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do i stay & stand my ground or leave & go be happy?

GoldieB8's picture

i have been with DH for 10 1/2 yrs. he is 10 yrs older than me. we have been married for 8 yrs. 

i have 3 grown children i raised on my own. their father beat me black & blue. he was a drug addict. he would disappear & come back & beat me. the police arrested him. he was going to be released because of jail overcrowding. i was terrified. i took the children, packed my little car & ran away. i would work 2 jobs. i kept them happy. we were happy. we were poor but we were together & happy. my youngest is now 25. they all went to college. it was a struggle. but i was happy. then i met DH. i thought he was great. he was a widower. he courted me. we got married after 2 yrs. it went quickly. his kids are adults. the oldest is selfish, in his 40s. the middle one is daddy's girl. she's married with 3 kids but acts like she is a single mom. her husband leaves for work at 4am and comes home at 7pm so she cries the blues. she does not work. the youngest has been arrested for drugs, theft. she stole his car. she is now married to her 2nd husband. she cheated on 1st husband when he was in Afghanistan. she has 3 kids. she has had CPS called on her 4X. the kids' school called cps on her. she took them out of school and is "home schooling" them. the neighbors called CPS on her too. just giving you a small idea of what they are like. when i first met DH he told me his wife died of liver failure after a transplant. i just found out she died of cirrhosis of the liver, that she was an alcoholic. my sister in law told me the 1st wife started drinking at 10am and would be totally blitzed by noon every day. i have also figured out that DH is a narcissist. it's all about appearances. he is a control freak. i cannot even wash a load of clothes in the washing machine. he will stop the machine and take the clothes out to see what i am washing. if i am looking for a bucket to wash the floors, he asks me what i need a bucket for. i can go on and on. he searches my coat pockets. he searches my car. i don't do anything. i just go to work, come home, and god forbid if i am 3 minutes off. if he texts me,i have to answer right away. he wil blow up my phone. i have come to consider my phone an electric leash.

none of his kids get along.

his youngest daughter lives down south. she does not work. she has 3 kids, 4, 6 & 15. the last time she was here, she stole money from my son. she stole from me. she stole DH meds. she cheated on her 1st husband. she got caught on a website for cheating married people. she accused me of setting the account up for her. DH actually called me at my job to question me about it. 

Now she wants to come here for a visit without her kids and husband. She does not talk to me. She calls me names. 

I am waiting for $ from a lawsuit so i can leave. i am somewhat disabled. I want to leave & try to be happy and start over and just forget about these past 10 years of hell. 

my mother tells me to stand my ground and not leave everything. she told me to just hire an attorney and sue for half of everything. another factor is that DH is in health issues & is ten years older than me. if i leave, he will divorce me for abandonment. 

i don't want his daughter here in this house. i am totally stressed. she wants to leave her husband and kids to come here. she told her father she needs to "clear her head". also, we only have 1 car. DH used to have a truck but he failed to take care of it and sold it for parts. i sometimes believe he did this intentionally so he can have more control over me. now if his daughter comes, she will want to use my car. my car is ten years old and i take very good care of it. i am very proud of my car. it is old, it was cheap but i keep it very clean inside & out and everyone remarks how nice it looks. my car is like my only refuge. it's like my freedom with my music & stuff. 

i am just so very unhappy. i have gained so much weight. i used to laugh so much with my kids. i sat here today and could not remember the last time i laughed out loud. my kids were my life. they are all working hard & have stable relationships. i am very proud of them.

i want to leave, surrender and just walk away with just my dog and cats. my mother says stay and fight because i've put up with so much for over ten years. i don't know what to do. if his daughter shows up here, i want to just pack and leave and say, you win. 

i'd rather live under a bridge with my pets and be homeless than continue with this constant barage of abuse. 

would you stay and fight and hang in there until you got your lawsuit money (it might be another six months) or woud you just pack and leave & walk away with nothing until your money comes?

i cry constantly. i used to laugh. DH makes me feel fat, old and stupid. that's another thing. i am pretty smart. i used to work in a nice office with plenty of professionals. i went into the medical profession & am very happy at my job. i go to work and hate coming home.  i'm not stupid. 

i can go on forever. i'm so very sorry this is so long. i just dont know what to do. i want to leave. i've had enough. my brothers both like my DH. he has them fooled. my mother says stay & fight & not leave my home. i dont know............. 

