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I am agreeing with's the moon!

evilicious says I quit steppin's picture

Last night we lost one of our furkids. It was our elderly gentleman cat, who we have had since he was born 13 years ago. I asked DH to contact SD as she was with us almost the whole time we have had him. Mind you, this is the same little snotbag who said nasty things when my brother passed away.

Her reply to hearing that our boy had died was as expected. "Awwwww." I just felt that she should know because he truly was a family member to us.

After the "Awwww" came the "Oh, daddeeeeeee. I am so glad that you called. Is Evilicious there with you?" He replied that I was in the room. She then went on a 20 minute tirade about how she has a $250 ticket due to an unpaid toll. We live in an area with several toll bridges, and a bypass road that uses the toll by plate system. Her skanky, pedofile boyfriend has been driving her car because it is a gas saver, and they are either too stupid to get the Sunpass or too busy spending their money on eating out and body modifications.

SD was given a car by DH. She's had complete care and control of the car since last August. She did not have the money to change the address on her drivers license or the car registration (both legally required by our state) at the time that DH signed the title over. He gave her an additional month to get it taken care of.

I bought a Sunpass (prepaid tolls) as I was jobhunting at the time. I know that right now I have about $20 on it. It can be renewed via phone, internet or I can buy a card at the CVS. When you get a toll by plate and don't have a Sunpass, a notification gets sent to the address on record for the car. I let her know several times that she had a toll due. She always said that she "took care of it." I got sick of getting 15-20 of the damn things sent to our house, so I started sending them back. DH, if he caught them before I did, would pay them. Ummmm....hello....she owes us for what she stole from us, but you are enabling her and pedo boyfriend to gallivant about the county.

The toll she got zinged on was from April. She had 3 months to pay it. is all Evilicious' fault because she did not have the ticket number. DH explained to her months ago how to go online and pay it. They have internet access, because they play all of the 'cool kid' games. She also has internet on her phone.

DH sat there and listened to her scream about how everything bad that has ever happened to her is MY fault. Then he told her that it was not my fault, and she needs to quit playing victim all the time. She told him to "eff off." He hung up.

I don't know where DH found his balls, but they are back. I don't hold my breath....but maybe this is a good sign.

JustAgirl42's picture

I'm so sorry you lost your little boy last night.

On another note, your SD is an ASSHOLE! }:)

hatesteplife's picture

Glad to see your DH sticking up for you. What spouses should do, but not enough of them do.

evilicious says I quit steppin's picture


SD and Pedo Boyfriend went down to the sheriff's office to beg and plead. Looks like PBF's momma got tired of telling them to pay the bills too. SD registered the car to PBF's mom's house, and she told them every time they got a notice. They had to sell some personal items because PBF's mom wouldn't give them a loan and DH declined as well. The next step would've been a bench warrant for SD.

Today has been weird without our Old Man Cat. All of the indoor cats have been very loving, and the ferals and semi ferals have been as sweet as they can be. He lived a long life and did not die alone. He can never be replaced, so we are giving double doses of love to all of the other kits...wet food for all (usually a birthday or holiday treat). I swear I've seen him a couple of times. My youngest boy actually drew a picture of our Boy with my brother (human type) and one of our other cats who passed, sitting on a cloud. I will treasure that forever.

SD did call DH and apologized to him. He said that he did not need the apology. She needs to apologize to me. I told him that it would never happen. It's all good. I am done with her. She has been blocked on every social media account I have as well as every email address I have. She has a mother...let her cry to that deadbeat.

jam's picture

In the future if you receive any bills that belong to sd, contact the billing coming and give them HER address.

I had a situation where we received the final electric bill on a rental my sd had moved out of. We had paid the deposit for the rental & the electric deposit, plus paid her rent (she was in college) until she moved her boyfriend in & I then refused to pay the rent any longer. SD would have bills sent to our house because she knew her daddy would pay them, anything thing else she would have mailed to her mothers. When she moved out of the rental she kept the deposits & had the nerve to have the final electric bill mailed to our home. I said nothing to dh about the electric bill as I knew he would just pay it. I simply called the electric company and gave them sd's mom address.