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DH going on six day trip with SD and BM

steppedonstep's picture

Everything fell apart with SD a year ago. If you have been around that long, it had to do with how she sold her home and land that DH provided because I would not let her keep horses in the yard. Instead of standing up to her, DH has become her doormat. The only time I have seen SD and her family the past year was at DH's mother's funeral. We didn't speak.

DH has had some visits with SD and grandskid and mostly keeps it to himself. I don't ask and only comment "That's nice" or something similar when he shares. (Except for his lunch at Hooters with granddaughter that I posted about.) DH told me a few months ago that grand (age 15) has earned her way to a national competition and he would be attending. I later remarked that I was sorry I would miss this occasion and DH said I could attend, but I said I would not do that to the kid -- too stressful between her mother and I. Also grand would not come get her Christmas presents and has had no contact with me.

So, the trip is next week. I figured DH was going on a long weekend to see the competition. Turns out he is going with SD and family and BM (his ex) and rest of family on a trip for six days! It is a full day drive there and back; I see he has made a hotel reservation for five nights. I mentioned once that it would be a lot quicker (and cheaper) to fly, but he just said he didn't want to. I didn't bring it up again.

We have been getting along pretty well with him seeing SD "on the side". I know I can't change this, but it really irks me that going to see a competition has morphed into a six day vacation with SD.

I don't think it will do me any good to say any more to him; he will just think I am being jealous and not appreciating grandskid's accomplishment. Also, I just got back from a two week vacation with my elderly mother that we had planned six months ago, so I think he will see it as each of us spending time with our family. BUT - my mom didn't screw us over on a land deal, etc.

Should I just continue to keep quiet and stay out of it? I'd really like to tell him I'm going on vacation with my ex while he is gone...

LadyG's picture

I would take that opportunity to pack up my stuff, find a new place and tell him "Divorce is imminent. Hope you had a great time!"

aggravated1's picture


There is no way, no how, no possible reason for me to ever be ok with DH vacationing with his ex. Why would you stay quiet about this?

This would be close to being a deal breaker for me.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

No flippin way I would be quiet about it. it is inappropriate and disrespectful to YOU, his wife. Realky he has some gonads!!

jennaspace's picture

Can you give more information? When you say he is going on vacation with BM do you mean... he is in the same car with her? Will they be at the same hotel all 6 days?

If the above is true I would be pretty concerned. My DH would never want to spend that much time with BM. Spending time with SD is one thing, throwing in the BM is another issue altogether.

Merry's picture

I think vacationing with your elderly mother is a WHOLE lot different than vacationing with an ex. I'd be making some noise about how inappropriate this is. Go to the competition? That's one thing. Six days with the former family (BM is NOT his family)? No way in hell.

sandye21's picture

I can see going on vacation with SD and family - NOT with ex. Period. What would he say if you told him you were going on a vacation with your ex? Bet it would be a lot different then! If DH ever did this I would tell him to pack ALL of his clothes!

steppedonstep's picture

More info as you requested. First, thanks everyone for the input. StepAside, I must have misinterpreted your advice from a while ago. I know your husband visits his daughters without you and you suggested adopting the attitude of "Whatever, have a nice time, don't tell me about it." I do think going with the BM is a whole different dynamic and thank everyone for bringing me back to reality.

I asked him this morning what the plans are. The first thing he said was "I AM going and I want to go and feel good about it; not guilty" or something to that effect. If I wasn't worn out from being really sick the past week I would have lost it right there. I told him I didn't expect him not to go, but I am disappointed that I have zero relationship with grandskid and I can't participate in her life. How does he think I feel - excluded, staying at home? He acknowledged that, but said he just didn't want us to argue, just let it happen and get on with our life. How nice for him -- he wants to go on the trip and be able to enjoy it without any pesky pangs of guilt.

I already saw he had a five night hotel reservation under the group discount when I made him a hotel reservation for a business trip next month. SD, BM, grandskid and horse instructor will ride together with SD pulling the horse trailer. DH will follow in his truck. I asked where SD husband was going to be and DH said he guessed he would ride with him. This is going to be a 12 hour drive.

