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Entitlement CAUSED CORONA in our family

AyeGavalt's picture

Step 1) Entitled, smart-mouthed, step kid insists on taking plane through LAX flippantly, sarcastically saying IT'S JUST THE FLU!!!???

Step 2) Kid REFUSES to wear mask or take precautions  despite warnings.  

Step 3) Kid calls within 2 weeks DEATHLY ILL with Corona. No other reasonable reason for exposure as she lives in remote and still to this day UNinfected area.

Step 4) MOTHER STILL REFUSES TO ADMIT the danger she put her 85 year old gpa and all of us in!  

I!m more incensed by her mother's insane denial to indulge her whim than the kids utter stupidity. And I'm SUPER sick of her playing the "momma-bear" card. Really???!!!

Her KID'S WHIMS aren't worth her DAD'S LIFE.

Rags's picture

Sadly, this virus is not only deadly to idiots.  If that was the case you might well be free of both your idiot wife and her idiot spawn and grandpa would not be at risk.