GoldieB8's picture

i just can't stop crying.

two years ago i actually considered eating all of my pain meds, just over dosing. that's how bad i felt.

i was going to therapy. the therapist suggested i leave and go live in an apartment but don't divorce my husband, just date him again and try to start over. i just stopped going.... 

1StepForward2's picture

I’m sorry you are going through this. You are saying quite strongly that you want to leave because you are very unhappy. Personally I think your mom should support you in whatever you decide. It is your life.

I would consult a lawyer to see what your options are and advice.

When middle SS moved back in with us with no game plan to move out it was so unbearable I consulted a divorce lawyer for advice because I was so afraid of becoming a bag lady if I left. I was given good advice to the contrary which made me feel like I could leave if I had too.

Fortunately DH agreed to counseling and SS moved out and we stayed together.

Move forward with the goal of being happy again. You deserve it.

ndc's picture

In your situation, I would leave and be happy. I'm not quite sure what you'd be standing and fighting for. Your marriage ( that you clearly don't want)?  A better settlement?  I would go see a lawyer to find out what your rights are and how to best protect your interests, but if you're as miserable as you say, I would not want to waste another day with this man. And the problem is him, not his kids.  They're just the icing on the cake.

justmakingthebest's picture

How long before the settlement? Can you talk to a lawyer about protecting yourself from abondonment? 

Some things that I would do-- AS LONG AS HE IS NOT VIOLENT:

  • Move out of the marital bedroom
  • Stop answering his calls and texts
  • Don't do laundry that isn't yours
  • Don't clean- other than basic upkeep (dishes, trash, ect -- no more floors or bathrooms)
  • If he goes to look through pockets tell him to keep his hands out of your things 
  • If you can get a lock for the bedroom you move into do it! And have all of your valueables there.

After 10+ years of marriage there are things that you are entitled to. Use that as leverage to be left the hell alone. He get's the house, if he lets you go. You get X% of his retirement-- you agree to let it go if he signs a no fault divorce and lets you go with your things. Talk to a lawyer but that is how I would (and did) do it myself. 

SteppedOut's picture

..schedule a consult ASAP. While you are not being physically abused you are DEFINITELY being emotionally abused.

SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

why would your own mother tell you to stay in an abusive relationship? Is your DH very wealthy and she likes that? 

I like your divorce plan. Go start talking to lawyers. Make sure to whittle his options down. 

Areyou's picture

I would leave without  the lawsuit money. You could work in the meantime. When you are on your own you can do what you please and work as much as you like. Money won’t be an issue. Please take care of yourself. You already know what you need to do.

sammigirl's picture

You need to stand up for yourself.  This isn't going to get better.  Stand your ground.  

Get your thoughts together and make yourself a list of what you want to change, then change it.  Tell your DH you've had enough and things are going to change or he is OUT.  Then carry through with it.  Sit down and communicate your frustrations and include all your stress with everything that is going on.  Make a list, whatever it takes to get all of this off your chest to your DH.  You might want to take it one occasion at a time, so that it is not overwhelming.  

When something comes up that you are stressed over, handle it at the time.  Make some changes for yourself.  Keep your finances separate.  Your income, your settlement, all of it.  Get your own mail box at the post office, don't answer the calls, texts, don't react to the jealousy.    

Begin today taking control of your own life.  It is the most difficult step you will ever take.  If you do not feel safe, contact the Victim Advocate office for advice, it is free.

Keep us posted and please begin today.  I did all I am telling you here.  It is a lonesome, scary road; but you will never regret putting yourself first and making these changes.  It will change everything, including your marriage; it may make it much better, it may break it; that said, you need to make the changes yourself. 


sandye21's picture

Please do as Sammi suggests.  See a good therapist who will help you navigate through all of the emotional issues - plus an unsensitive Mother.

Letti.R's picture

I am sorry you are going through this.
Remember, you walked away from an abusive relationship before and started over.
You have the strength and resolve within yourself to do it again.