I asked him how he would feel if the situation was reversed and I was going? He said what he always does "Divorce was over 30 years ago, no feelings for BM, etc." He then said, "What else could I do?" I told him I didn't expect him not to go, but he could drive separately, at a different time and stay at a different hotel and not share meals with them. He said "What message would that send to my granddaughter?" I said "What message does it send to her that her mother can disrespect us and then you go on a trip with BM and leave your wife at home -- that tells her it is OK to mistreat people." He said he will go to a business meeting in a nearby town on day two of the trip "if he can work it out."

He said he doesn't want this to come between us (as if it hasn't loomed over us for the past year). I told him we have a very good relationship outside of this drama brought on by SD. I told him this is all her fault and he didn't disagree. He said "she is getting better-less emotional-I think she is going to counseling or something." Although recently when he asked her if she would have a meeting with us she told him she 'wasn't ready'. Good - I didn't want to either, but let her say it first.

There is another twist in the family situation and he may get credit for standing up for me, but I don't know exactly yet. That is one reason why I wasn't pounding on him too hard about going on the trip. Stick with me here - DH dad has been clearing out his house the past couple of years getting ready to downsize. DH sister who lives near him, has been helping. While visiting two years ago FIL showed me many things set aside and asked if I wanted anything before they were sold or donated. I told him I thought things should go to his children and grandchildren, but he said they had all looked it over and taken anything they wanted and this is what was left. So, I took a small punchbowl and told him I would use it for my church group (and shared a picture when I did.) Also took a set of gold rimmed wine glasses for my DD. FIL told me a charming story about the people who gave the glasses to him and MIL. Within a month or so of delivering the glasses to DD, DH and I were at SD's and I saw one of the glasses in her kitchen cabinet. I asked her if she wanted her grandmother's glasses as FIL said they were up for grabs and DD now had them. (SD has never liked my DD-her husband propositioned DD, etc. DD was 19 and SD 26 when we married.) SD said no, she didn't want the whole set, she just wanted one glass to remember grandmother by (she hadn't died yet). DH was there and remembers this conversation. So now, two years later, DH sister calls with much drama and says FIL has promised glasses to SD's daughter - where are the glasses? We explain SD already knew and didn't want them. SIL has a fit (DH has her on speakerphone) and says "SD is coming this weekend to get the glasses, etc. etc." When DH tells her she is making a problem where there was none, she says "But DH, SHE'S YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER" clearly meaning grandskid outranks DD. DH and I had a long conversation about DD getting the short end of the stick because she doesn't share the DNA. I asked him not do anything until I got back from my trip. I asked him the other night the status and he said he hasn't talked to SIL and walked out of the room. So he may get a point or two for sticking up for DD and I, but I'm not sure. Probably just sticking his head in the sand. I'm just taking one thing at a time.

Wow, this got long. Thanks for your patience. I think I will tell him I will be looking for a marriage counselor while he is gone next week. Either that or go out of town and tell him I'm on vacation with my ex. Problem is, he knows I wouldn't do it.

sandye21's picture

^^^THIS!!^^^ There is WHOLE lot of difference between spending time with his family vs. spending time with his family PLUS BM. This is very disrespectful of you as his wife.

Delilah's picture

Your DH is taking the piss, holidaying with his ex. Doesn't matter if she is riding in a separate car, effectively sd, granddaughter, your DH and his ex WILL be spending 6 days together enjoying and bonding over their shared family. It is in-excusable that DH thinks this is acceptable, that he went ahead and booked this trip without consultation with you his wife (really sneaky right there) and then stone walls you when you casually mention the situation reasonably. His response effectively informs you he KNOWS this is wrong, hence his defensive stance and yet he is still going and expects you to be fine about it. You should not be, its not normal and I think if he goes and you wait for him to return to seek marriage counselling you are closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. The act has been committed, the damage done and you are slapping a band aid on it.

