just a small family of 3 with a hell of a lot of less drama!

***** Follow me on my blog! Me (41). DH (54). Married since May 2007. DS (9) from my 1st marriage where that husband is deceased. I have 6 grown stepchildren who do not live with us. 4 biological and 2 my DH helped raise with his 2nd wife.

KittyKat's picture

I certainly can relation to your feelings, E2Blue..

It is always natural to "regress" to a time when things were much simpler when you are in a new, unwelcoming environment. Truly, my heart goes out to you. I really hope you dig down and find the STRENGTH to NOT let his adult kids boss you around anymore.

I think it is GREAT that you have a very supportive therapist who seems to know you well and is certainly concerned with your well-being. You truly have a lot on your plate. Maybe as you continue to talk things out with the therapist you will have that "Aha!" moment in which you realize you are too good a person to put up with this emotional abuse.

The more POWER you give the "big bad wolves", the more they'll huff and puff at you. When you can just look at them one day and say "Aww, shaddup. You don't scare me anymore. Go huff and puff at someone who cares..." they'll run away like scared puppies with their tails between their legs. And, you don't have to be MEAN, you just have to MEAN it and be confident. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt

eyes2blue68's picture

I bible thumped her with Scriptures, called her out and it made no difference whatsoever. My husband was HOME and in the same room. I read him the messages she texted via cell phone and he was telling me what to reply back to her! She is who she is and will never change. She thinks she is above me and many others in this world and how sad for her. That is why her own father told me to cut her off. Now our marriage will be hurting if she ever wants to come around but oh well. He can visit her on his own and leave me out of her sanctimonious ass life.

***** Follow me on my blog! Me (41). DH (54). Married since May 2007. DS (9) from my 1st marriage where that husband is deceased. I have 6 grown stepchildren who do not live with us. 4 biological and 2 my DH helped raise with his 2nd wife.

eyes2blue68's picture

Most of my friends on Facebook are actually just people I play games with on there like Farmville, CafeWorld, FarmTown, Hatchlings, etc. Otherwise I might have oh 50 people I actually know instead of over 100! It just happened I posted the quote and some of the other stepmoms, women I didn't even know were stepmoms from my "gamer" buddies, made comments. Here they are:

Me: "A stepmother might have to rise above a little more than everyone else to make everything go smoothly and for everyone to feel comfortable. It's one of the nicest gifts they could give." -- Elizabeth Howell

Me: Can I hear an AMEN from my buddies who are married to men with children from previous marriages????

Me: Holy cow! Geary (my DH) and his estranged Dad are actually talking on the phone right now.

Jane: Amen!!!! What a challenge but it's worth it. My husband had 5 kids, I have 2 and then we just got legal custody of 2 that we were fostering.

Me: My husband had 6 kids and I only have one. I'd love to have more children but he nixed that idea and we got a puppy instead, ha ha. You go on fostering to adoption. What love!

Stepdaughter: What is this supposed to mean?

Me: It's a hard role being Dad's wife/stepmother. The age of the children, grown or not, is irrelevant. It's about trying to make the family unit work no matter how frustrating it is. I applaud Jane because she knows where I'm at and added two more children to her already blended family.

Bobby Jo: I agree 100%, Elizabeth!

Stepdaughter: These comments are exactly what I'm talking about. Completely over the top.

Jane: Hi STEPDAUGHTER...I don't know know you but I'm curious as to what in this post is bothering you?

Jane: It is never easy when you have adult step-children. Mine are 27, 26, 21, 20 & 18. As a step-parent, you are there to make a good marriage with your spouse and to be there for all the children of both parents. Sometimes the adult children don't want to accept you but it's imperative to the whole family that you try and do what you can to let them know that you are not replacing their biological parent but trying to be a partner in a marriage. You are not expecting them to call you mom but that you are trying to make their dad happy and that at least a civil friendship is what would make their dad happy. Being caught in the middle is the worst thing for a biological parent and causes much misery for the step-parent.

Holly: She is sooo right! Elizabeth (me) remember stepparenting is the hardest job of all, in a parenting role!

Stepdaughter: Good luck to you all.

Now, you see the post. My husband read it and said it wasn't offensive at all. He doesn't know why his daughter has it in for me. The people who responded to me don't live near me. Even hubby's best friend of over 30 years says this gal need to be put in her place by my DH to solve issues in her marriage and thinks it's crazy DH won't speak up for me but just wants to blow it off thinking TIME will heal the wounds. Don't think so! 2.5 years of marriage hasn't changed OSD's views on me one bit. She just goes back and forth blowing hot air to being nice and I need consistency in my relationships with the stepchildren. You either like me or you don't but if we have to "fake it" to make Dad happy, I prefer not to fake it in your presence and let Dad have you all to himself. He can miss me for a while and take time to THINK how his lack of being on the OFFENSE has put us where we're at in the marriage.

***** Follow me on my blog! Me (41). DH (54). Married since May 2007. DS (9) from my 1st marriage where that husband is deceased. I have 6 grown stepchildren who do not live with us. 4 biological and 2 my DH helped raise with his 2nd wife.

Totalybogus's picture

Well besides the obvious conflict, I never wanted my stepkids to have access to my page because they still live at home with their mother. I would feel very violated for her to be able to see anything that had to do with my private life.