Grandchildren pending in our unblended family
Hi everyone, this is my first post and need to communicate with people who understand...My husband and I have been together for 16 years, married for 13. We have 3 children together. When we met, he was going through a divorce and had 2 daughters (12 +8) ESD had always had a huge issue with me, YSD was 'closed off' and impossible to build a relationship with and basically, they treated me like the invisible woman when they'd come to stay. Husband has buried his head in the sand and refused to address any of the behavior. He has a separate relationship with them, away from me and our children and if we're forced to be in the same room (at a family event) we will ignore each other and my husband will flit from us to them.
Now they're adults and one is expecting a baby. It hurts that his 'other family' is growing and feel like it will take even more of him away from us. I don't want to be the eternal villain in his family. This child, and any more to come, will be told that I'm a horrible woman or, simply, that I'm irrelevant. The way I feel, I honestly don't know how my marriage will survive but then, 90% of the time, it's just us as a family and we're happy. How can I blow up our children's lives, all of our lives, because I can't deal with the feelings about the situation.
My husband's view is much more simplistic and goes something like this...'my dream of a blended family is long gone, you don't get along so I see them separately. Our children can make up their own minds when they're older'
I wish I didn't care when he communicates with them, see them etc but I just do. I feel so sad that our family will never feel 'whole' 'proper' to me because part of him is separate from us.
Can anyone relate or help to give me a different perspective? I've had some counciling but they just encourage me to look after myself, have my own hobbies etc but I already have a very fulfilling life, I just crash with anxiety and stress everytime he sees them or if we have to be in the same room. It makes me feel like I want to keep my husband at arms length because he's 'on someone else's team' and because I'm angry that he was the only mediator we had and he refused to get involved. Now he's the good guy and I'm irrelevant at best and hated at worst.
Not from a blended family growin gup, but, my parents made it
Not from a blended family growing up, but, my parents made it clear that as the eldest I had my time at the younger ages that my brothers were at and I could not detract from their turn at those ages. Conversely, they would have their turn at the age I was and mom and dad would do their best to maintain that balance in both directions on the ages of their children.
So, take that position with daddy. The progeny of his failed family have had their turn at the younger ages and his absence from the lives of your younger children is taking away their turn to have their father in their lives at that age. Since his failed family progeny are adults, this is an even more agregious choice on his part than it was when they were minors. He tolerated them ignoring you when they were minors. Do not tolerate him prioritizing them over you and your kids now that those SKids are SKidults. Their breeding status is not relevant IMHO. He will get very little of the time with his GKs. The breeding SKid's partner will have parents and family that will get time and have relationships with the GK.
My niece just had my parent's first GGKs. Niece and her DH live near both her parents and my parents. Her groom's parents live out of State. By geography the baby has a much closer relationship with my brother and my SIL than with my Niece's ILS. Who are a wonderful family as well. Basically, shit happens. In your case, your DH needs clarity that shit has happened and his priority must be his marriage and his young children rather than his kidults and their breeding products.
IMHO of course.
He is negatively impacting the childhoods of your children. Give him that message.
He is right on one thing. Your kids will have the choice to engage with their elder half sibs and their nieces and nephews when they are adults. Just make sure your kids are raised with the facts that those elder half sibs rejected them and you and that your kids should be wary that daddy's CODs are not particularly nice people.
Lather, rinse, repeat. In an age appropriate manner.
All IMHO of course.
Thank-you Rags. I suppose I'm
Thank-you Rags. I suppose I'm sad that our children and I have to live with this conflict and negativity. I hate feeling uncomfortable at family events and I rather they didn't have to feel that way also. The children are blissfully unaware atm but soon enough, they realise. At the end of the day, the only person who can improve the situation is my husband and he'd rather keep us all apart rather than have a difficult conversations.
I would not tolerate the apart thing.
IMHO you and your kids need to be fully present at your DH's/their father's side at every event. Be radiant. Present yourself and your family proudly at every interface making sure that daddy and everyone else knows that you and your family will never take a backseat to his failed prior family for any reason, at any time, ever. He is your DH. That trumps all.
Our blended family experience is about as simple as it gets. I have no BKs and my SS-32 is an only in our family. Though the SpermClan was our version of your DH's failed family baggage.
We never backed down on anything, for any reason, ever. The SpermClan detested that my DW did not sacrifice herself and her baby to their multigenerational toxicity and did not remain around to wallow in their shallow and polluted gene pool. You are not doing that with your DH's noxious failed family progeny which is a good thing.