Personally you need to tell him how you feel. The fact all this drama is coming from his side of the family and you resent the fact you are being unfairly sucked into this as the evil villain and DH expects you remain quiet and accept this label. If he refuses to protect and defend you, then you have every right to do so for yourself. I would also mention how completely and utterly inappropriate it is that he is spending 6 days with his ex, doesn't matter why he is doing it, doesn't cancel out that he is doing it and expects you to be ok with it. You are not accepting of it and in fact your marriage is in serious dire straits if he thinks his behaviour is acceptable and the fact he is using his GD and DD as an excuse to justify this is disgusting. Given he thinks this is fine, then you are going to have to reassess your own marriage vows, as you will not allow your partner to disrespect you in this manner and expect you to live by different rules.


steppedonstep's picture

Thanks everyone. I spent the afternoon away from home today so I could think things over. I did tell him how I felt this morning. SD would like nothing better than to split us up. I am not willing to do that since we otherwise have a good marriage (14 years) and not only did I relocate to a different part of the country so he could move back "home", but my DD and her husband relocated here eight years later. He wants to go on this trip and he wants to go with a clear conscience. Well, I can't stop him from going, but I did offer an alternative (don't drive together, different hotel, etc.) If he insists on keeping the plans as is, he is not going with a clear conscience. He already knows I am upset and I will reinforce that more strongly before he goes. As far as marriage counseling is concerned, just the thought of having to come back and go through that would be enough to ruin his trip. I don't especially want to do it since I went through that with my ex for years and it was painful, expensive, and not productive. However, DH needs to hear from someone else and hopefully he will hear that I am not being unreasonable. I just hate this though. Otherwise he is a good husband. When I left on my recent trip he slipped some funny cards and a good amount of spending money in my suitcase and has taken care of the cooking, etc. when I came home so sick. We would have been better off if we had not moved near SD, but hindsight is 20/20.

sandye21's picture

A good Husband does not spend a vacation with his ex-wife and leave his wife at home. It is sometimes very scary to face a problem square on especially if a failed marriage is one of your options. I put up with a lot of crap because of this fear but finally came to the point where divorce was clear and justifiable option. If my DH had gone on a vacation with his ex divorce would have been definite. What he is planning to do can never be made right with funny cards and extra spending money.

SD is less of a problem than your DH. He needs to know he is putting your marraige in jeopardy if he continues with his plans. No, he should not be going in a different car or stay at a different hotel. He shouldn't be going at all.

sandye21's picture

"And if the shoe was on the other foot, it wouldn't fly for him either." This is a good point. You mentioned in your original post that you wanted to tell him you were going to take a vacation with your ex-husband while he was gone. How about doing just that and see what his reaction would be? He might even say it wouldn't bother him but I'll bet if you really did it your marriage would be over.

Stepaside is SO right! SD and DH created 'New norms' and I accepted abuse for over 20 years to avoid a possible divorce. The fear of a failed second marriage was unacceptable, I would do anything to avoid it, even if it meant enduring SD's horrible behavior and DH's ignoring it, plus taking unwarranted blame. One day I started to look at all the 'new norms' that had been created for the convenience of others but at my person and emotional expense. Anger took hold over fear. I finally stood up for myself and placed my dignity on an even level as anyone else. What a wonderful feeling it is to know you value yourself enough to expect mutual respect!

steppedonstep's picture

StepAside-good point about the "new norm". You are right. By swallowing things a little at a time a situation eventually develops that you just can't tolerate any more. I generally just try to be easy going and I expect when I speak up about a problem that my husband should take notice because I'm usually not hard to get along with. In other words, I save it for the big stuff. What has happened though is that he is so used to my laid back demeanor that he doesn't take me seriously when I do complain. One time my DD was at our house (I wouldn't usually argue in front of her) and she actually told DH "Mom is really serious" because she could see he just was oblivious.

As far as suggestion of some to divorce DH over this trip - I was divorced after 25 years of marriage and had problems much worse than this. Our life now is good aside from the SD drama.

I wouldn't tell DH not to go at all. Its his grandkid and she has earned her way to a national competition. The problem is BM goes to all the events, so I understand there is going to be some shared time. I have sucked it up and gone to some one day events before SD flew into a rage and threatened me last year. By the way, SD has banned BM's husband from her home and all events so BM always goes alone. She even sleeps over at SD's on Christmas Eve while her husband is home alone. Also, grandkid had a big event in the Spring out of state that DH planned to go to. A few days before the event SD texted him and told him he couldn't come because his presence would create "stress" for grandkid and might affect her competition. He was crushed. So now he is so happy that SD is "allowing" him to go. Who knows? Maybe tomorrow she will disinvite him again. He thinks by going on vacation with SD it will help to repair their relationship. The relationship that SD trashed.

Someone in another post said her DH had a wishbone where his backbone used to be. That is exactly how I feel.

