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Are there any in person get togethers anyone is aware of?

momjkm's picture

Just curious. Like a support group? So many issues that need support.

sandye21's picture

Wouldn't that be great? It sure would be great to talk to someone who has had similar experiences to mine, know why I disengaged, would not judge me, and would not repeat as one lady put it the other day, "You came between SD and DH."

amgor863's picture

I'd also be interested in an in person meet up. Very few people fully comprehend our situation. It would be great to meet with those who understand.

SacrificialLamb's picture

Well, my hometown is on there but not where I live now. Hey! OSD's town is on there! Maybe I should send it to her. }:) Might be good for her to figure out why she thinks daddy is her possession when she is in her 40's with her own family.

still learning's picture

Meetups at the line in the pharmacy where all the SM's are refilling their prescriptions for Zoloft Wink

notasm3's picture

On another forum I met up with several women, and we became close friends almost a decade ago. We referred to our first meet up as the "ax murders convention" and did it in a public place.

momjkm's picture

Feel like a have a band of sisters/brothers on here }:) So comforting to connect with people who get it. I went to a support group for my first divorce. There were monthly dinners. It was a total life saver. I am still feeling like I am in a fog over this whole skid thing. Oops- I mean that I married a guy that didn't bother to tell me blood was thicker than water until I moved an hour from where I lived because I thought it was the right thing to do. He has set the tone that unless you kiss his kids/their wives asses- you are a troublemaker. I will stick with my dignity as a troublemaker then. Maybe I can initiate a local support group on my own.