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Do you kiss your dad on the lips?

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

DH has had a cold sore on a different spot on his mouth for what seems like months. I said to DH, you better stop kissing your DD (my 36 year old SD / enemy) on the mouth. She always has a cold sore so I just guessed this was where he got it. He said maybe you don't believe in that but in my family we do! Duh.... I never kissed my dad on the lips and don't see many other adults kissing their parents on the lips. He said it is just a peck but still, is it just me or is that wierd.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

LOL about the blow job! Well we are not russian or italian or any other really ethnic background so I think kissing DD on the lips is sickish.

Anywho78's picture

No I do not kiss my dad on the lips...or my mom, or my sisters, or my brothers...just no.

Orange County Ca's picture

With modern knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases I would not kiss anyone other than my wife on the lips regardless of their or my customs. No way Jose.

LRP75's picture

No lips over here. Not my own kid -- not my dad -- not my sister -- not my brother -- not my aunts -- not my uncles...

You get the idea. I'm with you, I think it's gross!

IronRose's picture

:sick: No. Never. Not EVEN as a little girl. NO. Gross. Daddy, I love youm but, ewwww.

janeyc's picture

I never have, I think its different for different families, it would gross me out, but then Im not used to it. My Sd tries to kiss me on the mouth, I turn my head.