SugarSpice's picture

this is such a bad idea. now Dh will think of the fantasy of just the "real" family being all happy and back together again.

many skids have this fantasy. just looking at pictures of Dh and BM when they were together, especially family photos, is enough to have skids hating you.

Dh should go on a vacation with Sd but not BM.

steppedonstep's picture

Its been two days since I told DH I was not OK with this "family vacation" and suggested a compromise of going for fewer days, separate hotel, etc. I asked him today if his plans have changed and he said no. He started in again that he wanted to go and not feel guilty and no one cares how he feels, etc. Many more things were said but I told him he obviously doesn't understand or care to understand how this makes me feel so I am making an appointment with a marriage counselor for when he gets back. He did look surprised, but said "Do what you have to do." I know he hated going to marriage counseling with his ex (so did I, for that matter).

I found out that he is hauling their small trailer while they take the horse trailer. That explains why he was so reluctant to fly or go at another time. So, I told him SD disinvited him from the last event, but I guess she decided it is OK for him to go this time because he can be useful to them? Basically told him she is using you. I told him I have been erased from the grandparent roster. When he started to say I could go if I wanted to, I told him if he told SD that he was not coming without his wife she would tell him he couldn't come and he knows it. He didn't say anything.

Toward the end of the heated argument he told me he couldn't understand why I am jealous of his ex and he will call me every hour, etc. Ridiculous. Tried to put his arms around me and tell me he loves me, etc. He just "wants the family to get back together again." Even asked me if I had noticed that we hadn't taken our boat out all summer or really done anything fun because it just wasn't the same without family. He said everything we've done has only been with my DD and her husband (not family, obviously). So I thought we weren't doing things because he was busy with work and then recovering from surgery, but he tells me now that he and I didn't have any fun this summer because he can't have fun without SD? What I hate most is that this has made me such an angry person. I liked the old me better. I liked the old DH better, too.

Towanda's picture

all I can say is that I am speechless. :jawdrop: So sorry you are going through this BS!

steppedonstep's picture

StepAside - He went to Disneyworld with BM when you were nine months pregnant? That is lower than low.

DH left this morning. Thanks for the advice, StepAside, but I really didn't have enough notice of the arrangements to plan an alternative. I know if DH asked SD if I could go she would say no, and if I just showed up it would be really stressful for the grandskid. SD has brainwashed her, but it is not the kid's fault and she should not be subjected to the adult drama on her important weekend. Remember, SD says I am the B---- because I would not let them keep their horses in our yard so grandskid could practice. (They also had a 15 acre farm where the horses lived and have since moved away from our property.) I guess she was able to practice well enough elsewhere to make a national competition...

DH left me a card - I haven't opened it. I am calling today for an appointment with a marriage counselor. I will book the first one that can see us the day after DH gets back. I will text him the appointment time and let him think about that while he is gone.

Thought of going out of state to my mom's while he is gone, but (married) DD surprised me when I got back with news that she is pregnant and unfortunately she is facing some serious problems so I will stay home to support her.

jennaspace's picture

No kidding about SA!! :jawdrop: Cannot believe MIL pulled this and DH agreed to it. I would never, never do this to a DIL. When I was younger and pregnant MIL pulled a lot of territorial maneuvers. I quietly obeyed wanting to appear cooperative. Hoping that if I played nice things would eventually get better. We all know how that turns out.

Good idea to get counseling. Your DH is probably figuring out his gas lighting days are coming to an end once a third party is involved. I think you are doing the right thing. No matter what's in that card he wrote you, he is betraying you by leaving.

I'm really sorry about your daughter! Hope she and baby are doing better.

steppedonstep's picture

It just got worse. He called last night to tell me he got there. I wasn't going to answer, but figured he would keep on calling, so I thought I would just cut the call short if he started telling me anything about "them", plans, etc. He just called to tell me he was in the room and I said OK, I'm going to bed now. I figured today I would send a text telling him when the appointment is the day after he gets back.