Now to run the roaches to the dark corners, step forward, be proud, be radiant and send the roaches scurrying with that radiance, pride in your family, and full frontal living your best life in their faces. Your kids need that from you and to know that they trump daddy's failed family baggage because they are .... not daddy's failed family baggage. Continue to raise them with standards of behavior and standards of performance and be totally transparent on the facts that they will invariably ask about as they grow up.
We did this with our son. The toxic shallow and polluted end of his gene pool would PAS him, lie to him, manipulate him during visitation and he would come home upset at his mom and I for whatever they had lied to him about. So, it was full frontal facts from that point forward presented in an age appropriate manner. As SS progressed through the 16yrs of the Custody/Visitation/Support CO he started calling them on their lies and manipulations in real time when they played those cards during his SpermClan visitations. By the time he aged out from under the CO on his 18th birthday they were extremely wary of trying to lie to him or manipulate him because it was supremely embarrassing for them to do so. He would ask them directly why they were lying when they knew damned well they were lying and so did he. They would pull bullshit out of their asses and he would quote the CO section and subsection, or quote the supplemental county rules, the State Regs, court reporter records, journals his mom kept, or tape recorded phone calls or ranting answering machine messages they left. He became adept at shutting their shit down. That of course sent SpermGrandHag into orbit with ranting calls to my DW about why he knew about any of it. The reply message was "Because you lie to him and he wants the truth. So, he researches the CO and related information when he comes home carrying your lies."
They did try to play the guilt cards demanding that he repay 17+yrs of CS once he let them off of the hook for continued CS for 3 more years while he was at University. He enlisted in the Military instead. Which was when the repay the CS guilt crap started. He shut that down instantly and told his SpermGrandHag that she should collect the CS from the one who should have been paying it the entire time which was the Hag's serial statutory rapist rampant out of wedlock breeder of a POS son. She shifted tactics at that point and tried to load SS up with tears about how she needed his help to feed and support the three younger also out of wedlock Spermidiot spawned half sibs by two other baby mamas. That was just about the last communication they had with the exception of SS taking an emergency leave trip to SpermLand to have a "talk" with the Spermidiot when spawn #3 was arrested for a gun violation at 16yo while trying to live up to the Spermidiot's gangbanger wannabe delusions of grandeur. Several years later #3 went to prison for armed felony burlary and is serving a long prison sentence.
SS has had nearly zero contact with any of them in half a decade or more.
We raised him with standards of behavior and standards of performance, we demonstrated for him a committed quality marriage, the life that two educated professionals can make together and for him, and we have his back. We to this day advise him to be respectful of them and to remain in contact. He struggles with knowing that they are people that he should love but does not have any respect for. So, his self preservation technique is no contact. Any time he has reached out, the guilt and manipulation immediately restarts.
I think that being radiantly at your DH's side, with your well raised, respectful, confident kids present, is advised.
IMHO of course.
Take care of you, enjoy living your best life, and rasing quality kids.
Family events
Thank-you Rags. Your situation sounds extremely complex and I'm so pleased your SS has 'seen the light' and that you've been able to positively influence him. The family events have been for mutual family members. My husbands family are wonderful and they definitely see us at the primary family unit. Any family events for his older kids (21st parties etc) I've refused to go and he's gone alone. The first couple of occasions I wanted him to clarify with them that we (our kids and I would be welcome) but he refused to ask so I refused to go. Now it's standard, anything to do with them, he goes alone. At the mutual family gatherings, I find it hard to see him go from us to them. I wish we could just say 'hi' and break the unpleasantness but I've been ignored to my face before can't put myself in that position again. My husband was stood next to me when I said 'hi' and she blanked me and didn't even look at our children. He refused to talk to her about it even after later hearing that she had told lies to family members about what had happened. He put the family members straight (apparently) but still refused to ask her why. He didn't have my back and it's made me feel very emotional vulnerable and distant from him.
And there in lies the mistake IMHO.
I wanted him to clarify with them that we (our kids and I would be welcome) but he refused to ask so I refused to go.
Never ask or beg to be included. Go, be radiant, have your kids with you and all of you stand side by side as a family fully in the face of the toxic SKids and everyone else at a family or multi family event. Every time. At every event. Never ask, always demand and do not tolerate any crap from anyone. If your DH has no spine and no testicular fortitude, then you and the kids be his balls, demand that he man up and demand that he be your DH and your kid's father with all that requires DH to do to actually be a man, husband, and father.
I am not one to be a shrinking violet or advise that anyone be one in their own life or family. Particularly when we are part of a blended family.
Never give up. Never give in.
