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help.. how to tell my child about other marriage

jennaspace's picture

My son recently had some kind of breakthrough (I'm assuming this is normal) in his thinking. He's starting to read in leaps and bounds and understanding concepts more. Today he asked if he had a brother. We said of course you do, it's **** (whom he doesn't see due to distance). Soon, we need to explain about my DHs other marriage which I think will be hard for him. Does anyone know of any good books to explain this to a little boy (he's still 5), almost six? Please let me know of any resources to help explain this. I know we will have to just tell him at some point, but I'm hoping there might be some resources to help prepare him. Thanks!

jennaspace's picture

Wow, I just posted a long reply and I don't see it!

My ss is late 20's with children around my son's ("uncle") age. He's always known ss though we do not live near him anymore.

My DH has a good, but somewhat distant, relationship with his kids.

I hope you're right "be accountable". I hope he doesn't ask more for awhile, he's just too young to shoulder the facts. We have told him as little as possible while simultaneously never hiding the fact that his older siblings are his siblings. I'm only thinking of talking about it because I fear he is on the verge of asking. We both thought he might tonight, that's why I wrote. Poor DH started talking fast (unusual for him) because he was nervous my son would ask a difficult question. If we need to tell him soon I'd rather do it when we have time and our in a good frame of mind to answer any questions he may have.

jennaspace's picture

I don't think dad having had another wife is a small deal for kids. Not talking about it doesn't make it go away. I'm looking for insight on how to navigate this topic, not sweep it under the rug as if it didn't exist.