So if you read the part above about how my daughter received a set of his mother's glasses two years ago you will understand this: When DH was taking me to the airport a couple of weeks ago I asked him not to do anything about the glasses "situation" until I got back. His sister set up a ridiculous situation and my DD had nothing to do with it and was unaware of any problem. A few days ago I asked him if he had talked to his sister while I was on vacation and he said "no". Well, LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE! I went over to my DD's today and the cabinet was empty! He not only went over there and got them while I was gone, he asked my DD to go to SD's with him so she could get "credit" for handing them over! My DD said she told him she didn't want credit. She also told him she was going to tell him some things he probably did not want to hear, and that this situation DH's sister and SD set up is not about the glasses. (StepAside would say its RA) DD said SD doesn't have any sentimental feelings for family stuff, that she put the paintings done by her grandmother in their garden shed and has left g'ma's china cabinet in our basement for years. DD also said grandskid is 15, how about she (DD) hold on to the glasses till grandskid gets married then she will pass them on? (That is exactly what I was going to suggest if worse came to worse.) She also said based on SD's unappreciative attitude and grandskid's age, the glasses are going to sit in a box somewhere. DH told DD he was getting pressured by his sister. Anyway, DD handed them over. She never told me what happened.

I was livid, actually shaking, when I saw they were gone. He not only lied to me about not talking to his sister, how did he think he was going to cover up the fact that the glasses were gone? I immediately texted him, cursing him out (which is unlike me, until lately) telling him he promised me not to do anything till I got back. I spent a nice day out with DD and did not read his text until I got home tonight. His reply? Said he did not promise me that he wouldn't do anything while I was gone and that DD "stepped up" and that DD said if that was what stepgrandpa wanted, it was OK with her. Of course I found out the truth from DD earlier in the day and that is not what happened at all. This just reopens the old wound for me when DH did not stand up for DD when SD's husband propositioned her when she was younger. (DH didn't want to come down too hard on SIL because he thought SD would move off our property. I should have left him then.) DD has been much more forgiving of DH than I have been. DH is an improvement over her bio dad; that will tell you something.

It seems every day there is a new lie. I can't believe what has happened to the great guy I married. If it was not for DD and her problem pregnancy, I would go spend a few months with my mother. DD loves DH and I don't want to cause major upheaval now. For that matter, why should I leave town?

I will text him tomorrow and tell him what time the counseling appointment is next week and tell him I will meet him there and he can plan to spend the night at SD's, because he isn't welcome here until we come to some understanding. This lying and putting everyone else above our marriage has got to stop. Hope it ruins his trip.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

Yes do just that. Then turn off your phone and let him stew. Focus on having a drama free week without him. Treat yourself to a massage some pampering and girl time with your DD. Heck if she feels up to it treat both of you on DH's money. That was a crap thing for him to do behind your back taking the glassware back from her and lying to you about it.
Congratulations on DD's pregnancy. Hope everything will be ok.

I have followed your story....was happy when you got your land back. I love horses...but owners need to be responsible. It was all so ridiculous what SD did to you. Good riddance.
Focus on your true family. The people who love you. If SGD wants a relationship with you she is old enough to do so. Usually the apple does not fall far from the tree from what is written here on steptalk.

Enjoy your week!
There are some new movies out that are good I hear.

LONGTIME SM's picture

Yep. Definitely think it should be a full set of Waterford on your husbands visa. As a reward for your dd stepping up of course

steppedonstep's picture

Thanks for the positive suggestions, Lost. I do plan to move on with some fun activities after I deliver the news to him tomorrow.

By the way, we didn't get our land back. SD sold their house (she wouldn't sell it to my DD) so it is an island unto itself with our land surrounding it. We still have a property line problem. New neighbors are pleasant enough, but do not mow grass. Their yard looks messy, but there is no more horse poop and flies at our house so I guess I am pleased about that.

steppedonstep's picture

Waterford sale at Macy's - that's pretty funny, SA. DD actually wanted Waterford when she got married. She received nice china (the name of the pattern is a tribute to DH, go figure) but no crystal to go with it. To clarify, the MIL glasses are at SD's now, not DH's sister's. DH sister didn't realize her father had given my DD the glasses two years ago and now she convinced him that he had promised them to grandskid. SIL didn't know DH and I had the conversation with SD very shortly after delivering the glasses to DD when SD told us she didn't want them. DD has had them for two years with no discussion from anyone in the family. I never had a problem with SIL before, but she and SD are very close, so you can see what happened here.