Live your best life radiantly, front and center, and full frontal to anyone who would be a detractor from that life. Give the opportuntiyt to behave reasonably and when they choose otherwise, rip out their throats publically baring their asses for their choices directly to make sure they and everyone else present knows who and what they are. When people show and tell you who and what they are, believe them. Make sure anyone and everyone knows who they are and that you will not abide their idiocy.
IMHO of course.
You could be describing my life
Except I don't share any kids with DH. And thankfully his adult children live out of state. I totally understand. It used to be years of constant phone calls and texts all day long from one dsughter. Who no surprise would never see her father including me and my kids but only 1-2 times a year. Finally he got the message to keep the calls and texts on his own time. It's hurtful because she clearly only wants a relationship with him. Daughter number two has a dsughter that DH has only seen once in several years. Neither child spends any holidays with us in over 17 years.
I think you need to accept that your DH has other children who want nothing to do with you or your kids. So you share your DH with strangers. Crazy I know. But I think your DH needs to have boundaries with this. He can of course see his kids. You need to plan something fun for you and your kids. If his children ignore you don't go or just carry on.
Thanks for your reply…
Unfortunately, they do live close by. ESD can also be quite full on. I think there's a lot of messaging between them but as it's 'on his own time' I can turn a blind eye and it's doesn't usually bother me. At Christmas, ESD sent him a very OTT lovey card and he put it up in our home. Im sure he was thrilled that she loves him so much but it really hurt and upset me that he has this special, loving relationship with someone who isn't a part of our family. I don't think our kids saw it but if they did, I think it would have felt strange/hurtful to them too. I even wonder if the card was for our benefit, as it, ESD hoping we'd see it and that she's stating her claim on him. I don't know. Maybe I'm losing my mind and making a big thing out of nothing...As for the family events, we don't go to any events specific to them (21st etc) but I won't keep my children from mutual family events as his family are lovely and we have a great relationship with them. If I remove myself from these events, I'll be giving them exactly what they want, my husband all to themselves and for them to appear as the primary family unit.
I'm sorry, your spouse is a
I'm sorry, your spouse is a pathetic apology for a husband. He allowed his children to freeze you out. Pretending there was nothing he could do was/is the coward's way out. He should be ashamed that he allowed the woman he loved to be treated so shabbily. Please make it clear that you will not tolerate this with the next generation.
It is hard…
I feel like he's thrown us all together and then when things have got tough, he's buried his head in the sand and said 'nothing to do with me'. In his owns words 'I'll do anything to avoid conflict' They also have a lot of mental health issues so he's terrified of upsetting them and feeling responsible if he 'tips them over the edge'. The final straw was when ESD blanked my 'hello' and didn't even acknowledge our children, she just launched straight into a conversation with him. I took my children and walked away. Later we found out that she'd told family members that I'd pulled the children away for no reason, he put the family members straight (apparently) but refused to ask her why she felt the need to blank us and then lie about it. It all seems such a shame, if he'd had just asked her why she still feels the need to behave that way towards me and made it clear that it's not okay to treat me like that, things could be different now... Instead, it feels like the easier option for him is to continue to do nothing and keep us all apart as much as possible. I've even thought about messaging her myself to see if we can sort this out but then it's not my place to do that, it's his. As far as she's aware atm, I couldn't care less about her or the situation so it's better to leave it that way, rather than give her the satisfaction of rejecting me again.
All i've got is sympathy. My
All i've got is sympathy. My SO's daughter is pregnant with his first grandchild and i have no idea how it's gonna be. It's a bad situation and they aren't close, but they have a history of a love/hate relationship. For now, I'm just trying to keep quiet and wait and see. I'm not telling him (or anyone at all except you guys) about the things i'm quietly dreading may happen. No sense stressing until something does change. And really, neither you nor I know until it happens. If something does happen to fk up my life (will SD and the baby need a place to live? Will SO and BM bond over "yay grandparents!!") i'll deal with it then.
Older men and babies
My SKs didn't freeze me out but they were less than enthusiastic about me. Ok, I get it. When they became adults, with their own families, they could go their own way. When the gkids arrived, I was prepared to take the grandma role but had little opportunity. BM was enshrined as THE grandma.
.My DH had always been a kid person and I expected he"d be a doting grandpa. I was surprised when he wasnt. I think he was just burnt out after our 5. He is ok and and his usual funny self if he's around them but thats it. He doesnt seek them out or call. I made more effort with them than he did.
I'm going thru all this to say the grandkids might be less a,factor than you fear.
Yeah, time will tell. My SO
Yeah, time will tell. My SO is in his 50s and still has kids at home and tbh he seems over that, too. I just became an empty nester but in my 40s, i'm wanting to enjoy a child free life and i don't feel grandmotherly at all. I know people can become grands in their 30s (hell, at my old job there was a 28-year-old granny), but i'm not feeling it at all.
