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Advice please

lynnpedal's picture

While working full-time and working on my master’s degree, I had too much homework and couldn’t make it to my fiance’s parents’ house for dinner one weekday evening because I had to be at work at 7am and had several assignments due that evening before I went to bed. Having dinner at his parent’s house wasn’t realistic and if I did it would mean that I wouldn’t have time to do my homework and get it turned in that night. When I told him this, instead of being understanding and saying ok or even supportive and bringing me a plate afterwards knowing I would be up very late working on homework, he told me to fuck off, fuck you, get the fuck out!, and threw the phone across the kitchen right in front of me so it broke in tiny pieces. As he was screaming at the top of his lungs at me how I was being disrespectful to his parents by not attending dinner implying I was hurting his 80 year old parents, I was shaking and trembling inside and crying as I was trying to calm him down and help him understand that I had too much homework and had to be up early for work at 7am. He didn’t care and told me he didn’t give a fuck what I had to say. All he did was scream at me and make me feel horrible. He used the f-word on me over and over. The more I tried to calm him down the more he screamed and acted mean towards me. All I wanted was for him to understand and have peace. I had to exert so much energy into calming him down and making peace when all I wanted was to go home after a long day at work, take a hot bath and do my homework before going to bed. Instead, I had to cry and defend myself. He called me a bitch and all kinds of horrible names telling me how I was purposely trying to hurt his 80 year old parents. I realized over the duration of the next 17 years with him, that this is his bad/mean side that surfaces on an almost regular basis. I was stupid for staying with him, but I did because we got a puppy together whom I love as much as I love myself. This dog is my whole world. So, instead of going to my place and doing my homework, I went to his parent’s house instead with red swollen, squinting eyes from crying. He didn’t say anything to me but put on his “golden boy” narcistic act in front of his parents. During dinner, while his mom was trying to talk to me, I was fighting to hold my tears back and even excused myself a few times to go to the bathroom and let it out in there and wiped the tears. He acted cold as ice towards me during dinner but added just enough niceness to put on a golden boy act in front of his parents. For example, telling me, “do you want some butter with your bread baby?” I was so shook up from him screaming at me and telling me to fuck off and throwing things, all I wanted to do was crawl in a ball and cry. I kept thinking about my homework. I was taking graduate classes which were very difficult requiring me to spend a lot of time on the homework. I knew my entire evening and next day at work as going to be horrible not to mention the fear and worry of not getting my homework finished. I knew I wasn’t going to get any sleep and afraid I wasn’t going to make it to work on time. I was even more afraid and worried of how he was going to continue to treat me because I knew he was going to give me a silent treatment for a few days minimum which made me so sad and cry every-time. I had meetings to attend at work and his silent treatments destroyed me inside. I hate that I wasted my better years on him. I tried to see the good side of him but realize that he’s two people wrapped up in one. He’s nice to me which draws me in and then he turns into the cold mean man that breaks me emotionally.


During dinner he talked all about himself as he usually does going on and on about his stories and himself. His parents were and are so blind to who he really is. He will say that I deserve it though. When I tell him that he never treats his parents like that, he says that his parents don’t do anything to deserve that. After dinner, he put on coffee and proceeded to go on and on in the living room with his parents about old stories and talk all about himself as I sat there still trembling inside from earlier and the fear of what’s to come. Not once did he show any concern about my time and me getting home at a decent time to do my homework. He never mentioned it and his parents had no idea. It’s all about him every time. He is a narcissist who loves to go on and on and on about himself. He doesn’t have room to hear anyone else’s feelings and if he does it’s for a fake benefit of his own. He lacks real empathy towards other people. Whenever I talk about my stresses in life or worries, he says “you poor victim” and always calls me a victim yet he can go on and on about his problems all day every day. If I even mention what’s going on in my life or my preferences or wants or feelings, there’s hell to pay because he turns on me. So, finally between 10:30pm and 11pm, after going on and on about himself and laughing with his parents, he said well we better be going. He still never mentioned my schedule or priorities. On the way home, he didn’t say a word to me. He didn’t speak to me for 3 days. By the time I got home it was after 11pm at which point I started my homework with a real difficult time focusing. I didn’t finish my homework till 5:30am and had to be up at 5:45am. I slept for 10 minutes and drove 45 minutes to work. I was shaky, lightheaded, my eyes were more swollen and I felt sick physically and emotionally. My eyes were so swollen, my cube mate at work asked me what was wrong with my eyes. I felt so ill physically and emotionally when I got to work, I had to call my boss and tell him I didn’t feel well and was going home. I used my vacation time for this and used my vacation time for every occasion that he treated me like this.