Everyone thinks my DH is great. You're right - people would think I was absolutely nuts if I left him over a set of glasses. You SMs know that is not really the issue; you have seen the deterioration of trust over the last year. Hopefully I can find a good counselor who can help. Truthfully I hope I can find a woman who will help me rip him a new one. Circumstances are turning me into a B. I used to be nice.

Notasm makes a good point about DH's mental state. DH is 65, but really active. His mother was diagnosed with dementia at about age 76 which later progressed to Alzheimer's. Right now I just think he is acting like he has a "real" family, ie "blood" and then me and DD by marriage. I don't know what status he gives us lately.

Re DD's pregnancy - she has had many health problems and surgeries. Had an emergency surgery seven years ago and thought she might lose her ovaries, but wonderful doctor (the one who delivered her when she was born!) saved her 'parts'. She found out she was pregnant last month when I was out of the country on vacation, but was excited so she and her husband told DH the good news. When I got home I was extremely sick so she didn't come over for a week. She finally sent me a text and told me she was pregnant but they can't find a heartbeat and her bloodwork is not where it should be. She told me she just needed to be alone for a while, but we had a nice day out yesterday. She has another appointment next week. Her clothes are getting tight. We walked past the maternity store and just looked at each other and kept walking. So sad. We went to another store and got a few things in larger sizes. Hoping for better news next week, but I'm sure there will be extra worry even if she is able to carry to term. Thanks for listening. DD is not announcing her pregnancy so I am not able to talk to friends about it.

steppedonstep's picture

This gets worse by the hour. Just got a text from DD. Apparently DH contacted her. Not sure if he shared the contents of my brief, but scathing text to him sent yesterday, but DD tells me I am coming across as angry and vengeful and I should compromise. I told her thanks, but if DH contacts her again to tell him she does not want to be involved. I was not going to have any contact with him while he is gone, but fired one off and told him to stop lying and trying to cover things up and most of all stop contacting DD especially when she has problems of her own. Have only gotten one call back from numerous calls I've placed to counselors and she is booked up.

sandye21's picture

Did he know DD was having pregnancy problems? If so, this is a low blow. DH MUST know he's wrong but trying to justify himself and pull in recruits, incuding your DD. Hold on. You will benefit for standing up for yourself with or without DH. Hope you can get an appointment with a counselor. I went to a counselor by myself and it really helped me to stand my ground, DH knew he had bettter change because I was feeling confident enough to live withour him if he didn't. As it was, DH really didn't really have to go at all.

steppedonstep's picture

He's back and I have a question for you. He came back from the trip and didn't say anything other than he would have been back sooner but they got stuck in traffic. I didn't ask and he didn't say any more. He asked if I wanted to go out to dinner the next night, but I was evasive. Next day asked about going to the movies. Also has been asking about our annual anniversary trip. I finally told him that I did find a counselor and the only time she had open was several hours before he got home. I met her and talked non stop the whole session, so she has all the background. (I didn't tell him that; just that I met with her.) He just looked at me and put our next appointment on his calendar but didn't add any more dates when I told him I expected there would be follow up sessions once a week.

So, my question. We have an annual event coming up this weekend that we always attend with old friends. I really don't want to go through the motions of pretending to enjoy the whole weekend with him, although the men spend some time separate from the wives. He wants to come home from this trip with SD and just "get on with our lives". Well, of course he does. He did what he wanted and now he doesn't want to face any consequences. I am conflicted as to whether I should go and pretend to have a good time so I can at least think that SD hasn't ruined everything in our life, or whether I should tell him to go alone because I really don't want to spend time with him until we go to the counselor next week and try to work some things out.

We talked briefly tonight and I told him our marriage was fine until SD blew things up a year ago. He seemed to disagree and pointed out our personality differences and even said he thought I would change after we got married, but I didn't. Whoa! Never heard that before. I think all the anger that should be directed at SD is now being directed at me. So, even though I want to stay home this weekend and make the point that I am still really disappointed and angry at him taking the trip and taking the glasses back from DD, on the other hand I'm considering that maybe I will just come out looking like the B that SD makes me out to be. Maybe I should go and have a good time with the group of friends and remind him that we can enjoy each other's company. We would get back Sunday and counselor appointment is Monday.

What do you think? Should I go or stay home?