Fingers crossed
I'm hoping it will be this way for us too. My husband is getting older and works incredibly hard, he barely has enough time and energy for our own children and so I'd be incredibly upset he he was taking Grandchildren out to do fun things when he isn't doing enough of that with his own! I'm worried that on top of when he sees his older children, he'll now have Christenings, birthdays etc to attend alone but I have no choice other to grin and bare it
Bullshit you have no choice. "I have no choice other to grin....
"I have no choice other to grin and bare it "
Do not wilt, do not hide. Be at your DH's side and with your kids with you both (when it is appropriate for your kids to be there). I was at my bride's side at every court hearing, every event, every celebration, and every family gathering (weddings, funerals, etc...). Though our situation is not the same as yours. We have no BKs together and I had no children from my first marriage. SS is an only in our marriage.
Be the radiant beam of brightness that sends the cockroaches of DH's failed family baggage scurrying.
Every time there is interface between your DH and them.
IMHO of course.
The most clear message you can send to DH and to ... them.... is to be confident, be radiant, and be together side by side as a couple. If ..... they..... are discomforted by that, bonus. But your DH and your children's father should have to deliver in full view of you and your children. The only people in your blended family life that should have no choice is your DH's baggage. They should have zero choice but to behave reasonably.
Sounds like our scenario
I have 8 bio grandbabies and DH has 2 that he/ we never see. DH has made little effort but OSS has always shut us out of their lives. It bothered me years ago, it no longer does. I was never seen as a grandmother to their 2 girls as I've always been seen as a guest in all aspects of their lives. I'm okay with that. I've learned, over the years, that it is my DH's responsibility to correct/ heal the relationship with his OS, not mine. Even if I didn't have the joy of 8 grandkids, I'd still carve out my own life and let DH and OSS walk their own paths. As you mentioned, DH makes NO effort to make things better and it's not my job to 'make things work'. Peace and Blessings!
We Share Similar Lives
While DHs kids did not shun me to your degree, it was 12 years of dealing with disrespect, toxic behaviors, being the third wheel, etc. Final blow came when, at DHs retirement party that I arranged, DHs son announced the first grandchild, never looking at me or mentioning me. While expected, I never thought he'd do something so public and so humiliating to me and my very own kids who attended. I was done. It was me who denied them access for over 6 years. I had a 3 year healing period where I had to forgive DH for NOT doing his part in this mess and to heal myself.
During that time, DH saw his kids away from our home and I never met any of his grandkids. Last year saw interaction with a few of his kids, one being to son at the party. Awkward, to say the least; almost like a stranger's kid you'd see in the store. I have no connection; actually don't even know most of DHs grands names....that is how disengaged I became after the party incident.
I understand how you feel, when your DH is with "them." I felt that way for a long time. Today, I accept reality. We are NOT a normal family. I did my part in trying to blend this group, even attending a few counseling sessions with crazy BM and the oldest SD. DH was no help with his zero conflict resolution skills. So, I accept the fact DH has two lives; one with me and one with his kids. They are not in confilct with each other. He doesn't let them speak ill of me and I don't speak ill of them.
I can tell you how I live now. DH travels to see his kids and I enjoy my free week. DH buys all the gifts for his grandkids, which is Christmas only, and I get to spend my money on me. The times DHs kids/grands are in my space, I make sure to have a full calendar of events. I'm civil and friendly but not deep. I do not attend lunch/dinners with them and my conversations are kept short as I excuse myself quickly. I do not contact DHs kids nor do I do anything for them, including babysitting. I am simply DHs wife.
It's a hard journey but you will get through it. Don't let them ruin your marriage.
Thank-you CajunMom
Yes, there was a moment for me also where I thought 'that's it, enough is enough'. My husband, yet again, refused to speak to ESD about it so I haven't had anything to do with them since. Unfortunately, my husbands older children live close by but he doesn't mention them in my presence and they feel like strangers to me now
complicated because you and your DH have minor children together. Many of us don't and I think it's got to be more difficult when Dad spends time away from your kids than if it's just you who's being left behind.
But minor children come first. His adult kids already had that time with their father and they shouldn't be taking that away from your kids. It would have infuriated me if I was in your shoes, especially when your DH caused the problem by his refusal to deal with his kids' treatment of you.
