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Assaulted by stepkid

Imtooyoungforthis's picture

Has anybody ever been assaulted by a step/bo kid? If yes did ypu call the police? Were you able to get over it and not harbor resentment or did you wash your hands of the whole thing?

Imtooyoungforthis's picture

Wow...My skid attacked me once...I was able to defend myself well enough. It was a while ago at least a year or 2. It was over him not getting his way, I just kept pushing him down and putting my weight on him. I wonder all the time if things would be different now if I would have called the police or even demanded he be removed from the house. my DH did't do squat either, no punishment whatsoever. He even got upset when I tallked to FIL about it. "what happens in this house stays in this house"

Indigo's picture

Yes. Called cops on SD for drunken shoving. Considered it this summer with SGS 9 & 11.

Did not call the cops on my BS(12 at the time). The doctor was jacking around with his meds, trying to titrate down the dosage of one. Mild child turned into belly-bumping, screaming, shoving, unrecognizable young teen male. I took him down in my driveway. In front of the neighbors and God. Half-nelson hold, sweep kick of his legs and he was down on the driveway. I lay on him in the rain until he settled down. Medication change caused violent, emotional behavior which we have never seen before or since. I promised him the next time he ever raised his hand to shove or touch me in anger, I am calling the cops.

(Now I am not averse to taking BS to our local cop-shop to have a chit-chat when needed, but physical contact is something very different.)

Anyone ever raises their hand in anger to me --- SO, ex-DH, BS, SD, SGS/SGD --- I'm calling the cops. Zero-tolerance is what I'm aiming at, but not always successful obviously. I have learned that "cutting someone slack," or making excuses for their behavior hurts me and hurts them in reality.

Call the cops. Carry pepper spray.

Thumper's picture

So sorry you experienced this.

IF you were assaulted by a stranger or by a neighbor would you NOT press charges? Would you ask them into your home for tea? Would you allow them to sleep in your home?

Bm and dh's kid inside your home IS no different than anyone else in this world.

FrenchPeas's picture

My ex oss grabbed my shoulder. Screamed in my face. I bought a house. Moved out with my kids who didn't deserve this mess. Divorced and told them to all go eff themselves. No regrets.

SugarSpice's picture

at one time fat adult sd threatened to hit me until i took her off her pedestal with a well placed insult. dh never stood up for me so i was forced into verbally defending myself. she never threatened me again after that.

if the skid actually hits you call the police. no second chances on this. its assault. family or not.

enuf's picture

My dh kept on threatening to divorce me and his mantra was "I have to protect my son against you." His ds weighed twice what I did and would slam doors on my face, try to physically get between us. Yet, dear old dad felt like a hero telling me such things. Now he is going through what I went through. Yay!!!

SugarSpice's picture

repeated divorce threats are the sign of a sick mind. google it.

i love it when karma finally comes through. i am witnessing this right now on so many things and get a front row seat.

notasm3's picture

No - but it's one of the reasons that I initially limited SS32 from my life several years ago.

He's a drunk who has HORRIBLE rage issues. He's assaulted his mother and father. He's trashed countless apartments. At 6'3" and well over 230 lbs. he's a walking weapon. He spent 3 1/2 years in juvie for some offense (had to be serious) that no one will talk about. He's gone to jail for beating up an elderly person. He's had countless women toss him out for physical abuse.

I have zero tolerance for aholes. No way I was going to walk on eggshells around him. I knew it would only be a matter of time before I said something to him that would send him into a flaming rage. At which time he would probably assault me. It's his pattern. And I would have prosecuted him to the max if I had not killed him in self defense.

I opened the door back a crack after a few years - to end up regretting that big time. If I ever have to be around him again I will not hold my tongue - which is why I intend to never see him again. I don't want to get beat up.

SugarSpice's picture

sounds like the law might be have to be involved. first of all take care of your own safety. the rage issues are already there.

SugarSpice's picture

good for you guppies. most parents dont have the balls to parent. by the time things get too bad its really too late.

enuf's picture

Guppies didn't you dh get angry at you for putting his precious ds in jail? I told my dh, now my ex, that his ds 45 years at the time that he was acting like a baby, and dh told me he hated me and was going to divorce me.

enuf's picture

Guppies didn't you dh get angry at you for putting his precious ds in jail? I told my dh, now my ex, that his ds 45 years at the time that he was acting like a baby, and dh told me he hated me and was going to divorce me.

sandye21's picture

A year into our marriage, when SD was in her late teens we took her and her friend on vacation with us. It was not very pleasant. She and her friend sat in the back seat, DH and I in the front. SD often took her foot and pulled down on the side of the seat belt so it clamped down and hurt me. At the time I was trying to 'win' SD over so I didn't say anything. And even if I had, DH have excused her behavior. I DID finally manage to garb her foot and twist. LOL

SD is very big. When she had her meltdown she came at me with her finger in my face and I honestly thought she was going to hit me but she never touched me. I have found that I will fight rather than flee, and I fight dirty. Maybe she knew this.

SugarSpice's picture

when adult sd started raging at me and threatening me, dh was a coward who went into another room.

a well targeted comment from me did its work and she never threatened me again. its a shame her father was such a worm that i was forced to defend myself.

sandye21's picture

I agree - I have had to defend myself often because DH was such a coward. I do not go around looking for a fight but will take up for myself if necessary. We finally agreed I would defend myself but he would not say a word when I did. It's kind of nice to know that your DH will defend you or at least have your back if you honestly need. I love DH but do not respect this part about him.

SugarSpice's picture

i could not have said this better. that goodnes the skids have all moved out of the house.

i have disengaged to the point where i no longer offer good advice to the skids be it for cooking recipes or their health. i stand back and let them make a mess of their lives and say nothing.

enuf's picture

When my stepson would get to the point of raging and who knows what, my ex would sense it try to defuse it by offering his ds a vacation to visit his mother in florida. If you can believe it or not his ds is more attached to his his dm than this df, or offer him money anything to direct his attention to any other place than me. Nothing like rewarding negative behavior with positive rewards.