This wasn’t the first or last time. It’s been going on for years. He acts all nice to me and pulls me close but then suddenly turns on me in the coldest meanest way. After I left work that morning, I went home and cried myself to sleep. I kept waking up looking at my phone, but there was no text from him, which made me feel worse because he’s showed me over and over that my feelings are not important to him even though he says they are. About a week later, he acted all normal as if nothing ever happened. This is the cycle of our relationship. He loves me one day and acts like he hates my guts the very next. I don’t feel like I can fully trust him because every time I feel like I’m getting close and opening myself up, he turns on me and acts all cold and heartless.


To make matters completely worse, I met his now 36 year old daughter when she was 19 years old. She’s always been a rude stuck up snot to me. Whenever I’ve tried to make conversation with her she sticks her nose in the air and walks away ignoring me and my entire presence. When we were at a family gathering and the entire family was in the living room looking at photo albums, I sat on the end of the long couch next to her and tried to look at the photo album they were looking at and she instantly got up stamped her feet and marched into the other room. That’s how she’s treated me all these years as if I mean nothing and am not welcomed. I’ve spent many holidays at his parents in the bathroom crying because I have to deal with her rudeness towards me and hear the two of them giggle and him act all mesmerized by her.  


She’s been incredibly rude to me and every time I would go to him and tell him about it because it bothered and hurt me so much he turned on me into the mean cold person I described above. He would act like it’s my fault and as if I deserve her shitty treatment. He would then proceed with his usual coldness and long lonely silent treatments. While his daughter would treat me like shit and act this way towards me he totally kissed her ass calling her “babe” “baby” constantly rarely ever calling her by her name. To this day, he rarely calls her by her name. It’s always the same nicknames he calls me. She would get off on it and treat me like shit more so every time the three of us were together it’s like the two of them against me. It feels like I’m in a threesome where he’s married to her and I’m just his shameful mistress on the side.  


As the years went by, we could never discuss anything about the way she treats me. It wasn’t till after she moved to our state and moved back home because her failed plans of playing in LA crashed on her, other members in his family pointed out that she was also rude to them. It wasn’t until after other people in his family started to point out her rudeness that he mentioned to me that she used to treat him rudely too. So all those years I went to him crying that his daughter was rude to me, he stuck up for her and told me it’s probably me as if I deserved it when he knew the entire time that she was a little bitch. Once in a while he will mention that he thinks she has some of his ex-wife’s mental illness of borderline personality disorder and whatever other mental illness his ex was diagnosed after they became married. To this day, his daughter is 36 years old. She lives at home, has everything handed to her, takes more vacations then I’ve taken in my lifetime, and the two of them act like husband and wife. She will always be his wife and I don’t know what I am to him.


Prior to her moving back here, she was playing with her friends in another state living a fun life working in a coffee shop. Then she went to visit a friend in LA and loved how exciting LA was so when she came back she laid a guilt trip on him that she wanted to move to LA. Well, she didn’t have a job in LA so it wasn’t a good idea, but not in her case. She picked up and moved out of her state to her mother’s house in another state and called him daily telling him how awful it was living with her and in the shed in her backyard.  Poor baby. So eventually, he gave into her manipulation and helped her get an apartment in LA even though she had no job or any job lined up. Long story short, she spent 4 years or so in LA goofing off with her friend taking pictures and playing. Towards the end of her 4-year vacation in LA she was not making her car payments and was calling him to tell him how horrible it was that she had to uber all through LA. He was so worried I had to listen to him go on and on about it. I knew she was full of shit. I see right through her fakeness and manipulation, but he is infatuated by the sound of her voice. Sure enough she was full of shit because as she was telling him this and as they were threatening to take her car away, she was applying for a passport and booking her Mexico vacation. Before she moved back home, she took a nice long vacation in Mexico. After she moved back here, he gave her his truck and then when it had major issues she was later handed a vehicle that’s worth $15,000 to $20,000. She only had to pay $1,000 for it. She’s had and has everything handed to her and now she’s been living this club med life here for the past 4 years having everything laid out for her. She works a little $15-20/hour job, invests all her money and takes vacations. He continues to allow her to be a bitch to me and never stood up for me. He will continue to put her over me and never treat me as his priority. I feel so heartbroken and broken inside because of this threesome situation and the way he turns on me and becomes so hateful towards me. When she calls him, his voice gets real soft and he says, “Hey baby….” as if he’s talking to his lover. He leaves the room to talk in privacy. When I say who was that? He says, “my daughter.” He never refers to her by her name. It’s always “babe” “baby” or “my daughter” I just need some advice here. What does all of this sound like? I’ve been so stupid to put up with this for so long. By the way, I’ve been engaged to him for 11 years because he always makes excuses not to marry me. At this point, I don’t think I would want to marry someone who turns so mean towards me and who treats his adult daughter like his lover/wife.

JRI's picture

This man is a selfish, abusive person.  Take your dog and go.  Then, find counseling to understand why you've put up with this treatment so long.  The only good news here is that you arent married to this a$$hole.  Good luck.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Please leave this abusive relationship. Start by calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline and getting some advice.  800.799.SAFE (7233) Research the "cycle of violence," it will help you understand they dynamic you are living.