I had to laugh when you described your DH flitting between his separate family groups because it's what mine would do back when I was trying to do joint holiday meals. His kids would sit on their butts while my kids and I cooked and cleaned up and he would wander between rooms looking like an idiot. I finally said I wasn't doing them any more. I would be happy (not really) to have his kids over on a day close to the actual holiday (we were always the secondary event to his kids but were expected to work around their schedule with their mother) but he would have to set it up. He never did and so my problem ended.
Great Point
I forgot there are minor children involved. Some additional things I'd suggest to the OP:
The new grandkids do NOT take additional time away from the minor bio children. In other words, see your grandkids when you see your adult kids. I'd also severely limit bring my children into situations where they are being literally shunned....absolutely not. And the few events I would attend with my kids would have my DH by OUR side, with small break away visits to those who try to shun us. If not, DH would be attending a lot of family events alone. OP needs to protect her kids and their inner self-worth from these azzhole adults.
SK don’t want you in there family unit.
You must except that. And actually nothing you can do. BUT. you can control the time and money SO spends with his older kids. He doesn't get a chance to disrespect you. By spending time with his kids. They chose there path. What meabs limited time with there father. He has younger kids who need him
'BUT....BUT.. DH should of had your back. If yiurvfamiky included you were not welcomed m he should stay away from them. He's ok with his new kids not welcome by his older kids. Not nice people
You’re right
Tbh, he doesn't see them often. I suppose my panic is that once he has Grandchildren, they'll be more family occasions on their side that he will have to attend alone and that's going to be hard on us. He usually doesn't get cards from his older children but this Christmas he got a very soppy card from his pregnant daughter. I think she has high hopes that he'll be a big part her family's lfe which has really unsettled me
Has your husband ever
Has your husband ever confronted his kids about not accepting you and/or ignoring you? He is (or was) the one to set boundaries/expectations. If he hasn't, I understand you feeling that he is not on your "team."
Do they live near you? How often does he see them?
BM despises me and demanded that "hate loyalty" from her kids. While I had a lot of complaints about how my husband dealt with this early on, he did set some boundaries, which helped. He did confront the skids, so the skids shifted their overtly bad behavior to more covert, sly, and underhanded behavior toward me (it was maddening). SD pretends to DH to be ok with me, but her behavior through the years says the exact opposite. SS has gone hot and cold with me through the years. I liken the skid-BM situation to a cult.
Skids here are adults and SD now has kids, so there are the grands. This is what has worked for us:
Skids live far from us. Forever, DH goes to see them alone, not on our territory. These are not frequent visits, so I enjoy them. I get together with friends, do the spa thing or just vegetate on the couch with the remote, take-out, and wine.
Skids are no longer welcome in our home because of their behavior. Period.
Events are minimal. I avoided graduations, but I did go to a wedding. Treated like crap, so we left the reception early.
When SD started popping out babies/potential hostages, I told DH I was not going to set myself up for heartache; I would not meet the grands (I did meet one was a one-off situation). I knew/know that I do not have a chance with them, that the false narrative about me will be passed on to them and that BM will demand full loyalty (which means hating me, who apparently broke up the family, although I met DH 5 years after the divorce). I am not doing a re-do. I told DH that the grands will be held out as carrots for manipulation. I know that. I had to learn to not care. And I don't. These people are all complete strangers to me.
With all of this being said, I'm good with where things are now.
I need to add that I have known a few families with half-siblings that had little to no connection, and everyone came out fine as long as there was no toxicity/drama.
No, I don’t think he’s ever spoken to them about the situation
Which is a shame. I think I he had, things could have been different. He seems to feel like it's easier for him to keep us separate rather than to have a conversation with them to say something along the lines of 'I really want everyone to get along and be able to spend time together. It's not okay for you to ignore her like you do, she's my wife and they're my children and it puts me in an impossible situation'.
Yes, they live close but he doesn't see them often (to my knowledge) but I think they communicate quite a lot. I suspect that he gives them a fair amount of money but he earns much more than me so I don't get involved. I suppose I'm worried that he might only see them a handful of times a year but when the Grandchild comes, he'll be expected to see them more, go to special events (Christenings, birthdays) Of course his ex will be at all these events as well as all his family (who are wonderful) and we'll just feel more and more separated from him.
Yes, I totally feel the same about the thought of his Grandkids. I wouldn't stand a chance so wouldn't even bother.
I do think his ex has played a major part in all this. ESD was her personal attack dog and there was no point trying with YSD because she wouldn't have betrayed them by having a relationship with me. I also had nothing to do with the breakdown of the relationship that she ended. I came along 18 months later so it all feels very unfair.
It's frustrating and sad when the DHs don't step in and correct behavior early on.