Towanda's picture

If you enjoy this event and like being with these other women or couples, then I would definitely go. That doesn't mean you will be all gaga over your DH. It means YOU need to go have a good time so you don't spend the weekend alone stewing over what has just transpired.

If this weekend means nothing to you but just an annual obligation to be around these people stay home and go do something you love to do.

Just make this decision on what is best for you alone, not how it will affect DH and you as a couple. He obviously made his choices for himself and disregarded how it would affect you so why even consider him this weekend? Do what is best for you to make you feel better!

sandye21's picture

I can't believe he said he thought YOU would change but then again he (like my DH) will say anything, even if it sounds outragious, to justify what he did with the ex and his emotionally incestuous relationship with his Daughter. It all goes back to blaming you doesn't it? Tell him to cut the B.S. I am so glad to hear you went to the counsellor. It would be interesting to see if she thinks what he did was right.

As many of the other posters have written, whether you go is up to you. It depends on how you like to get together with these people. But if you would like to see them, by all means don't miss it. You don't have to even sit wiith DH or pretend you are all lovey dovey. Just engage in conversations with other people separately from DH.

simifan's picture

Men are usually quite simple - they do what they want and don't do what they don't want to do. If you want to go then go- if you don't then do not go. I would not ever fake happy happy. It makes you miserable and makes hubby think things are okay when they are not.

steppedonstep's picture

I went on the trip. Everything went fine. DH drove separately with his friend a day early because they had an event to attend; I rode with the wife. They are lovely people. I enjoy her company. I finally e mailed the counselor for advice and she said I should go and enjoy being with friends, that the rest would still be here when we got back and we would work on it in therapy.

As I mentioned before, I met with the counselor last week and gave her the background about SD. She remained professional, but I did get signals (facial expressions, etc.) that she thought the trip with SD and BM was odd.

Went to the counselor today with DH. He did not remember that I told him I met with her last week. (???) At one point he said that his daughter was the only thing he had contributed in life. I interceded there and told her about his outstanding career and reputation with his peers, while acknowledging that we all think our children are our best accomplishment in life.

I asked what he meant the other day when he said he thought I would change after we got married. Sorry I asked as that took up a lot of time. Basically he is athletic and he thought I would learn to go diving, etc. with him. Made me sound like a dud; said he is participant (with a capital P). I said I am a participant, too, I just participate in different things. That really isn't the issue here, or at least not the main one as far as I'm concerned.

I don't think he is budging on his stance that he wants a relationship (at any cost) with his daughter and I need to get over it. I was getting discouraged at the counselor's lack of input, but she told us at the end of the session that she has had a stepdaughter for many years and is often surprised at what her DH does for the SD. She also mentioned that the BM used to call their home and she told her DH to have the BM call him at work. So, if she was not even willing to take BM calls, I have a feeling she would not have been OK with her DH going on vacation with BM.

We had to go straight from the counseling session to a birthday dinner, so we did not have any conversation after. I am discouraged though. He still doesn't think he did anything wrong going on the trip or taking the glasses from my DD. Hope the counselor can talk some sense into him.

Thanks to everyone for the continuing comments. It really helps.

sandye21's picture

Have you asked your DH if he still wants to be married? If he does then he must be presented with your terms for staying in the relationship, possibly at the next counselling session or even before. In my opinion, he needs to know that he can visit SD but NOT, under any circumstances, with BM. He also needs to know that you will no longer take any blame or listen to any BS which implies you are inferior to him because you choose to 'participate' in different things.

When I disengaged from SD and banned her from my home I had been through much of what you have, and I'd been 'nice' for decades. But one day I hit my limit. I could no longer turn the other cheek - even to save the marriage. I told DH if he ever wanted SD to enter our door again he would have to tell her, in my presence, that she must respect me as his wife and in my own home. I also let him know I would never accept blame or judgement from him again. I added, "These are my terms and they are not negotiable!" He has never had the guts to confront SD about her horrid behavior or insist she respect me so she stays gone but we have a better relationship without SD in it.

Please stand up for yourself even if your DH doesn't wish to go the the counsellor again or is uncooperative. I agree, maybe the counsellor needs a bit of time to analyse the situation, especially since this was the first session with your DH, but she should be able to give more guidance at the next appointment. If you think your counsellor is being a bit wishy washy find another one to go to yourself.