  I know you aren't married, are you entangled financially? If so, it might worth it to consult a family law attorney for some advice.

Find a therapist you are comfortable with and start therapy for yourself. It will help you find the strength to follow through on leaving him.

You deserve so much better!

hereiam's picture

At this point, I don’t think I would want to marry someone who turns so mean towards me

Marry him? Why would you even stay with him? He tells you to get the f*ck out? Please, get the f*ck out.

ndc's picture

I'd leave.  You've put up with enough abuse - love and respect yourself enough to put an end to it.

Findthemiddle's picture

The advice is obvious- work up your courage and self esteem and get the hell out of that relationship.  It will never be good for you.  Sixteen years is an awfully long time to "date."   At this point, you have to start taking a very hard look at why you would subject yourself to such reprehensible treatment.  Go.

ImFreeAtLast's picture

It's just a matter of time before this abusive bastard makes the bones in your face shatter into thousands of pieces.

You need to call the police on him.

Winterglow's picture

"Instead, I had to cry and defend myself."

Wrong. That was the point where you should have left and not looked back.


TheAccidentalSM's picture

Please take everyone's advice and leave this person and relationship.  Take the dog and get as far away from your STB exSO as possible.

He is abusive.

SacrificialLamb's picture

You've been engaged for 11 years because he makes excuses not to marry you? This isn't a step issue; it's an a$$hole issue.

amk154's picture

Get. Out. Now. Is this what you want your whole life to be like? Take the dog, and leave. Get an apartment, finish your schooling, and enjoy your life. Nobody deserves this. 

CLove's picture

Thats our advice. Please get out now!

MissTexas's picture

Take your sweet puppy and make your way to the door, and NEVER LOOK BACK.

This is beyond horrible and abusive. My heart hurts for you reading the bird's eye view of the scenario you provided. I'm sure there is so much more that you couldn't possibly include in a post.

You sound like a goal oriented, hard working lady. He sounds like the opposite. I don't know anything about his work ethic, but he has no problem providing for his mini-wife of a daughter, but you are always the odd man out.

So many of us have felt like "mistesses" in our own marriages/relationships.

I know it's tough as you've invested so much of yourself, love, energy, time on this person. It's been almost 2 DECADES and nothing is changing or getting any better for you. PLEASE, know it is NEVER TOO LATE TO GET OUT!

Take your sweet fur baby and make a plan to leave this ass behind.

Update us ASAP~I'll be thinking about you!

Olivia2020's picture

Sounds too similar to what I encountered and I left the faux marriage after 43 days after the rage started and things discussed prior to marriage disappeared into thin air. DaughterWife23 (in early 2020) was to live with us for a few months until he could drag her across the finish line of college with her 1.6 GPA. I know my dog was stressed out so leave for the sake of the dog and for yourself!

It's been almost 18 months since I escaped hell and have learned so much about myself and him since I broke free from that bubble of dysfunction. And during the divorce, to see the discovery documents of his financials and how much he lied to me as he was paying for a nice little lifestyle and vacations for his 'baby girl.' Find a great therapist and create your happiness and break free from this abuse. Life is so gooood on the other side of life after dealing with jerks like this. The daughter is just a bitch so there's no question where you stand with her so you won't miss her. Adios Ho!

He's also acting a fool because he feels threatened because you're trying to better your career with your Masters degree. I was finishing my Masters degree when I was dating the jerk and he would make snide comments. The jerk I left did the same thing but I wouldn't go with him to family dinners when I had homework and research to take care of...but then again I didn't live with him before the nuptials and he lived 3 hour car drive from me. When I did have to suffer through a holiday meal with those idiots, all narcs, I would bring up a subject that the very uncultured DaughterWife and her dadddeee knew nothing about...his Catholic Narc 82 yr old mother had a husband that took her traveling all over the world so I would talk to her about overseas travel and religion just to grate on the nerves of the DaughterWife and her daddeeee. Ha! My undergrad minor was in religious studies, haha!

Thank goodness you didn't end up marrying this fool. Hock the ring and set yourself free. A faux marriage that lasted 60 days on paper, took 4 months to finalize and cost me about $3K. Save your money and what's left of your sanity girl!

Kaylee's picture

This is a classic example of an abused, beaten down woman. On an intellectual level she knows that she shouldn't be in this relationship with this abuser.

However she's been abused for so long that she's an emotional wreck, stuck in this cycle of abuse and mistreatment.

I hope she can get help and get out.

This is a very sad story.

Harry Potter's picture

Leave. It may be difficult in the short run but it will be worth it in the long run. I would start making plans with your finances and look for other accommodation then leave and don't tell him where you're going. Block his number, change your number if you have to. Don't let him guilt you into staying.