I really am new and improved ha ha
I am sitting on the couch with remote and mocha, and SD and hubby ready to arrive this afternoon along with DH. I have baked NOTHING. I did buy steaks in fridge but not volunteering anything. DH is getting back from golf tennis trip he took with them the past two days. Fancy dinners every night I'm sure. And I'm sure DH is expecting to have the usual lovely home cooked dinners that I would make for guests. The old me would have gotten fresh flowers, baked my butt off, and made SD all her favs. Now no more. It got me nothing. No texts calls no happy birthday. No merry Christmas. And this went on for many years. I finally saw the light.
Good for you!! You'll have to
Good for you!! You'll have to update us on the events of the day....
Now I want to know how it goes. Stick to your guns.
Sitting here reading and DH called in the car with his D. I know he had me on speaker and neither she nor I acknowledged one another. He tried to make small talk leading up to "what do you want to do for dinner- any plans? (Meaning was I cooking?) I said no, he asked if I wanted to go out to dinner and my answer was whatever you want. He said he was making reservations. Good answer. Lol. Wish me luck!!!
I also have no relationship
I also have no relationship with my skids. Gave up on the blended family notion when it became clear that my wallet was useful, but otherwise I was invisible while they all tripped down memory lane.
So DH maintained his own relationship with them and as long as it didn't affect me, I didn't care. But sometimes their expectations of him did affect me and that was a no-go.
Now that DH is up there in years and can no longer travel by himself he never sees them. Barely talks to them. My life is peaceful.
I think you and your DH need to be clear on expectations for your own kids. He doesn't dump you and the kids when the First Family summons him. He's a full-time, involved parent with you.
I guess there are happily blended families, but I think it's pretty rare.
Money ? ?
Are your kids college fund at an amount that they can attend college is something happen to DH? Is your home payed off. ? DH is judging money now that everything is find. But giving adult SK money when your minor kids are not fully funded is not right just one heart attack , car accident, things can change
We put money away for our children
And have life insurance if anything was to happen to us.
Do the younger kids have any
Do the younger kids have any interest in the older ones? Have you thought about all of this going on when the youth ones are older and have questions? It sounds like your DH takes the easy way out and would rather piss you off instead of anyone else. Why is that?
The older children have asked recently…
Which daughter is which and one said 'why don't we see them' I just replied 'because things have been unpleasant' and she just said 'oh'
My husband doesn't want to have difficult discussions and would rather we were all separate than have to deal with potential conflict. As far as he's concerned, I hate them and they hate me and there's nothing he can do about it. I think it's the avoidance that's caused so many of the problems and if he's had set boundaries and mediated between us, things could have been very different
That was the wrong answer.
That was the wrong answer. The right answer was "ask your dad".
I believe you are spot on regarding avoidance, it definitely is the cause of heartache for so many. Your husband is the common thread and it was on him to go the extra mile to bridge the gap between his two families. Yes, there was bound to be 'discomfort' along the way, but meeting that discomfort with compassion, kindness, and understanding instead of avoidance may have lead to a far different outcome as you have indicated. Would there have been the need to implement boundaries? Likely so! Again, it should have been your husband taking the lead. I am sorry you are in this situation, it has got to be tough.
My husband is also the 'avoidant'. For him, this practice caused a lot of issues that he is now dealing with such as going no contact with OSD. Hindsight is 20/20; he understands now that he should have addressed issues with her 20+ years ago. He also can 'see' things in his family of origin that he had never acknowledged before. After doing 'the work' myself, I do not tolerate this behavior. It has been a learning curve for us. I am thankful he stepped up, growth comes through hard times.
I can relate somewhat, and I
I can relate somewhat, and I'm so very sorry. I also have adult SKs plus 2 SGDs and a SGS on the way. My DH and I have been married 25 years, and SSs were 3 and 5 when we got together. DH and I also have two bios together. Although to a much lesser extent than you, I, too, have suffered from my DH's failure to address SSs' behavior out of fear of straining their relationship. In my instance, that has arisen due to DH and me taking SSs, their SOs and SGKs on all-expense paid vacations and hosting them at our home for visits, where DH and I do all the work, making food, cleaning up, paying for everything , while SKs sit with their feet up, relaxing. To add insult to injury, they post ad nauseum on social media about any little bit of time with BM, praising her on Mother's Day and celebrating her birthday, yet post nothing about DH, ever, and of course, never anything about me or their half-siblings, my bios. (However, they DO post about their half-sibling that BM had with her DH #2.) I had one instance where I worked hours making a cake for SGD's birthday, spent huge sums on a "Pinterest-worthy" party, and SS posted a pic of me in front of the treats table with SGD (wearing her beautiful costume I got her to match her party) but WITH MY HEAD CUT OUT OF THE PICTURE so you couid not tell who it was!! I wish I could say that was the final straw, but sadly, it was not. (And even now, I have a blog up asking if I should host a shower for YSS and his gf.)
