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DH And Halloween.

Lady's picture

DH told me he was going to tell his kid's and DIL"S to bring his grandkids to our house for Halloween. Well in other words what he will do is beg them to come to our house for Halloween. I told him don't tell them anything .If they want to bring them fine if not even better. Looks like they would love their dad enough to bring them around but nope that's not his family rolls. I told DH we are not taking candy over to your office for them to wait till we leave for your kids to bring the Gkids to get the candy. I mean really? How crazy can you be. Every year its always deals and ultimatiums because they are the meanest brats I know. Just aint gonna happen.

Freshstart's picture

It's really hard watching DH's do this to themselves. My DH has too long accepted paying the invoices. Deals and ultimatums, I know just what you mean. What do you mean they wait until he leaves to get the candy? Why is he begging them?

Lady's picture

I mean the SK"s will want DH to take candy over to his office and leave it there for the GKIDS .Then when DH leaves his office they will go get the candy. They don't want to see me so that's why they wait till the coast is clear. LOL. DH wants his kids to bring his grands to our house like normal people would do but they refuse to come to our house.So they try to make deals with DH getting him to do stupid stuff. I say no deal.