You can read my blog over the past years to see it has been a process since then to accept that I am NOT their grandmother and only have a place in their lives for what I can give them/do for them. Although some on here have suggested I let DH see SKs without me, I have never wanted that because, like you, I don't want to spend holidays away from DH, nor do I want my bios with DH to have to be separated from one of us as though DH and I are divorced. I have addressed the problem by disengaging and forcing myself to do less and less for them, to avoid resentment. Anything I do is for my DH's benefit, not their's. Fortunately, SSs and family are all civil, in fact, friendly, to me in person, which makes it easier, and I understand is a huge difference from your situation.
While of course, it would be better for your DH to take on the situation directly and let the chips fall where they may (as it would mine) one positive I see from your situation is that you're spared from putting yourself out there as I did all those years, trying to play "happy blended family" and being shunned as though you don't exist. Although time will tell, it may be that once SD once has her baby, she may mellow out and be willing to be civil for the sake of the family and you can tolerate being around her. I say MAY because there have been horror stories on here where the arrival of a SGK ramps up the ugliness. Also, it always seems it is the SM who is to bend if the situation is to work, and we each have to find our own boundaries and tolerance. I wish I could offer words of wisdom, but I'm still working to find mine after 25 years. However, I wanted to encourage you and say I do understand. Posting here has been a big part of the process.
My experience as step grandma
SD63 had 3 kids and so did YSS. YSS was always out of town so we saw him and his kids only once or twice a year.
SD63 lived locally. When her kids were born, we made the effort to see them and participate but we were always in second place with BM as Official Grandma. That was ok cuz we both worked full time and had neither the time nor energy to go overboard. We went where we were invited, birthdays, etc. BM didn't like to go to school events or sports so we were the substitutes. DH86 didn't initiate events but I did annual cooky baking sessions and planned a summer outing each year.
I think DH must have made it clear that we didn't babysit, or maybe BM always wanted to do it. In any case, we didn't ever babysit.
We bought gifts for the appropriate occasions with SD63's firm guidance. I'd ask her what to get and I'd just get it. She didn't like variation from her list, she'd return things she didn't want them to have. I sometimes bought books which were never on her lists. To prevent the returns, I'd write "Merry Christmas from Grandpa and Grandma' in ink inside. Lol. I think we were tolerated for the gifts and because we would show up for school events
When BM died, I was subtly elevated to any function where a grandma was required. My new family role. I just go with the flow. SD63's kids are now in their thirties and forties and have kids. They seem to want me to dote on their kids and they are cute but I'm just not feeling it. I have a full plate with DH86 and my 101yo mom. This summer, I did an outing with each set of kids but I'm not sure if I'll continue. Both granddaughters hinted for me to do the cooky baking but I didn't. SD 63 is the grandma, let her organize it and do the clean up.
My relations with my bio kids and gkids feel more natural. I guess that's just the way it goes.
There isn't a snowball's chance in Hell that I would put my mate
There isn't a snowball's chance in Hell that I would put my mate in a back seat position to my failed family spawn or that I would tolerate taking a back seat to my mate's failed family spawn.
I would be at my mate's side, I would support her radiance, confidence, and standing in any and every situation and I would not tolerate anything less for myself as her mate.
Heaven protect any Skidult of either side who tried to discount the partners in our marriage. We would be side by side and arm in arm as spouses, parents, and GPs.If a Kidult attempted to minimize that It would be a very painful game on for any X or kid who tried to interject themselves in that or prevent our presence together. Whether a SKidult wanted to consider the SParent as a GP or not.
Not that I ever had to, but I also would not tolerate disrespect towards my parents as SS's full meal deal GPs. They are in reality the only high quality, involved, deserving GPs SS has had in his life and he absolutely loves my parents. As they do him. They have from day one of the DW, me, and the Skid adventure.
My ILs are less than involved in SS's life. Not their fault since DW moved out of state when SS was 1yo and never went back to live in SpermLand.
SpermGrandPa never gave a shit about my Skid and even when he was young SS knew that SpermGrandPa did not care for him. SpermGrandPa did the same with the SpermIdiot. I think that SpermGrandPa was far more comfortable being a girl dad than a boy dad. He crowned the Spermidiot's younger sister as Princess and did the same with SS's younger half sister (Spermidiot spawn #2) as Princess GK. SS and Spermidiot spawn #3 and #4 as boys and as the SpermIdiot's boys at that put them in the shit box with serially adulterous SpermGrandPa who for some reason detested the repetition of his example in the Spermidiot.
The SpermGrandHag was hip deep in controlling all of her SpermIdiot spawned GKs. We never heard much about the SpermIdiot's sister's kids. I don't think that SS's aunt's DH tolerates his DW to expose their kids to his idiot ILs often.
I relate to you
I can definitely relate to you. My husband has two adult daughters (SD1 and SD2) from his previous relationship, and we have one daughter together. He was like your husband—always trying to avoid conflicts—but over the years, he has gotten a little better.
Thank you for saying, "I feel so sad that our family will never feel 'whole' or 'proper,'" because I feel exactly the same way. There will always be a sense of "them" standing between us.
SD1 used to live abroad, so I never met her before we got married. The first time she stayed with us was for her mother’s wedding. My daughter had just been born at the time, and SD1 didn’t even want to look at her. She acted as if I didn’t exist and created quite a bit of drama during her stay, but that’s another story. Over the years, she has wanted nothing to do with my daughter or even her own father. Fortunately, she lives far away, so it hasn’t really affected me much. SD1 got married two years ago and didn’t invite either of her parents to the wedding. She has always been clear that she doesn’t want kids, which, in a way, makes things easier.
SD2, on the other hand, wants to have a relationship with us. She lives a few hours away and isn’t a bad person, but she’s incredibly entitled and immature. After a breakup, she stayed with us for several months, and her attitude was unbearable. Even her father wanted her to move out, though, of course, he didn’t have the courage to tell her. I developed chronic headaches during that time. Things improved after she moved out, but she’s still aggressive about small things like when she noticed that her and SD1’s childhood photos were no longer on the front of our fridge. Originally, they were on the front, but after all the stress she put me through during her stay, I didn’t want to see them every day, so I moved them to the side. When she visited again and saw the change, she got upset and moved them back. After she left, I moved them to the side again. Then my husband started moving them to the front before her visits. I finally told him to stop, and he actually listened! Of course, SD2 was upset. But to my surprise, my husband told her something like, "We are a new family now…" She was so mad that she took all the pictures to her room. But the next time she visited, she asked again why they weren’t on the fridge. Oh my!
She also insists on joining every family vacation, which may come from a good place, but honestly, it can be frustrating. She always tells her dad to let her know about our trips, but, for example, last year, she hadn’t booked her tickets the week before our departure and she still wasn’t sure if she’d come.
A few years ago, during a Christmas visit, she wanted us to open gifts together at 10 AM. My daughter, who was only three at the time, woke up early and waited for her. But when 10 AM came, SD2 was still asleep. I finally let my daughter open gifts from us and her grandparents. Half an hour later after my husband knocked on her door to wake her up, SD2 finally came downstairs and got upset, saying it "really hurt" that we couldn’t wait 30 more minutes. I told her that what really hurt was that she couldn’t be bothered to wake up on time. She stormed back to her room and slammed the door. My husband, of course, blamed me for "ruining Christmas" and left the house. He later apologized and admitted I was right, but the damage was already done. These kinds of stories can go on and on.
And speaking of husbands neglecting us… The second night after I gave birth, I was still in the hospital, and my husband left me and our newborn alone because he wanted to take care of his previous adult daughter and her adult boyfriend. SD2 actually told him she didn’t need him, but he insisted on going back with them.
A couple of years ago, after one of SD2’s visits, my then four-year-old daughter said, "Daddy doesn’t love me. Daddy loves X (SD2)." I was so surprised how sensitive a little child could be. Usually, my husband played with her before bedtime, but during SD2’s visit, all his attention was on her. He didn’t play with our daughter at all. Thankfully, he has been much more balanced during recent visits, and our daughter hasn’t said anything like that since.
Well… I guess this is what we signed up for, isn’t it?
No one signs up for toxic baggage and bullshit from their SO.
hhpurple, No one signs up for toxic baggage and faailed former family bullshit from their SO. Though sadly that is not an infrequent after the fact epiphany that the SParent spouse realizes.
I hope you told your DH what the 4yo said. In fact, I would have the little one tell daddy that directly and see how dumbass daddy takes it.
Out of the mouths of babes comes wisdom that manny could and should learn from.
We did not have these struggles. SS is an only in our marriage and we have never lived anywhere near the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool.
Take care of you, take care of your little one.
Thanks, Rags! Yes, I
Thanks, Rags! Yes, I mentioned to my husband what the little one said, so maybe that's why he's done better.